legalizing marijuana


New member
Like I said, a problem in the large cities. We had drugs where I grew up, but no gangs. I grew up just outside of Atlanta. All of the gangs were in the city, not in the suburbs. There are drug deals that are not part of a gang. I would say the majority of drug dealers are not specifically linked to a certain gang. Gangs and gang territories are easier to avoid than druggies. If it is that big of a problem, perhaps a move is in order. I
Lower the price of a crackheads dope and he will be smoking it instead of working, so he will have to commit robberies anyway. With LSD, Heroin, Coke, and several other drugs it is not possible to lead a normal life. The drugs that cause hallucinations do so in everyone who takes them, not just a select few. Social Services does not take children away from mother simply because they are doing drugs. It is because it is impossible for them to function effectively as a mother while on drugs. It is this inability to function that leads to the discovery that the mother is on drugs, rather than the drugs leading to the assumption the mother can't function. We have enough ineffective leeches in society as it is. We do not need to create more.
No, that would be how we keep them from eliminating us.
Tori, you have completely missed the point...

hugo, if I may... (correct me if I'm wrong)

hugo's point is that the crackhead is going to be a crackhead regardless if his dope is legal or not, he is going to get it whether it is legal or not. He is not going to work if it is legal or not! Now, that being said, his dope is going to cost MUCH less being legal than illegal... now you can fill in the rest, tori.

My spin on this is keep all dope legal...

mandatory life sentences for non-violent crimes (theft, burglary, etc.)

mandatory death sentences for all violent crimes (roberry, extortion, murder)

This will satisify both toriallen and her kind as well as the peaceful dope addict who does nothing but get high and hide under his bed.



New member
My spin on this is keep all dope legal...mandatory life sentences for non-violent crimes (theft, burglary, etc.)

mandatory death sentences for all violent crimes (robbery, extortion, murder)

This will satisfy both toriallen and her kind as well as the peaceful dope addict who does nothing but get high and hide under his bed.
Exactly. The war on drugs is lost. Let it go! There won't be gang drug crimes if it were legal. Well except the burglary and as MRIH points out we have stiffer penalties for these crimes. The money we spend on Court fees, court appointed attorneys, incarceration and police we could be fighting drugs with education and rehabilitation.

Give it a try for ***'s sake.



New member
getting high is the best! and the government is stupid for not legalizing it.
Please, don't breed. Get your ovaries taken out as soon as possible. We don't need geniuses like you spewing your vaginal spawn all over the place and tainting an already rotting gene pool.



New member
My spin on this is keep all dope legal...mandatory life sentences for non-violent crimes (theft, burglary, etc.)

mandatory death sentences for all violent crimes (roberry, extortion, murder)

This will satisify both toriallen and her kind as well as the peaceful dope addict who does nothing but get high and hide under his bed.
I'm all for smoking a little pot now and again, under certain circumstances, having said that...who is going to support the peaceful dope addict while he is hiding under his bed??

I have heard enough stories as it is of people who have children who still live at home and smoke pot and do other drugs and the like. Are these same people to be given a free ride through life while they are high the entire time? I liked smoking pot, I would do it again if it were legal but its not something you can do all the time and work and make a living.

Anything that creates MORE dependent people for the US to take care of is a BAD idea in my book. Enough people are getting a free ride in this country, lets be careful about taking a step that would create more.



New member
I have some friends who smoke pot.

They all have jobs. They all take care of their responsibilites. The only difference between them and those who DON'T smoke is that, at the end of the day, they like to toke up a bit and relax. How is it different from you going home and having a glass of wine at the end of the day? 'Pot-smoker' is NOT synonymous with 'irresponsible loser'.



New member
I live in small town Kansas. Maybe 30,000. Drugs are not indicative of a gang, but they are a sign of. However, this is small town USA and one only needs to open their eyes to see the problems. Don't count on your local newspapers to report it, or the local TV stations. They are protecting the their image. I'm almost 90% sure you have a gang in your town and you just don't realize it. And where there is one, another has to come along and be better. Which is great that you don't. But I question who's being naive when not facing that gangs are in your neighborhood.. I don't believe in legalizing drugs. They just need to enforce the actual laws that are already in place. It's easy to get probation for a drug bust. Probation my ***, it doesn't do anything. Gangs are not an isolated incident.
I would say a town of 30,000 isn't too small to have a gang problem. It can't be stated clearly enough that not all druggies are in a gang. But over 99% of gang members are going drugs.
If you aren



New member
The Queen has spoken!

What makes you so sure the price of drugs would go down if leagalized?

How about all those people that try then get hooked on drugs for the mere fact they are illegal?

I await thou wisdom.



New member
Wrong. The war on drugs has isolated it. If drugs were legal the drug use would increase ten-fold. Gang crimes would stay the same.
How can you possibly know this? We haven't even tried it yet. No, we have no hold on any drugs what so ever. There just as popular and widely used as ever. But it's a very big part of the underworld. Take that away and you take the money out of the equation.



New member
Drugs in general are re-precautions of greed for the easy buck. And both sides make it. The drug dealer and the government.

Yes the government gets money to “fight the war”.

Pot was a way to be introduced to stronger drugs.


