London was bombed today!!!

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phreakwars mentioned:
Personally, I think stating that the bomb used was an al Qaeda type bomb is a MISINFORMATION of PROPAGANDA caliber.

Even though I do not doubt it was more then likely al Qaeda, the presented evidence to the public, to me, is WEAK at best. Its only speculation

The same thoughts have been hanging at the back of my mind.

Conspiracies seem to be the order of the day, ATM.

If Osama was responsible, they would have timed it better. The bombs went off late.

If the Zionists were responsible, they timed it correctly.

If Osama is over his pneumonia, and plotting the end of the world again, he would have had more impact. Compared to the WTC, this "attack" was lame.

Perhaps the non-apologist liars that are leading the lame coalition against terror are feeling the public ire about their bullshit ****ing excuses, and decided to pre-empt again. Who ****ing knows?
Well, if you want to get into a conspiracy aspect of it, it seems to me all has been calm for too long. Its strange to me, that by all the articles I have read from the MID EAST perspective, they feel as if George Bush is LOSING support from AMERICA, it seems kind of STUPID to bomb an allied nation if support for a war on terrorism is dwindling down, as well as talk of an impeachment. Tony Blair is very hated by Englanders, so it seems to me the smartest strategy by an extremist would be to NOT rock the boat so to speak. But NOW, you can rest assured that all of England will be on a huge ****ing warpath and will reinforce there efforts and support for Blair and BUSH will climb.

But then, if you run a country like FDR would, you might just CAUSE a few deaths of some brits and the after effect is support for your WAR will rise...

Myself, I can't see al Queda being that stupid, but then again, you never know.
****. The **** we read could be fed to us.
That's what you're saying?

I don't doubt the plausibility of the postulation.

My post alluded. Your post pinpointed.

Many are saying that Israel is behind the ruse.

What say you?
Mad Dog said:
I'm not a yank. I'm a West Coaster. Yanks are from the midwest and East Coast. I was born in the mid west but raised in the wild west!

I'm still drunk by the way and my friends want me to pull an all nighter with them!

In OZ if you're not a yank, then you're a seppo. You've declined your yank status, so you're now a seppo. Which is a shortened version of septic tank. Meaning you are surely full of ****.

Would you prefer yank or seppo? No skin off my nose, either way, Mad dog. :) Your choice. ;)
builder said:
****. The **** we read could be fed to us.
That's what you're saying?

I don't doubt the plausibility of the postulation.

My post alluded. Your post pinpointed.

Many are saying that Israel is behind the ruse.

What say you?
And why not ?? Israel could have an agenda of its own with the united states to help it get a controlling interest in the middle east... Israel says, give us "MUSLIM DEMOCRATIC" control of the land and culture, and we will give you OIL... could very well be... And Israel says... hey we'll get some Extremists to DIE FOR ISLAM to cause panic...

Here's the thing people.. For being around MUSLIMS which were Somalian when I worked with them years ago, you could OBVIOUSLY see that they were offended by a lot of the blasphemous things we American Christian/Atheists do as a normal part of our everyday lives. They were VERY respectable to there women/wives and very disciplined in beliefs on sexuality and the way women are to be treated. And VERY devoted to God, more then the average Christian is, thats for damn sure. But then is that so damn bad ?

You won't EVER convince me that there religious beliefs are in ANYWAY other then peaceful in a normal world.Only because I worked with and saw with my own 2 eyes and heard from Muslim men themselves on there thoughts on American culture compared to there home land of Somalia. But then, these were Somalian Muslims. Just like "AIG". In a different corner of the globe there are Different Muslim sects. Sunni, Shiite,Kurdish, and in each sect there is a slightly different interpretation of the Qur'an, now correct me if I am wrong here "AIG" but this is what separates some Muslim/Islamics into a category of EXTREMISTS, who interpret the Qur'an in a radical way that most other Muslims denounce.

It is my belief that the radical Muslim WANTS to draw in support by making Our cultures HATE MUSLIMS and not just them.

What happens in this irrational chain effect, is we start to kill MUSLIMS and not just extremist. I say MRIH and cybacaT, you BOTH need to realize, and I'm kinda thinking MRIH already does to a certain extent, that Islam is NOT the enemy, those who desecrate there own beliefs of the words of Mohammad and the alleged words of God, are the real enemies.

And again, this is why I feel, to eradicate the Taliban (remember them) and extremist ideal, MUSLIMS need to push the charge and stand up for there religion by protecting it from being destroyed by doing what the books says they must do "EXTERMINATE THE EXTREMISTS" for crimes against the Qur'an.
I agree with you Phreak 100%....

especially with islam members need to rally together to separate themselves from these extremists. In christianity its easy to separate from them because they adopt different names for different factions. And I remember reading in one of AIG's posts that Muslims do separate themselves by their "higher upps" making public statements against these extremists....yet tagging on "..well you deserved it" kind of comments....those comments need to end, if they dont some sort of war against all of islam may happen because they are giving validity to it...validity to both the extremists and validity toward peoples hatred to islam....

I also agree that this bombing thing seems shady to a "muslim" did it or not there seems to be an alterior motive about it....the timing was way off...
You guys are giving these guys too much credit.
These guys are low key thugs with no real supervision.
OBL is hiding in a cave and can
'Just like "AIG". In a different corner of the globe there are Different Muslim sects. Sunni, Shiite,Kurdish, and in each sect there is a slightly different interpretation of the Qur'an, now correct me if I am wrong here "AIG" but this is what separates some Muslim/Islamics into a category of EXTREMISTS, who interpret the Qur'an in a radical way that most other Muslims denounce.

It is my belief that the radical Muslim WANTS to draw in support by making Our cultures HATE MUSLIMS and not just them.

What happens in this irrational chain effect, is we start to kill MUSLIMS and not just extremist. I say MRIH and cybacaT, you BOTH need to realize, and I'm kinda thinking MRIH already does to a certain extent, that Islam is NOT the enemy, those who desecrate there own beliefs of the words of Mohammad and the alleged words of God, are the real enemies.

And again, this is why I feel, to eradicate the Taliban (remember them) and extremist ideal, MUSLIMS need to push the charge and stand up for there religion by protecting it from being destroyed by doing what the books says they must do "EXTERMINATE THE EXTREMISTS" for crimes against the Qur'an.'

You're right phreak,I know that there are some who call themselves muslims but misinterprete the teachings of the Qu'ran.
I doubt Cybacat or MRIH will ever understand this.The problem is that they don't have an open mind and they close their ears to any reasoning.

A true muslim would never say that innocent people ''deserved it''.The people who say this are messed up and I think they just think with the hate they feel for the west and the injustice done to their people.(eg Iraqis).
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