Isn’t that how you feel about Muslims?
No, not really. That is a different topic, anyway.
When we start talking about rounding up and murdering all of the drug addicts, then you can compare this to the holocaust. Don’t be so dramatic.
So it was ok for the jews to be a "little oppressed" but you draw the line at wholesale slaughter. Everyone has their limits, I suppose.
Insurance was not my argument, it was Lethalfinds’, remember?
Then why did you jump in on her side? You took up her banner it a hot hurry!
Oh yes, the ever addictive little Debbie snakes…As far as I know food is still a necessity of life, and again it requires moderation to be considered healthy. Pot does not compare.
little Debbie snack cakes are not addictive? Ask that 400 lb. obese co-worker, or any other over-eater.little Debbie snack cakes are a neccessity of life? Well, maybe pot is too!
Every pothead I have ever known has been completely apathetic about work, school, and life in general. Anything that causes an idiot to ramble on about nothing, while believing they make perfect sense, is counter productive.
I smoke pot every day, and am nowise apathetic about work or family. I am not sure what rambling on about something you can't comprehend is exactly, but I do know that certain concepts are outside the intellectual capacity of some.
Common sense is one of those things you can't explain to someone who has none.
Common sense is not very common, is it. I am sure you can state many popular myths as true and infallible under the guise of common sense. I know many such popular myths that are actually false, yet people taut them as common sense.
1) Heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. Aristotle even had a formula for the rate of descent based on weight.
2) A bullet peircing the hull of a pressurized cabin of an in flight aircraft will cause the cabin to explode.
3) Pot is worse than alcohol and cigarettes.
There are always individuals in society who will follow the rules simply because they are there.
of course there are, tori... that doesn't nullify the oppressiveness of such laws.
They do not have the capability to judge something to be hazardous for themselves.
So, I guess YOU are going to be their nanny, the government has the right to force its oppressive will on people who Tori believes can't judge for themselves?
Adolescents are a good example of a group of individuals with the inability to judge the consequences of their actions.
1) Adolescents are smarter than you give them credit for.
2) Adolescents are already cover by a miriad of laws designed to protect them from themselves.
Parents will have a hard time telling their children not to do drugs because they are harmful if the government condones drug use.
So parents need a law saying it is not okay to chew with your mouth open, so it will be easier for them to teach their children? What about parents who teach that sodomy is wrong? Should we bring back the sodomy laws? How about the misegeny laws? Tori, I am surprised at some of your very thoughtless arguments.
Aren’t you the same person that wants to eradicate Islam? Don’t people have a right to worship what ever *** they choose? After all, religion is a personal choice that doesn’t affect anyone but that person.
Yes, I want to eradicate islam.
Yes, people have the right to
WORSHIP any way they see fit. (key word is worship, not join a gang of vile thugs whose charter is "strike the necks of the infidels until they either convert or are destroyed")