LPF's "Official Lonely Hearts Club"

I know you have, several times. Look up in the dictonary for unfaithful and your picture will be right next to the definition!

Haha can't believe I missed this one.

Just because I had oneeeee tiny little small miniscule unfaithful spell soooo doesn't make me an adjective!

Though it would be kinda cool... ^.^
Spam has everything to do with the Lonely Hearts Club!


The Lonely Hearts Club should revolve around SPAM!
looks like im gonna be here for awhile...

ahaha ur uncle loves that pull your finger thing...my uncle wont let me anywhere near his xbox!!!! gosh, im SO gonna do that, steal gos off kids inline for games lol
I thought that I'd found the right guy a couple of times; so far none of them have lasted more than 5 minutes :|

Ah well. I'm gonna wait for college to start... new college = fresh meat ^_^

well, I really hope you'r luckier than me, cause i'm on 3th grade at a College full of fressh meat... and nothing has happened with me!! :(