Linkin Park fans post thoughts and suggestions for the next album here!!!!

i reckon they should start makin proper albums an stop makin annoyin remixes or live cds
also i rckon that they shouldnt messs with the formula they've ot goin at the mo
I love live CD's! they rock!
but i really want some new songs,with new lyrics
No mash-ups
No remixes
just some new songs
They havent had a new CD with new songs in almost 2 years :(
they can save remixes and mash-ups for the new CD :D
Sygy said:
in the next album i would like to hear:
1 more screaming from chester
2 less rap
3 a song with amy lee singing on it
4 heavier guitar riffs
5 longer songs
6 more songs like bth

that would be the number 1 album of the year. Plus my dad would maybe listen to it if it had no rap.
I don't mind really, as long as there style doesn't change dramatically I'm perfectly fine and content........... but something I would like would be some more of the pretty Instrumental Songs Like "Sessions", and "Cure for The itch", I really like those, there pretty. I can't wait for more new songs to sing to lol. I also wouldn't mind more Remix CD's or mash-ups every once and a while.
well i think there shud be MORE screaming.. and MORE rapping.. just as long as there are great lyrics :) i also think that the sogns shud be a lot longer and a BIT heavier.
XrockinfreakX said:
ya the ampitheater that i went to i cant mosh anymore unless i want to go up to the grass place which is far away from the stage

were you by any chance at the shoreline amphitheater?

any way i think the should do more catchy stuff like the crawling demo.[Raindrops beat the rhytm on the pavement,
and drip from the blacktop to the basement,
traces of the rain, pervades this,
to erase your hate and take this,
from the fakeness]
(but then again i am kinda weird and like the demos that they did, almost more than the new songs)

some songs should be toned down and some turned up more so that when i turn up the volume i can blow out my eardrums.

no more collabs.
cause there's just to many of hthem and they do a slight collab on every tour they do. (for example they did one with snoop on the PR tour at the shoreline amp. on Sep. 5. [i know cuz I was there])

anyway. back the topic.

a possible club remix

and some remixes as bonus songs on the extra cd/dvd

and a booklet with all the lyrics like meteora.
i would like one (JUST ONE, NO MORE!!) Amy Lee colaboration. (THAT MEANS NO MORE COLABORATIONS!!! NO JAY-Z!!! NO MORE THAN ONE!!!! JUST ONE!!!)

(sorry, i am kinda mad because i think "Izzo In the end" really sucks!!! that song has nothing to be with the real song, in my opinion jay-z really spoiled it!!!!!!!)
i mean, evanescence is good and all..BUT NOT AS GOOD AS LP!
and i agree, with rusu and fs99, no more collaborations! lp is better by themselves
I agree with Rusu: No more collaborations. I mean, the other stuff was good and all, but I like LP on their own better. They should have more songs, and less rap. I like the instrumental songs, they should have more of those too :)