Keep it Comin'

babiebec3 said:
Ya know, I agree with Gally. You say you don't censor but just as soon as someone says something that the most popular members don't agree with, they are put in the box.
Would that be popular members or premium members ?? Surely you can't call sixes popular.. but he IS a premium.And even if we do put someone in the box, their words are not censored.

I saw last night that some guy got boxed for calling someone fat. IF that is true, that's pathetic.
Ahh, it's all in good fun. Check out THIS post.

The other thing I've noticed is you all aren't much at giving new people a chance.
You got that right, doubt we ever will.

There are some members from my site that are actually trying to give this place a chance. Why try to run them off?

Don't you want new members with a fresh input on the stale **** that is rather mundane from the regular members here?
Nope. We don't even give a **** if membership grows. Your thinking is totally illogical.
But anyways, to answer the REP question... have a look at this:


And now you know who gave you rep, happy now ??:rolleyes:
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builder said:
You ****ing loser. LMAO. You IM everyone you give bad rep to. It gives you a boner giving bad rep, and then you come up with that PC pile of dogshit you typed above?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I say again, you ****ing loser. Go paddle out a Sunset or Pipe and get smashed on the reef like the dweeb loser wannabe rocker you used to be before you got so old and brain-dead.

hahaha how does it feel baby!!! a rolling stone and stoned I am.:p
phreakwars said:
But anyways, to answer the REP question... have a look at this:


And now you know who gave you rep, happy now ??:rolleyes:
. there like a conseriatiibiyuwerioeowirp goning on man? hehe ..Looks like I did give someone good rep builder! ya ripper!!
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phreakwars said:
Ahh yes, show me attention and bow to my great MODness... your catching on fast.

What can I say? Call me the Penn and Teller of The Church of Modidity.

And yes, the word "modidity" was created by a "brutha".
Gallytuck said:
What can I say? Call me the Penn and Teller of The Church of Modidity.

And yes, the word "modidity" was created by a "brutha".

I don't like you should do what you've done and I'm not your brother no more and wouldn't want to be. - A Clockwork Orange
What's it going to be, eh? Is it going to be in and out of institutions like this? Well, more in and out for most of ya! Or are you going to attend to the Divine Word and realise the punishments that await unrepentant sinners in the next world as well as this? A lot of idiots you are, selling your own birthright for a saucer of cold porridge! The thrill of theft! Of violence! The urge to live easy! Well, I ask you what is it worth when we have undeniable truth - yes! Incontrovertible evidence that Hell exists! I know! I know my friends! I have been informed in visions that there is a place darker than any prison, hotter than any flame of human fire, where souls of unrepentant criminal sinners like yourselves...!

So with this I say. Please keep me in the idiot box forever. I like it here and the setting give me a better reason to think about what I post ,as I can't edit. Think about oh my brothers ,oh yes. I was cured alright!
babiebec3 said:
Don't you want new members with a fresh input on the stale **** that is rather mundane from the regular members here?
Getting back to that question a bit Bec, I think I should focus on this question and give you a brief synopsis of my mindset and how I like to push other moderators to behave. But first, I think it is important you kind of get a feeling of my mindset.

I'm an old school PC user, been computing since the days of the Apple //c, been on the internet since dial up connections and old school BBS systems were available in my area.

I come from the THEN regular chat rooms and message boards of mIRC and AOL. Back at a time when the people you talked with, were NEVER someone new, they were your regular chat friends and you accepted them for who they are. And, like true friends, you always told them like it is. That type of environment has all but vanished from the internet. Message boards were created for the exchange of information no matter what the topic. Unfortunately, somewhere in the world of the internet when message boards evolved, they became infested with rules and standards of so called admins and mods and people were banned for breaking the laws of the board.... Well here, I try to push for something different.. I ask for people to just express themselves, and nothing more.

