LP rock or metal come here 2 have ur say..

alot of ppl think its metal and i dont think tha.. cuz theres only a lil bit of yelling in each lp song and its tuneful and understandable.. soo umm.. yer
I think metal is stuff like Slipknot. I don't really like Slipknot because I can't understand most of their songs. It's like they're just screaming gibberish. I like some of their songs though like Duality, Spit It Out, and Wait and Bleed cause I can understand the words.
yeah. linkin park is classified as nu-metal. korn is said to be the founder of the new genre. it takes elements from rap, techno, industrial, metal and rock.
FanSince1999 said:
metal. Rock doesn't exist anymore, elvis plesley, rock the beattles, guns n roses, that's dead. LP is nü metal, the new generation which convines rap and metal.

*looks for a guitar at home....sad he didnt find it*
o ok... :D
spike91232004 said:
Well it is a mixture of different Genres of Music so it is hard to Clasify.
i agree i cant make up my mind..all i know is that LP have the best sound i have heard for a long time
but in "step up" of hybrid theory ep in the lyrics it says "Rapping over rock doesn't make you a pioneer
Cause rock and hip hop have collaborated for years"
so it sound to me like they're saying they're rock..
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