Keep it Comin'

Phreak, you have boxed me for saying **** about you before. You know you have. And it was nothing more then a power trip. So get off your ****ing soap box.

I don't hang around here just to bash this site or the members, except for the brain dead sixes but I just do that for entertainment purposes. I open your site, along with others that I go to and when I see something that I feel like commenting to, I do. Plain and simple.
eisanbt said:
Yah Sixes really takes the cake on attention Whoring.

From my experience I've only seen only people who make mindless comments or arguments with absolutely no backing get any hassle, perhaps especially new members but that fades within a few weeks. When I came on I didn't get guff from anyone really, it took awhile before pretty much anybody paid any attention to what I was saying (Still a bit of a problem :eek: ) but there was no effort to drive me away as I usually avoid being a dipshit. I've really not seen any reasonable new member get a really hard time from anyone but a particular enemy perhaps, but they stick with you thought-out your time here.

In short, if you come in here and contribute nothing but **** then its going to be flung back with thrice the strength.
You don't say my name unless I tell you to bitch!
babiebec3 said:
Phreak, you have boxed me for saying **** about you before. You know you have. And it was nothing more then a power trip. So get off your ****ing soap box.

I don't hang around here just to bash this site or the members, except for the brain dead sixes but I just do that for entertainment purposes. I open your site, along with others that I go to and when I see something that I feel like commenting to, I do. Plain and simple.
Maybe he boxed you because he thought you forgot you have a box? ****ing dikes.........
babiebec3 said:
Phreak, you have boxed me for saying **** about you before. You know you have. And it was nothing more then a power trip. So get off your ****ing soap box.
No dumb ass, I said have I boxed you for speaking your mind in THIS ****ing post. Sure I boxed you at one point, just as I have boxed many others, just as all the other mods have.. those that understand that were just flipping them ****, usually stick around, the weak leave... it is a very good system. There are still a conciderable amount of people here who I don't particularly care for that I now ignore when it comes to "PICKING" on them, you for one, are one of them. Of course it is a ****ing power trip you nit wit.. But it is nothing personal. I still believe anyone who has a statement to make about ANY subject is free to do so. And I REALLY REALLY get sick of defending the principals we follow on the site. If there is ANY RULE to follow on GF, it is simply "DON'T THINK YOU ARE IMPORTANT" or we WILL knock you down..

It works for one simple reason... it FORCES people to know who they really are in the world. Maybe you need a few more lessons BEC.

I don't hang around here just to bash this site or the members, except for the brain dead sixes but I just do that for entertainment purposes. I open your site, along with others that I go to and when I see something that I feel like commenting to, I do. Plain and simple.
Yeah that would explain while you are on 25% of the day.. I have proof. # of GF members HANGING AROUND your site looking for something interesting to post on if they feel like it... 0..... unless you count those who were already jungle members.. Whine all you want BEC, your still ****ing here and nobody has told you to leave. But I can ALSO guarentee you, not EVERYBODY likes you here either.

But unlike you, we won't BAN you because we don't like you. We'll just call you a friend instead.

Maybe THAT is the problem you have dealing with... US flipping people ****, yet still accepting them. Maybe you have more to learn then you think Tonya.
babiebec3 said:
Phreak, I'm just saying that I think you all could gain a lot more really cool people that would stick around if you wouldn't give them such a hard time right from the get go.

Why should someone have to "put up with ****" from you all before they are seen as a "good member" or someone worthy of your time? I've been on the same sites as Hugo, Gally, PB, and Eddo for years and I KNOW they are all very intelligent people. I just think they've caught hell here and I don't see where they really deserved it. They can at least convey an coherent thought, unlike sixes.

Like I said, there are members from my site that are/were interested in coming to this site and hanging out but most of them think that unless you are willing to either pay or kiss ass, you just don't get a fair shake around here. Do you know how many times I've read where one of my members said that they are laying low and trying to ease their way in? How pathetic is that that people that WANT to be members here have to be afraid to participate?

I just think, at times, there's a major chip on the shoulder of this site.

There's a difference in being an ass and being an asshole. Can you distinguish the difference?

Hey, if you think it's "cool" to be an asshole then have at. I'm just speaking my mind.