Sure we got our silly little idiot box toy that we throw on people, but so ****ing what !!! It's just our way of flipping people a little ****. And if they are new and can't take us flipping them ****, then we don't want them around anyway.

This site likes to mislead you when you enter it.. we are NOT about debate on this site, we only say that because we know how to manipulate google. This site is more about the regular group of people who come to bullshit and bitch with each other. People like KVH, and Tonon, and MRIH, and fullauto, or AIG, or snafu, or CES, we are all friends and we say **** everyone else who cries that we make fun of them..

**** I flip cool_dude, and tizz, and sometimes Karen Carpenter **** all the time, but the reality is, I love bullshitting with them all the time, even sixes, who gets on my ****ing nerves, and if I didn't know any better I swear wants to like **** me or something.. I can tolerate his ****... I mean, what am I ... ****ing GOD or something ??? What kind of asshole am I to say to the annoying son of a bitch "THOU MUST LEAVE GF, I CAST UNTO YOU MY BAN"

I don't give a **** !!!

Not my problem. He is already a member, he paid his dues at the door, now OTHERS can put up with him. Don't like the guy... ****ing leave !!

See, from my perspective, I see him crying about posting on other FUN forums and I don't care. As I view EVERYBODY who complains. We fashion this site for nobody !!

Who are the MODS you ask ?? Just a bunch of arrogant *****s on the internet who don't take the **** serious, and just have fun being assholes to people..

What do we gain ??

Simple... people who take our **** and stick around usually become our regular friends and bitch Buddy's, those who leave are just considered visitors.. big ****ing whoop !!

But in the end, the regular members all have their regular GF chat buddies to bullshit with, and that is all we really want.

Your VERY welcome to stay here BEC, and ANYBODY ELSE, as I see you are on the site quite often.

This site is NOT for everybody, but it DOES become very addicting... in the end, were all about just having fun, don't like the way we do **** here.. then **** OFF !! But we hope to see you around again sometime... ALWAYS... no matter who you are !!
phreakwars said:
**** I flip cool_dude, and tizz, and sometimes Karen Carpenter **** all the time, but the reality is, I love bullshitting with them all the time, even sixes, who gets on my ****ing nerves, and if I didn't know any better I swear wants to like **** me or something.. I can tolerate his ****... I mean, what am I ... ****ing GOD or something ??? What kind of asshole am I to say to the annoying son of a bitch "THOU MUST LEAVE GF, I CAST UNTO YOU MY BAN"


I've been around sense those days myself. I have always been an outcast by almost every platform with rules sense Windows95. I've been on undernet and the spawning grounds of yahoo. These were places rules had no place or purpose.

I do want to **** you phreak! I want to **** with your head ,just enough to show you I don't take you serious either. I may not be as oldschool as you man. I am however ,everybit as anti-norm. I think thats why you will be making me a MOD soon. haha :rolleyes:

oh yeah ,puke rules..............................
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Phreak, I'm just saying that I think you all could gain a lot more really cool people that would stick around if you wouldn't give them such a hard time right from the get go.

Why should someone have to "put up with ****" from you all before they are seen as a "good member" or someone worthy of your time? I've been on the same sites as Hugo, Gally, PB, and Eddo for years and I KNOW they are all very intelligent people. I just think they've caught hell here and I don't see where they really deserved it. They can at least convey an coherent thought, unlike sixes.

Like I said, there are members from my site that are/were interested in coming to this site and hanging out but most of them think that unless you are willing to either pay or kiss ass, you just don't get a fair shake around here. Do you know how many times I've read where one of my members said that they are laying low and trying to ease their way in? How pathetic is that that people that WANT to be members here have to be afraid to participate?

I just think, at times, there's a major chip on the shoulder of this site.

There's a difference in being an ass and being an asshole. Can you distinguish the difference?

