LPF Island.

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Shani and Hamid= <3<3<3<3<3<3<3* inffinity +1 *infinity again! ha! XD You both know you love it. heh, ok, I'm done..... this makes me feel like a little kid again... meh... Damnit Riss! STFU! hehehehehe (OMG, I actually giggled!)
In an attempt to prove he isn't a complete idiot, Hybrid decides to try to entertain the rest of the castaways by rapping, fogetting the fact that he is lacking music. Atfer he was finished, everyone was indeed laughing at him, and calling him an idiot, obviously his plan didn't work.

So, he again tries to talk to Marianne, which was difficult due to the fact that she couldn't stop laughing. So then he left and tried to Stenners who did the same, and then he decided to go to sleep.
However, much to Hybrid Soldiers dismay, one person was NOT uncontrollibly<sp?> laughing at him. He didn't now this girls name who was only politely claping at him for a job well-done. So, he decieded to go over to the girl with red hair and ask her name, "i'm greyfoxx" she replyed.

During the night, the 'castaways' had a horrible time trying to get some sleep. Stenners was tring to figure out what Greyfoxxs' answer to him asking her out could possibly be, Greyfoxx was trying to figure out what to do, Hybrid Soldier was coming out with a plan to make everyone feel better, and everone else was trying to figure out whom to make an alliance with.
****ing hell, i just wrote loads and then my damn pc crashed and i lost all of it *cries*

I'll write it again in a bit and edit.
Damn, this **** is wack. I thought as I looked into the sky. No honeys or anything. The only fun I had was getting Marriane to take off her shirt, but I mean that didn't even benifet me I did it for Hybrid's sake. I pulled out my cell phone. No signal. I looked both ways. No one. I pulled out the hieniken I got from Hybrid. How the hell did he sneak it? Is what puzzled me. I popped it open. "Hey there!" said a blond girl squinting. DAMNIT who the hell was bugging me now. "hi." I said coldly. The girl came and sat next to me. She picked up the sand and let it run through her fingers. "Do you know anyone on this Island?" she asked looking me. "Nah, I mean I talked to them, but I ain't to close to anyone...you?" I took a sip of the savory flavour. Oh yess, excelent. "Eh, nah me niether. Everyone here is so white." LMFAO! "Haha what do you mean?" I said wiping the beer from my face. "I don't know I prefer more gangsta things." I leaned back against the palm tree behind me. "So you come to me?" She luaghed, "Well you are wearing a do rag. Most rockers don't wear that." I grinned. "Heh." I looked at her and saw her staring at my beer. "Wan't some?" I said. She smiled and reached her hand out and took a sip. "Yeah, I do listen to rock. Well, just Linkin Park if that counts for anything. Heh." She handed the bottle back to me. "Are you serious? I love them!" she said with a sudden sense of excitement. "Cool cool." I said. "So are you going to try to win this thing?" She said cordially. "Yeah...I guess, I can't afford to go back home. I got people trying to kill me. Heh, but from the sounds of it this competition might kill me as well. Let alone that damn Shinoda Saver question." "Yo Azem!" I turned around with quick ease to see who'd call my name. "Fallow me!" UMO waved. I leaped up and ran after. But just as my legs began to kick I turned around. I tossed my heinieken to the girl. "It's on me! By the way whats your name?" She cuaght it and grinned, "Black angel."
**Okay, i forgot most of what I wrote, but meh**

“Ahh”, Black_Angel sighed, as she sipped some of Azem’s beer. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, being the only one who had acknowledged her presence on the Island so far. She wondered where they were going. Ah well, they were probably doing some guy stuff. It was then that she realised that she hadn’t eaten for almost 24 hours, so she decided to make her first public appearance in the camp.

“Ermm.. Well I don’t know if you guys have noticed yet, what with your strip poker and hapless flirting, but-“, she was cut short by someone running in front of her. It was a butt naked Misery, who was chasing after Stenners, who was holding a pair of boxers above his head (pink, with hearts, if anyone’s interested), declaring that they were to be the new camp flag. Poor guy, strip poker just wasn’t his game.

“We’ll have to be gathering food, there’s only so much food that you can stuff down your pants before you jump off a ship that’s about to explode”, BA explained.

