LP Fansites finally being punished

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and i bet hahninator would have a different view on this if he wasn't a collector of LP and already had just about everthing

I have just about everything. And I have a different view.

I'm also 4 years older than Mark too. Does that say anything to you?
jake they are illegal and dont need to be there so I was trying to get them removed >_< if you cant go to a store and get them, order them online. thats why we have ebay and online stores. im not sure if bootlegs are legal or not, but since I collect them I won't say anything about them. all the album stuff has to go though.
Reflectionist said:
I have just about everything. And I have a different view.

I'm also 4 years older than Mark too. Does that say anything to you?
i just typed out a big explination, then deleted it for i don't need to start an online fight with people i will never meet in my life lol, and just say that you might just have a bit of a more laid back personality. idk what it is with me and personalities but i'm pretty good at making a decent judgement on how people are by what they say and their actions.. idk how old mark is, but if you're 4 years older than him then we're probably pretty close in age, i'm 21 and have met a lot of people in life to spot the good ones lol

once again, way off topic, idk why i keep posting in this thread.
I'm 14 but I don't think age has anything to do with this topic. The point was I was telling people that fansites that host illegal materials are going to be punished for it lol.
azemkamikaze03 said:
I just think its kind of funny becuase when Rising Tide was first coming about Mark was upload or trying to get every song off the album and upload it on here.

Obviously its not good what these sites are doing, but do you seriously honest to God seriously think LP suffers from this? Lol the make millions anyway! I mean I used to go to Linkin Inside to get the ocasional song or two becuase my meteora CD broke and i used the site as a substitute. I mean it's hard to get the BTH dvd I saw it by chance same with the frat party, obviously i dont agree with hosting the dvd film itself but the videos shouldnt really matter.

I guess it all comes down to the fact that what the hell is the point of snitching? You act like Warner Brothers care and are going to give you a badge of honor for turing this dudes that they probably already know about in.

But yeah stop snitchin XD

I actually think you are wrong because no, I wasn't trying to upload tracks from the album to here. I was attempting to NOT listen to the tracks until 11.22, and lasted until about 11.18, when Vash, UM0 and I heard Kenji. Then I downloaded the rest from the MTV Leak rips and threw them on my iPod. I bought the album on 11.22, just like I said I would. I never tried uploading all the songs here. All I did was rip RTN, Petrified and Believe Me from the players months before the album came out and put them up for download here.

Don't put words in my mouth and don't tell me to stop snitching, because that's exactly what the **** I'm going to do :) Thanks
Hahninator said:
I actually think you are wrong because no, I wasn't trying to upload tracks from the album to here. I was attempting to NOT listen to the tracks until 11.22, and lasted until about 11.18, when Vash, UM0 and I heard Kenji. Then I downloaded the rest from the MTV Leak rips and threw them on my iPod. I bought the album on 11.22, just like I said I would. I never tried uploading all the songs here. All I did was rip RTN, Petrified and Believe Me from the players months before the album came out and put them up for download here.

Don't put words in my mouth and don't tell me to stop snitching, because that's exactly what the **** I'm going to do :) Thanks
you didnt try to, but you were going to, read the fort minor thread in other artists if you dont remember
Phort Mineur: theres a reason for that
Phort Mineur: there was nowhere for some people to buy it
Phort Mineur: and I was helping them out
Phort Mineur: I cant help it if WBR doesnt send records to every country
Hahninator said:
I actually think you are wrong because no, I wasn't trying to upload tracks from the album to here. I was attempting to NOT listen to the tracks until 11.22, and lasted until about 11.18, when Vash, UM0 and I heard Kenji. Then I downloaded the rest from the MTV Leak rips and threw them on my iPod. I bought the album on 11.22, just like I said I would. I never tried uploading all the songs here. All I did was rip RTN, Petrified and Believe Me from the players months before the album came out and put them up for download here.

Don't put words in my mouth and don't tell me to stop snitching, because that's exactly what the **** I'm going to do :) Thanks

I remember that day... Good times...
[/off topic]
That you should be 4 years maturer than him?

(which you arent)

Wow. That was... let's see, hope I don't lose count:

-Flaming (yes, so important i included it twice.)

It's kind of like pointing out the speck of sawdust in someone else's eye, while ignoring the log stuck in your own.

I'm not immature, I've been through more **** than you'll ever go through. **** that teaches lessons. Now, just because my experience has taught me that a stupid little band's forum means nothing to me doesn't make me immature.

It makes me occupied with more important things than worrying about you.

EDIT - took out the last paragraph. Too much for your virgin ears to handle.
i wanna add a lil somthing.
did u guys ever stop and realise that these guys arent actually making any money out of their site?
everything that is on the fan sites are FROM the fans to OTHER fans.
generally its for fans hu cannot afford a copy of the cd/dvd. just bcoz its down at ur local store doesnt mean u can jus pop in and take a copy. and lets not forget also WBR doesnt ship to every crevice of our world. these sites were havens for those hu cood not afford/reach the official gear.
sure its illegal, but it WAS aimed at those less fortunate than ourselves.does it really matter? do these sites run 50 million downloads every minute? its not possible, these arent run in high corporate buildings where every download gets them a buk fifty, these are run in homes or local stores for other fans.
i know its crap that these sites can run the official gear and ppl can just DOWNLOAD them, wen fans like ourselves have gone and bought them, buh just bcoz som ppl abuse charity doesnt mean we shut it down.

Hazi[LP]Tonz said:
i wanna add a lil somthing.
did u guys ever stop and realise that these guys arent actually making any money out of their site?
everything that is on the fan sites are FROM the fans to OTHER fans.
generally its for fans hu cannot afford a copy of the cd/dvd. just bcoz its down at ur local store doesnt mean u can jus pop in and take a copy. and lets not forget also WBR doesnt ship to every crevice of our world. these sites were havens for those hu cood not afford/reach the official gear.
sure its illegal, but it WAS aimed at those less fortunate than ourselves.does it really matter? do these sites run 50 million downloads every minute? its not possible, these arent run in high corporate buildings where every download gets them a buk fifty, these are run in homes or local stores for other fans.
i know its crap that these sites can run the official gear and ppl can just DOWNLOAD them, wen fans like ourselves have gone and bought them, buh just bcoz som ppl abuse charity doesnt mean we shut it down.


If u knew ANYTHING bout Business and ecconomics you would know that illegal downloads do people more bad then good. People who are ignorant think its a victimless crime.

+ its called online purchasing
Vash_the_Stampede said:
This is getting out of control.
I am closing the thread.

That'll solve tons of problems... -_-

Yeah, w/e, who cares, no one. You guys wanna punish them for what you find is un-just, but EVERYONE has traded illegal material under the table at one point another, so this is basicly just bogus. Everyone just wants to see punishment and push people's buttons.
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