Liberals are helping to help win the war for the enemy

hugo said:
DU is no more harmful than lead. I can post a site documenting Santa's existance.

Well I can see your level of stupidity hasn't changed during my absence.

If its not harmful at all, then would you mind explaining how cancer rates among children have risen 250%? Or how extreme birth deformities have increased four-fold? Or how all in all, cancer rates over Southern Iraq have risen by a minimum of 100%?
Very interesting link, CW. The facts without the hype.

So long as DU does not catch fire, the dangers from it are slight.

In the case of DU, once a shell has struck its' target, it ignites and burns at temperatures of up to 10,000 degrees Centigrade. As it does so, it releases a plume of fine particles of U-238 oxides, some of which can be breathed in. These particles are very small and largely insoluble, and can be carried long distances by the wind. Soluble particles can also enter the food chain and water supply. Once present in these cycles, it is virtually impossible to remove them. With a half-life of 4,500 million years, these particles will still be present at the time of the death of the solar system.

Western governments have gone to enormous trouble to prevent the investigation of DU ammunition effects, and to lie, deceive, repress and downplay the risks.

Iraqi children aren't the only kids to cop the fallout of DU. DougsFamilyPage.html
snafu said:
Builder I used that one because you said all my info is from fox news. That was a lefty site CNN! Couldn't you tell? It also said 71% wouldn't not want to go in without a U.N. mandate. They got one. Then it said "it has a sound legal reason". Not " it sounds like it has a legal reason. Big differance!! Or do you know the differance? :rolleyes: You need to read the whole thing! Go back and maybe it will make some sense to you.

I was also showing you that even your government affirmed that Saddam was a threat to your country, it was a legal move and they needed to go along with America. **** I know war
builder said:
There was no threat to Australia. Now there is.

Your link was rightard rubbish. There was no legality to invading Iraq. Bush can keep rewriting the rule book as many times as he likes, while you let him.

Truth is, his whole cabal would be tried as war criminals if he didn't change the law to protect his buddies butts.

Every time you get shot down you say another stupid statement about Bush. That’s funny. It shows you don’t know what you’re talking about. Look around. Don’t always try to be defiant. If you’re wrong be a man and own up to it!
There were plenty of reasons that made it not only legal but the right thing to do.
We should just let Saddam go and settle in the land down under! There were no threats to Australia? Your government believed there was one. I guess we'll never know now that we stopped him. Or I guess you would rather have your own 9-11 before you want to do anything.
Indicate where and when I was wrong. Your beloved neocons keep shovelling ****, and you keep gobbling it up.

Australians were never in support of invading Iraq. 71 % against. The exact figures for the current US feeling against Bush and his neocon bullshit show. Saddam was a US puppet. Wait till that gets aired at his trial. Why is he being tried in Iraq? If Saddam was behind the 9/11 scenario, why not try him for that?

He's a patsy for the neocons, that's why. The fall guy. You are a clueless patriot. Your gov loves you. While you keep gobbling up their ****, they will always love you.

"Each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak. And it is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians. Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let man label you as they may. If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country - hold up your head! You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Mark Twain
Here's what your constitution was founded upon. Where are you at, right about now?

# All men have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property
# All power is vested in the people
# Government is established to benefit, not rule the people
# Leadership roles should not be hereditary
# Legislative and Executive Powers should be separate and distinct
# The principles of free elections
# Government can not suspend laws without the consent of the people
# The right to trial by jury and to confront witnesses
# There should be no cruel and unusual punishment
# Provisions to eliminate unlawful searches of persons or personal property
# Trial by jury is preferable and should be held sacred
# "Freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty"
# A well regulated militia is required to defend a free state
# People have a right to a uniform government
# Free government is preserved only by adherence to fundamental principles
# The freedom to practice religion according to personal reason and conviction.

I'll go through the list and give my opinion from one who is observing, rather than living in the US of A.

# All men have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property
All people do not have inherent rights to liberty. The patriot act saw that one ousted.

# All power is vested in the people
All power is vested in the senate, which is currently undergoing so many inquiries and court cases, it is clearly laughably corrupt and unstable.

# Government is established to benefit, not rule the people
The NWO is out to dispel this belief, for your own good, not theirs. LOL

# Leadership roles should not be hereditary
Bush 1 and the sequel? Yeah, right.

# Legislative and Executive Powers should be separate and distinct
Rushed in legislation post 9/11 tossed that one out the window.

# The principles of free elections
Free? They cost a motza and are clearly suspect, and controlled.

# Government can not suspend laws without the consent of the people
Too late. Shut the gate. The neocons do as they please.

# The right to trial by jury and to confront witnesses
Unless you are suspected of dissidence or treason. Off to guantanamo you go. No visitors, no legal reps, no justice, no trial.

# There should be no cruel and unusual punishment
Unless you are a resident of guantanamo. Or on death row.

# Provisions to eliminate unlawful searches of persons or personal property
What a crock of ****. CIA and FBI do whatever they want to do..

# Trial by jury is preferable and should be held sacred
Like OJ is innocent. Right.

# "Freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty"
You've got to be kidding me. Jewish press and partisan politics. Love it.
Thank **** for the web.

# A well regulated militia is required to defend a free state
Agreed. Defense is important. Illegal invasion is evil.

# People have a right to a uniform government
Pffft. Whatever they meant in that line is not the case today.

# Free government is preserved only by adherence to fundamental principles
The principals of government we are seeing today is funnelling public money into private hands. The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

# The freedom to practice religion according to personal reason and conviction
Unless you are Islamic.
snafu said:
OK back to my beef with bias American media. ****ing liberals would rather worry about there own agenda than to do what’s right. Don’t be bias, admit you were wrong about the war and admit Bush hasn’t done anything wrong with our foreign affairs.

You must be touched in the head >>>Wrong about the war !!! are you under a rock or do you have rocks in your head??
Bush sold evrything in relation to foreign affairs to Haliburton and Daddys Carlye Group
Oh sorry guess there nothing wrong about that it's just business.

**** thats funny:D Yea Bush thinks lets go to war so old Haliburton can make more millions!
snafu said:
**** thats funny:D Yea Bush thinks lets go to war so old Haliburton can make more millions!

Yeah, something right along those lines. Except Bush couldn't think himself out of a golf bag. Who do you think is really running this elite implosion of the US?