LPF I lied to you...

so was that whole shenanagan about ur gf a lie?
i wasnt really buying into u having sex with her

but u make a good 17 year old i bought it

A little bit of a lie. Not total, we were planning to have something small, nothing big just like...oral or something. Yeah I know "I am too young to be doing that, etc etc." So half/half sorry AGAIN for lying everyone, I really truly, deeply am sorry.
i understand why u hide your real age..

For me... the age doesnt matter at all...

What matters is your attitude..
and your attitude was very mature by telling us the truth!!!!
thats all taht i can say!!:D :D

(btw, to me u seemed like your older...;) )
Thanks for all the, Comments I suppose about my maturity! I try to act mature, just because people around my school are assholes. I only act immature once and awhile with my good friend Connor.
i understand......perfectly...
teh...im a professional liar..but then i still end up admitting my lies
dont mind me saying this,but i think its already a way of life for me
Yeah, lying is hard to not do now. I can't lie to my girlfriend though!!! It's such a pain in the ass, she does this damn puppy face...grrr.

Okay, sorry once more for lying
I thought you were only 14 or 15 myself and its no big deal that you lied about your age so quit apologizing for it already,lol. It is hard to get respect from people when you are in your early teens and it sucks that nobody will take you seriously. I am in my mid twenties and I can understand where you are coming from. Me, personally, I never cared wether or not I got respect. I have always did and said whatever I wanted no matter what, but for somepeople that isnt the best route to go and I dont suggest you take it either.