Well if I didn’t see that stupid movie of the guy trying to jump out a window after a joint I might have believe that harder drugs had a far more profound effect. **** the drug education in my day was a joke.

Put the drugs into perspective. Pot doesn’t hurt anybody!

If they get to the point were they can’t quit from reform, the crack head or the heroin addict will die!

Trust me one this one. I’ve seen it first hand.

The **** will fix itself!



New member
I know what the definition of gang is. I also know it's not pack of wanna be kids. I've seen the violence in my own home town and the town I live in now. If you haven't opened your eyes the violence that's around, that's not my ignorance. They are not found in larger cities exclusively.
Glad to hear you know what one is, but disturbing to hear that you would generalize your experiences to everyone. So, because I do not have gang violence in the po-dunk town I live in now, and did not experience it in my home town outside of Atlanta, I must be ignorant or blind, right? Because you have experienced it in all two of the places you have lived it must be everywhere



New member
The only reason you replied in this thread and questioned my post is because I questioned a post of yours in the Quirks thread. You had not read the rest of the thread before you made your reply, as it had nothing to do with the current conversation. You are transparent in the fact that you chose to argue with the one person on here that agrees with your views on the topics of the thread, but have failed to reply to, or argue with, those supporting something you claim to be so passionately against. You have made a pathetic attempt to recover by skimming the posts in the thread and claiming them to be of no value. I suggest in the future that you avoid embarrassing yourself in this way.


Someone thinks highly of themselves:eek: . I will not reply on the posts that are irrelovent. I don't have the time, like some people do.

I have my Master's in Pyschology, so if you want to discuss, let's do. However, I have the ablity to disagree with some one on a thread and agree with them on another thread. Adulthood is wonderful like that. You have made a pathetic attempt to think this is about something that it's not. I agree with you only on the fact that legalization of drugs is a disasterous idea. Everything else you have said pretty much reads like dribble. I'm honestly glad that you think I have lived in two towns to experienced what gang activity looks like. Not true.

I don't solely rely on stats as my basis of living either. I do rely on what I have experienced and what I know to be fact. I do rely on the proper analysis of my environment. It's easy to read a book in pyschology and say yes I agree with that. It's alot harder to look at the reality of what's going around you and say, man I wonder how to fix it. A degree means nothing with out real life experience in order to know how to process the learned information.



New member
A couple of kids and some guns can be called a gang.
It takes a bit more than that. Down where I am, a couple of kids with guns are called a hunting club. It is a mentality that makes a gang. They don



New member
I have some friends who smoke pot.They all have jobs. They all take care of their responsibilites. The only difference between them and those who DON'T smoke is that, at the end of the day, they like to toke up a bit and relax. How is it different from you going home and having a glass of wine at the end of the day? 'Pot-smoker' is NOT synonymous with 'irresponsible loser'.
I didn't clarify I guess, I know that not all people who smoke pot are irresponsible losers, I have a couple friends who smoke from time to time, who are very responsible, they are clearly not the problem.

The problem is the people with the addictive personalities who don't do it casually.

As for me, I rarely drink, I don't have a glass of anything every night. I have had the same bottle of vodka for a month now.

I don't see a real difference in drinking and smoking pot, other then the legal issues.

However I do know that adding one more substance that people can become addicted to might be a problem.



New member
Yeah, and it is really easy to buy a degree online these days, huh? You should take the knowledge you learn in books and apply it to your experience. Experience is nothing without the wisdom to learn from it. I can learn a lot from reading. I can learn about the effects of drugs without having to take them. I can learn about brain disorders without having one myself. I can also learn about things such as gangs and other socially deviant sub-cultures by reading the studies and accounts of other who have studied and lived it. You really should try to read more, and keep an open mind to the fact that not everyones experiences are the same as yours.

I wouldn't trust any thing anyone says on here as gosple. This is a site for GF, and **** stirring. So really what people say on here is 10% real and 90% inflation. Everyone is included in this. So what I spelled Master's wrong? I have 100 other things going on beside this board. I didn't get my degrees on line. All 8+ years. Yes perspective can be skewed. But I trust a therapist who has more years of experience in the real world than in the book world. I would hire some one with more experience than years of schooling.

Your right, not every one's experience is the same as mine. But where your wrong is my mind is very open to other people's experience. I'm also aware it's easy for people to shut their eyes to what they don't want to see, be it gangs, mental disorders, what have you. Those you can't really learn out of book, you have to learn from people's experience and perspective. I feel sorry for your "patients" if your looking straight from the books for the answers.



New member
I didn't clarify I guess, I know that not all people who smoke pot are irresponsible losers, I have a couple friends who smoke from time to time, who are very responsible, they are clearly not the problem.The problem is the people with the addictive personalities who don't do it casually.

As for me, I rarely drink, I don't have a glass of anything every night. I have had the same bottle of vodka for a month now.

I don't see a real difference in drinking and smoking pot, other then the legal issues.

However I do know that adding one more substance that people can become addicted to might be a problem.

I have to say, though, that I have seen more people develop problems with alcohol than with marijuana. Alcohol seems to be the more addictive substance of the two. Then again, I know more people who drink than smoke, most likely due to the legal issue. Regardless, neither substance is good for you when used too much.

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