Hey, if you think it's "cool" to be an asshole then have at. I'm just speaking my mind.
Phreak I think we need a show of loyalty here man. These people are many ,and feel that people like me have bought friendship here. I say with all honesty before everyone who cares to read this. I will take a bann ,with no whinning or bitching. I will just leave ,having gave my money to this forum as a sponser ,nothing else! My IP will be banned and that will be that ,and I could give a **** less. The hippie forum has alot of good looking ass right now! :cool:
babiebec3 said:
Phreak, I'm just saying that I think you all could gain a lot more really cool people that would stick around if you wouldn't give them such a hard time right from the get go.

Why should someone have to "put up with ****" from you all before they are seen as a "good member" or someone worthy of your time? I've been on the same sites as Hugo, Gally, PB, and Eddo for years and I KNOW they are all very intelligent people. I just think they've caught hell here and I don't see where they really deserved it. They can at least convey an coherent thought, unlike sixes.

Like I said, there are members from my site that are/were interested in coming to this site and hanging out but most of them think that unless you are willing to either pay or kiss ass, you just don't get a fair shake around here. Do you know how many times I've read where one of my members said that they are laying low and trying to ease their way in? How pathetic is that that people that WANT to be members here have to be afraid to participate?

I just think, at times, there's a major chip on the shoulder of this site.

There's a difference in being an ass and being an asshole. Can you distinguish the difference?

Hey, if you think it's "cool" to be an asshole then have at. I'm just speaking my mind.
Major chip ?? Your god damn right. It is the ONLY way, and it works best for THIS particular site... WHY ?? Simple, look at the ****ing name !! What kind of people do you suppose that draws ??

90% of the time, it is people who are confused about the world. Hence, the very low "SURVIVAL RATE" for new members.

Take yourself for instance... have I banned you.. have I said to you go away, you are not welcome here.. has anyone else who is allegedly in charge of this web site done so ?? Have I thrown some kind of ****ing wrath on you as a show of power and ****ing idiot boxxed you for speaking your mind in this post ?? From my end, all I, and anyone else has ever done is challenged your ideals, and yet for some reason, you are on this ****ing board day in and day out telling us how much you hate us, how ****ing unfair we are, how biased we are.. yet you still come..

Why ??

Make a couple of "ARGUEING BUDDIES" have you ??
This is the last thing I really want to say here. This woman you are talking with ,is about as anti-social as a redneck housewife shettled by her abusive lifestyle can be. She is a lost cause for the norm of adapting to new things. She does not understand ,because she does not know how. She has no control here ,therefore she fears what she does not understand. I feel sorry for her.

oh yeah ,and Puke Rules!:D
sixes said:
Phreak I think we need a show of loyalty here man. These people are many ,and feel that people like me have bought friendship here. I say with all honesty before everyone who cares to read this. I will take a bann ,with no whinning or bitching. I will just leave ,having gave my money to this forum as a sponser ,nothing else! My IP will be banned and that will be that ,and I could give a **** less. The hippie forum has alot of good looking ass right now! :cool:

Speaking of attention whoring...
Yah Sixes really takes the cake on attention Whoring.

From my experience I've only seen only people who make mindless comments or arguments with absolutely no backing get any hassle, perhaps especially new members but that fades within a few weeks. When I came on I didn't get guff from anyone really, it took awhile before pretty much anybody paid any attention to what I was saying (Still a bit of a problem :eek: ) but there was no effort to drive me away as I usually avoid being a dipshit. I've really not seen any reasonable new member get a really hard time from anyone but a particular enemy perhaps, but they stick with you thought-out your time here.

In short, if you come in here and contribute nothing but **** then its going to be flung back with thrice the strength.
sixes said:
This is the last thing I really want to say here. This woman you are talking with ,is about as anti-social as a redneck housewife shettled by her abusive lifestyle can be. She is a lost cause for the norm of adapting to new things. She does not understand ,because she does not know how. She has no control here ,therefore she fears what she does not understand. I feel sorry for her.

oh yeah ,and Puke Rules!:D

What is wrong with this guy and why do the let him keep posting?