Josh/GraDoN sigs

The smudging a little iffy, but I always sucked at smudging myself. But this looks 10 times better without the border
ok lets see how this is now

*edit* it will be up in a while photobucket is down and allyoucanupload doesent like my transparent png's :<


ok photobucket is running again yay
ok just some minor fixes needed on the "A" and some small other things and its done :>
^ thanks Di and Jeezy <3 <3

so now to some other art than sigs -_-
im making some bootscreens for a site called i did this about a year ago then stopped but im into it again
here some of my bootscreens ive uploaded:




im working on a MTM edition ut what pic should i use? O_O
ive also made one with just he MTM logo and one with just the hybrid soldier ill post more when i makem :)