LPF Baby Pictures 5.0

awww spike minoda thats the cutest picture..awwwwwww
*runs away with twi and u* <---to add to my collection i started with vero ^_^
hmm, does 9 years old count as a baby picture? lol, i'm 16 now.. ::sigh:: i have an old baseball card of me from when i was 9 XD, if you guys want i can scan it in and show yall.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW happy with my pain........you are so cuuute

Here's my lil sis, I'll try finding mine...someday, lol


  • Picture3 050.jpg
    Picture3 050.jpg
    644 KB · Views: 95
Its a picture of jomama holding a picture of her self... lol. You look cute and so does everyone else in here minus me and my freaky looking hair.
Minzara said:
This is me in my party days....


Man....those were the days... :p

(not a actually picture of me... )
these are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute....All pics of kids here are:)..I love kids....;)
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Yes. It's scary I know.
I said it before and I'll say it again: I LOOK(AM) STONED!

Caption on the bottom in the photo album: "I was framed" Pleads innocent victim of box assult
God I was an ugly baby