I have to say that I think Phreak can be a ***** HOWEVER anyone who thinks Eddo, Hugo and Papabryant "are very intelligent people" is someone I don't really want to know...your thought process and general outlook on life is suspect to say the least...
Phreak is sort of like the black sheep of the family, you know the one I mean, when you bring home a friend to meet the family, you warn them about Phreak so they won't be too taken aback or put off completely when he starts doing his thing...
I still don't see why your here you really think that GF really needs your help improving itself?? You are pretty self absorbed if thats what your thinking.
I for one like it here just the way it is...I REALLY like it that Papabryant got smells cleaner now.
Lethalfind said:
I for one like it here just the way it is...I REALLY like it that Papabryant got smells cleaner now.


He is just in the idiot box permanently, or until he serves me with legal documents that charge me with something for putting him in the idiot box.. he did say "PROVE ME WRONG" Well, I say sure, no prob, prove to me you have a valid lawsuit by suing my ass. **** him and his ACLU adviser bullshit. Each day that ticks by without me being served is yet another day where I prove him wrong... I love winning, but I love being a dick even more !!

Oh, I would probably release him early if he got off his ****ing "holier then thou" trip, but I really don't see the "REV'RUN" allowing himself to be deprogrammed by the dogmatic Christian virus of righteousness.
phreakwars said:

He is just in the idiot box permanently, or until he serves me with legal documents that charge me with something for putting him in the idiot box.. he did say "PROVE ME WRONG" Well, I say sure, no prob, prove to me you have a valid lawsuit by suing my ass. **** him and his ACLU adviser bullshit. Each day that ticks by without me being served is yet another day where I prove him wrong... I love winning, but I love being a dick even more !!

Oh, I would probably release him early if he got off his ****ing "holier then thou" trip, but I really don't see the "REV'RUN" allowing himself to be deprogrammed by the dogmatic Christian virus of righteousness.

OH sorry...idiot box for life is good with me, either way he no longer is on here and I LIKE THAT...OH please don't let him out...I might consider sucking your **** the way Sixes does if you will leave him in the box...

I knew it would wind you up like a clock if I said he was shouldn't be so predictable Phreak.
Do you think I give a **** whether or not people like me here? Oh let me go cry in my pillow now.

I'm not trying to improve your site, It's called speaking my mind. Oh I forgot, you have to suck up to the right people before speaking your mind isn't considered whinning around here.

And LMMFAO at you telling me I have something to learn. I'm sure the hell not going to learn it here.
babiebec3 said:
Do you think I give a **** whether or not people like me here? Oh let me go cry in my pillow now.
Actually, yes, you do give a ****. You prove this by speaking out against the way things are ran here. What is it any of your business in the first place might I ask ?? Since you seem to want to complain about "CLIQUES" of members on this site, it tells me you are concerned with how YOU yourself are perceived. So yes, scoff at my accusation, but your own actions only reaffirm my beliefs.

I'm not trying to improve your site, It's called speaking my mind. Oh I forgot, you have to suck up to the right people before speaking your mind isn't considered whinning around here.
See, right there you just admitted what I had stated up above. Now lets get down and dirty here shall we, WHO exactally are these "RIGHT PEOPLE" one must associate with on this site to be accepted ??? I want specific names.

And LMMFAO at you telling me I have something to learn. I'm sure the hell not going to learn it here.
Maybe we have already been teaching you, but your too stupid to realize it yet .
babiebec3 said:
Do you think I give a **** whether or not people like me here? Oh let me go cry in my pillow now.

I'm not trying to improve your site, It's called speaking my mind. Oh I forgot, you have to suck up to the right people before speaking your mind isn't considered whinning around here.

And LMMFAO at you telling me I have something to learn. I'm sure the hell not going to learn it here.

Your statements beg the question...


We don't enjoy you, you don't enjoy us...seems like a pretty pointless action to me. I enjoy chatting with people like Sixes ALOT more then you and thats a real put down. Even Hugo has more to offer then you do because he doesn't gas on about what its like on another site...he takes his lumps like anyone else on here...If the grass is greener then please go and graze elsewhere (the cow metaphore was intentional).