Keep it Comin'


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Thank you for the negative feedback thingies. If it's not too much to ask, though, before you leave any high-and-mighty comments please use your ****ing spellcheck. I'll still think you're a moron but just not as much of a moron.

Also, please leave your initials or your name with it you meek ****ing cowards.

I just got my second one recently. At first I thought it was ghey but now it's amusing. Don't be shy.
Gallytuck said:
Thank you for the negative feedback thingies. If it's not too much to ask, though, before you leave any high-and-mighty comments please use your ****ing spellcheck. I'll still think you're a moron but just not as much of a moron.

Also, please leave your initials or your name with it you meek ****ing cowards.

I just got my second one recently. At first I thought it was ghey but now it's amusing. Don't be shy.
OMG! Why don't you just tie steak around your neck?:rolleyes:
I don't get the whole rep thing, myself. Anyone care to explain or point me in the direction to find out what it's about?
Well it is just basically "giving props" or in the case of negative rep..."taking props". Think of it as agreeing with someone or disagreeing with someone but showing it as opposed to just typing it down.

Sorry not good at explaining things but I am sure you get the gist of it. As of now it doesn't have any incentive but I hear in the future it will serve a bigger purpose.
Ah, ok. I've gotten three so far. Two good and one bad. I think I know who they are from, too. Seeing as how the spelling sucks...
Yeah, it doesn't really matter where you stand as a member, if a premium member thinks you made a cool, interesting, righteous, or outrageous post, they'll rep you on it.
Hamza123 said:
Yeah, it doesn't really matter where you stand as a member, if a premium member thinks you made a cool, interesting, righteous, or outrageous post, they'll rep you on it.

To tell the truth. I see it as one big joke ,some people will bitch about it. If you bitch about it ,you call attention to yourself. If I was not in the box right now ,I would bad rep everyone here for bringing it up and I still might. Do I care if you care? Why **** no I don't. Thats is the point ,if you care we will teach you not to. This is the internet ,get a ****ing life!
Gallytuck said:
Thank you for the negative feedback thingies. If it's not too much to ask, though, before you leave any high-and-mighty comments please use your ****ing spellcheck. I'll still think you're a moron but just not as much of a moron.

Also, please leave your initials or your name with it you meek ****ing cowards.

I just got my second one recently. At first I thought it was ghey but now it's amusing. Don't be shy.
I'm sorry, I don't know you yet, you mean nothing to me.
sixes said:
To tell the truth. I see it as one big joke ,some people will bitch about it. If you bitch about it ,you call attention to yourself. If I was not in the box right now ,I would bad rep everyone here for bringing it up and I still might. Do I care if you care? Why **** no I don't. Thats is the point ,if you care we will teach you not to. This is the internet ,get a ****ing life!

You ****ing loser. LMAO. You IM everyone you give bad rep to. It gives you a boner giving bad rep, and then you come up with that PC pile of dogshit you typed above?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I say again, you ****ing loser. Go paddle out a Sunset or Pipe and get smashed on the reef like the dweeb loser wannabe rocker you used to be before you got so old and brain-dead.
OH, that's right. This is Gallytuck's sympathy tripping thread. Sorry Gally. What the **** are you on right now?

Just keep posting. Or spend a week in the idiot box. I'll delete this camel turd of a thread, when I find the right button. ;)
Gallytuck said:
Thank you for the negative feedback thingies. If it's not too much to ask, though, before you leave any high-and-mighty comments please use your ****ing spellcheck. I'll still think you're a moron but just not as much of a moron.

Also, please leave your initials or your name with it you meek ****ing cowards.

I just got my second one recently. At first I thought it was ghey but now it's amusing. Don't be shy.

lol, dun worry about it man, even if you get negative feedback; if you're that concerned about it, at least they bothered their arse to actually give you a bad rep in the first place. Who wants to be King Turd of **** Mountain anyway? :D
eisanbt said:
You don't even have rep points as a regular member, besides who gives a ****?

Yeah, you're right up there in the rep points yourself. And regular member? Look, I'm killiing you on posts per day which pretty much means I'm already more regular than you.

I just figured rep points were granted to the regular arse-kissers and the like so they can brag about it to...well, make themselves feel better inside. Not having a reputation with a bunch of muppets isn't exactly something to cry over.
WullieTheRed said:
lol, dun worry about it man, even if you get negative feedback; if you're that concerned about it, at least they bothered their arse to actually give you a bad rep in the first place. Who wants to be King Turd of **** Mountain anyway? :D

Everyone missed the point of this post. I think that's some funny ****. But neither of the two who left me negative feedback left their names. Everyone's a big tough guy who doesn't give a **** about this forum because hey, suck it up, it's the internet. So, that being the case, leave your names with your comments. Nothing to worry about. I just like to know where it all comes from.
Hamza123 said:
Yeah, it doesn't really matter where you stand as a member, if a premium member thinks you made a cool, interesting, righteous, or outrageous post, they'll rep you on it.

