LP Fansites finally being punished

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Reflectionist said:
Yup. Might as well have 'em shut down all thre remixers' sites too, since it's illegal to remix songs that are copywritten. Right Mark?

Mark - You DO know that LP supports free music right?

At least their music is getting out.
But is the band losign money through those ways?
Reflectionist said:
Yup. Might as well have 'em shut down all thre remixers' sites too, since it's illegal to remix songs that are copywritten. Right Mark?

Mark - You DO know that LP supports free music right?

At least their music is getting out.
Linkin Park supports free music, but Warner Bros. doesnt :p
Before you go on attacking, these sites were being reported for piracy, not bootlegging. There's a clear division between the 2... The sites mentioned were offering downloads of audio and video that are commercially released.

I believe Mark was just saying that he really didn't care if bootlegs were hosted, and that these sites weren't being reported for that reason.

Okay? I didn't say anything about bootlegging. That was Fort Underground putting words into my mouth.

It doesn't really matter to me though, the only reason why thiis thread pissed me off is because Mark thinks he's got the right to police the internet. Like... a devil's advocate for Linkin Park.

They said they supported Free music. That should be enough for anyone. Even the god damned record company. If I get signed, and end up in this state, and Warner Brothers shuts down one of MY Fan's websites, i'm going to sue them. It isn't (or, shouldn't) be their decision what happens to my music.

Especially when I say otherwise.

It'd be my god damned music, no?
Reflectionist said:
Okay? I didn't say anything about bootlegging. That was Fort Underground putting words into my mouth.

It doesn't really matter to me though, the only reason why thiis thread pissed me off is because Mark thinks he's got the right to police the internet. Like... a devil's advocate for Linkin Park.

They said they supported Free music. That should be enough for anyone. Even the god damned record company. If I get signed, and end up in this state, and Warner Brothers shuts down one of MY Fan's websites, i'm going to sue them. It isn't (or, shouldn't) be their decision what happens to my music.

Especially when I say otherwise.

It'd be my god damned music, no?

Not only does he have the right to report these sites, we all do. As fans, we should all be reporting these sites who distribute unauthorized copies of CDs/DVDs that are supposed to be purchased.


It might be your music, but as soon as you sign that record deal... it might not be. Depends on the agreement signed. Labels usually own the copyright to any works done by a performer as well as the master recordings said works are produced from (unless the contract is for distribution only, then a 3rd party such as the artist, producer, etc. owns the rights to the recordings).

So... Mike can and has told us to 'download that ****'... Doesn't mean we're actually allowed to in the label's eyes.
and he doesnt mean the stuff you can buy most likely he means the stuff that costs buttloads on ebay
Hybrid Soldier said:
and he doesnt mean the stuff you can buy most likely he means the stuff that costs buttloads on ebay

The Hybrid Theory EP, I assume you mean?

That's the beauty of that one. WB holds no rights to it and cannot stop it's distribution because it was released independently prior to LP signing with WB. It's the same reason LP (or the LPU) cannot sell copies of it, but they can be given away as prizes for things such as the LPU's referral program.

Same goes for any recordings like that - any of the songs from the Xero tape, 2 track demo CD, 2 track demo tape, etc. - WB has no rights over and can be distributed freely, which is why I was able to offer the 'Demos' torrent on DIME and TTD.
No I'm completely against putting stuff online that you can actually go to the nearest CD outlet and buy.

I can't just go out and buy the Numb / Encore single. Or, go buy the music videos. Which means that LP wouldn't make money of them anyway. So what point does it have to shut the sites down that have THOSE?
Reflectionist said:
No I'm completely against putting stuff online that you can actually go to the nearest CD outlet and buy.

I can't just go out and buy the Numb / Encore single. Or, go buy the music videos. Which means that LP wouldn't make money of them anyway. So what point does it have to shut the sites down that have THOSE?

The music videos? I'm fine with any of them except the following:

Any Hybrid Theory video as they appear officially on Frat Party (includes the in studio video of Esaul).

The 3 Reanimation videos as they appear on the Reanimation DVD-A

Either version of Breaking the Habit (normal or Kimo Proudfoot) as they're available on the BTH DVD.

The Director's Cut of Faint, as it was released on Mark Romanek's DVD last year.

So, that leaves... FTI, SiB, Numb, Faint and Numb/Encore.

As far as not being able to find some items... It's hard to find some of them in stores; as a collector, I know this. Doesn't make it acceptable to download them, no matter the reason.
Reflectionist said:
No I'm completely against putting stuff online that you can actually go to the nearest CD outlet and buy.

I can't just go out and buy the Numb / Encore single. Or, go buy the music videos. Which means that LP wouldn't make money of them anyway. So what point does it have to shut the sites down that have THOSE?
you can get them on itunes
It's because of the bullshit that finds its way through your fingers.

Dude, I'm never gonna stop being your friend, but you've done some really silly ****.
I just think its kind of funny becuase when Rising Tide was first coming about Mark was upload or trying to get every song off the album and upload it on here.

Obviously its not good what these sites are doing, but do you seriously honest to God seriously think LP suffers from this? Lol the make millions anyway! I mean I used to go to Linkin Inside to get the ocasional song or two becuase my meteora CD broke and i used the site as a substitute. I mean it's hard to get the BTH dvd I saw it by chance same with the frat party, obviously i dont agree with hosting the dvd film itself but the videos shouldnt really matter.

I guess it all comes down to the fact that what the hell is the point of snitching? You act like Warner Brothers care and are going to give you a badge of honor for turing this dudes that they probably already know about in.

But yeah stop snitchin XD
Hahninator said:
Why does a thread I make always turn into multiple people attacking me EVERY SINGLE time?
well how about instead of praising yourself by making the thread, just know that you're doing something good, because none of this matters.. the thread doesn't mean anything.. it's your actions that mean something. i think the best way to hear something good about somebody is from somebody else, before they go on and tell me like they think they are some saint. if somebody else made a thread that said "hahninator did a good deed" then i don't think people would be attacking you. this might just be my modest personality talking over, idk.

just let it be known i give a lot of respect to you for doing what you did, incase i'm coming off as a total dick. :thumbsup:

i just feel that you might be a bit hypocritical when it comes to it. (this is an assumption)
I agree gift, however.

Hahninator would've had to actually done a good thing first.

And if you'd have read the thread, you'd see that hardly anyone is praising him anyway.
yeah that's true, he did a good thing in a legal/record company kind of way. but the music is for the fans, not for the record company's to keep away from the fans.

it's hard to say in the end if it's a good thing or a bad thing, i'm sticking with a bad thing :thumbsup: i'm all about the music, not the law

and i bet hahninator would have a different view on this if he wasn't a collector of LP and already had just about everthing

edit: i'm not going to hate him for it, or take anything from him though
I hate WBR as much as every one of you but I don't see why sites need to host materials you can buy in a store or online.
I personally agree with the law, and think the law si what ti is and shouldnt be changed, as with the mexican immigrant law, that si why I agree with mark on this one.
Hahninator said:
ok I guess in the future if Im going to do something I wont point it out
ok thats not really the total point i was trying to make before, to me one of the greatest feelings is when i help person 1 with something, or anything like that then person 1 hangs out with person 2, then i hang out with person 2 and they say something like "hey, i heard you helped person 1 by doing such and such" when you hear that i really seems like it meant a lot to the person if they relayed it on.

ok, that was confusing..

i think i was wrong before with what i said, i think it only works in real life lol.. not on a message board, so proceed with what you do. :thumbsup:

edit: i am way off topic
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