“Oh yeah”, said Marianne, her stomach growling. “Oooo, look, there’s some pie over there!”, she said, excitedly, pointing to a steaming pile of about 15 mouth-watering pies.

“Hmm, don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that some pies just randomly appeared from nowhere in the middle of the beach?”, said BA.

“Who cares, I’m starved!”, said Greyfoxx, who was just about to get up when...


“ARGH!”, everyone screamed. The pies had exploded, sending masses of pie debris all over the contestants.

“Omigod, there’s like, pie in my hair!”, squealed Riss.

We were all beginning to wonder what it was with this ShinodaBear guy and pie.

“So yeah, food”, said BA, casually taking a gun from her pocket.

“Holy ****!”, said Allieking, “How the hell did you get through security with that thing?!”

“I have my ways, ones that I would not like to go into right now. I’m going to go kill us some lunch, if anyone wants to join me, feel free”, said BA.

“Haha, girls can’t kill dinner”, said Hybrid Soldier.

“Wanna bet”, she said, and disappeared into the jungle.
Once Misery had finally gotten his boxers back from Stenners, he met up with Hybrid Soldier, Allieking, and Black_Angel, who, for some reason, had pie all over them. Misery didn't bother asking what the hell happened, but he did notice Black_Angel take a gun from her pocket and run into the jungle.

'What's going on?' a curious Misery asked.

'We're hunting for food,' Hybrid Soldied replied. 'Want to join Allieking and I? We could use some help.'

'Definately, I'm starting to get hungry.' Misery, Allieking and Hybrid all ventured into the jungle. Hybrid Soldier had a makeshift spear that he had made out of a sharpened rock and a large stick, and a pocket knife which he gave to me. Allieking had a net. The three of them walked deep into the jungle, while talking about the game and discussing alliances, and who they thought were threats to the game. Of course, this was confidential between the three of them.

Meanwhile, back at camp, the rest of the group tried to make a fire. Azem used his lighter to light some dried out plants on fire which were found by Shadowed Heart. Greyfoxx and Vash were both supplying a steady flow of lumber to fuel the fire as they anxiously awaited the return of the hunters with some food.
As everyone sat around the pathetic thing they called a fire, the 11 contestants were growing weaker and hungrier by the moment.

"I'm going to find them," Marianne said. She got up and headed on down the beach.

After walking for a good 10 minutes through the jungle, she came to a pool surrounded by coconut trees.

"I must be seeing things," she said. Marianne walked off and came back, but it was still there. "Well I guess I'll try to get one of those coconuts. I've never had a coconut before." Using some conveniently placed rocks, she was easily able to pull 3 coconuts down, but took a hard fall from the near top of the palm tree.

She got up and to her surprise, there was misery, Hybird, BA, and allieking, all with a kill.

"Hey Marianne. I see you found some coconuts," said misery.

"Um...yeah. You guys heading back to camp?" Marianne asked.

"We were just wondering around. Getting to know the place. Not exactly planning on going back soon. I don't know if we have enough for everyone," replied Hybrid.

"Well, I'm going with you guys then," said Marianne.

"OK, come on." said allieking. They headed through the jungle, not knowing what lay ahead.
I saw misery, Hybird, BA, marianne, and allieking coming towards the fire with something in their hand. When I could make out what they were holding I gagged.

"What is that thing?" I asked with discuss.

"It our dinner!" Hybrid exclaimed with excitement that killed the "animal".

"I'm not eating that!" xxrockinfreakxx stated.

Acdcrules was tending to the fire when they all came over with their kill. "What do you want me to do with it?" She asked with confusion as they handed it over to her.

"Cook it please." Misery said, then stuck out his bottom lip and did the puppy dog face.

Acdcrules grabed the "animal" and started roasting it over the fire. When it was done nobody was willing to try the first bite. When all of the sudden Vash appears. He walks over to the fried "animal" and tears the leg off and starts gnawing on it. He leaves the fire and goes someplace, leaving everyone in awe.

Stenners went over and grabbed the other leg, as soon as he took one bite out of it he spit it on the ground. "This stuff tastes like wood!"

"mmmMMM...Fiber" Azk exclaimed with as smile on his face.
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