Not likely to happen. But if they like what I write, send me cookies instead.
phreakwars said:
I'm sorry, I don't know you yet, you mean nothing to me.

Dude, you have a ****ing pro wrestler as your avatar and you've swiped his catchphrase in a way. I don't know how anyone could take you seriously.

Oooooohhhh NO! The idiot box. I can see your little minions in chat right now:

Sixes: lolololololololzzzz you put GT in the idiot box? lolololol he deserved it anyway
Phreakwars: Yeah, I'm pretty cool.
Sixes: I bet he's pissed off about that
Phreakwars: Who cares if he is? I'm e-cool and I care about nothing. I'm just that tough. Most people can't comprehend how important my mighty mod powers are and how special they make me feel inside
Sixes: So can I get out of the idiot box?
Phreakwars: No, I want you to keep mentioning that you're still in it so people will fear me because this forum is all things to everyone.
Sixes: Awww...but I promise I'll be good.
Phreakwars: No.

Yeah, this place is all about speaking your mind without fear of being banned. Wait, no, it's just another of thousands of boards with someone at the helm(or near it) who needs that special attention by the arse-kissing clod regulars.
Gallytuck said:
Dude, you have a ****ing pro wrestler as your avatar and you've swiped his catchphrase in a way. I don't know how anyone could take you seriously.

Oooooohhhh NO! The idiot box. I can see your little minions in chat right now:

Sixes: lolololololololzzzz you put GT in the idiot box? lolololol he deserved it anyway
Phreakwars: Yeah, I'm pretty cool.
Sixes: I bet he's pissed off about that
Phreakwars: Who cares if he is? I'm e-cool and I care about nothing. I'm just that tough. Most people can't comprehend how important my mighty mod powers are and how special they make me feel inside
Sixes: So can I get out of the idiot box?
Phreakwars: No, I want you to keep mentioning that you're still in it so people will fear me because this forum is all things to everyone.
Sixes: Awww...but I promise I'll be good.
Phreakwars: No.

Yeah, this place is all about speaking your mind without fear of being banned. Wait, no, it's just another of thousands of boards with someone at the helm(or near it) who needs that special attention by the arse-kissing clod regulars.

Gallytuck said:
Dude, you have a ****ing pro wrestler as your avatar and you've swiped his catchphrase in a way. I don't know how anyone could take you seriously.

Oooooohhhh NO! The idiot box. I can see your little minions in chat right now:

Sixes: lolololololololzzzz you put GT in the idiot box? lolololol he deserved it anyway
Phreakwars: Yeah, I'm pretty cool.
Sixes: I bet he's pissed off about that
Phreakwars: Who cares if he is? I'm e-cool and I care about nothing. I'm just that tough. Most people can't comprehend how important my mighty mod powers are and how special they make me feel inside
Sixes: So can I get out of the idiot box?
Phreakwars: No, I want you to keep mentioning that you're still in it so people will fear me because this forum is all things to everyone.
Sixes: Awww...but I promise I'll be good.
Phreakwars: No.

Yeah, this place is all about speaking your mind without fear of being banned. Wait, no, it's just another of thousands of boards with someone at the helm(or near it) who needs that special attention by the arse-kissing clod regulars.
Ahh yes, show me attention and bow to my great MODness... your catching on fast.
Ya know, I agree with Gally. You say you don't censor but just as soon as someone says something that the most popular members don't agree with, they are put in the box. I saw last night that some guy got boxed for calling someone fat. IF that is true, that's pathetic.

The other thing I've noticed is you all aren't much at giving new people a chance. There are some members from my site that are actually trying to give this place a chance. Why try to run them off? Don't you want new members with a fresh input on the stale **** that is rather mundane from the regular members here?
babiebec3 said:
Ya know, I agree with Gally. You say you don't censor but just as soon as someone says something that the most popular members don't agree with, they are put in the box. I saw last night that some guy got boxed for calling someone fat. IF that is true, that's pathetic.

The other thing I've noticed is you all aren't much at giving new people a chance. There are some members from my site that are actually trying to give this place a chance. Why try to run them off? Don't you want new members with a fresh input on the stale **** that is rather mundane from the regular members here?

(done in the tone of The Price Is Right):D

babiebec3 Come On Down...your the next contestant on Boxed by the MODS.