LPF's "Official Lonely Hearts Club"


I've never had a relationship. Funny thing is, i'm quite popular at school and have quite a few girls who are friends, but we're just friends, all the girls I end up talking to otherwise just arn't interested in anything.

17 years and not one girlfriend, even though all my friends around me are slowly starting to hook up leaving me behind, someone please explain why? I consider myself a nice enough guy. Evidently, nice guys finish last.

I have a friend who apparently just had his first relationship and he's 26. I'm not sure how accurate that information is, but it doesn't exactly surprise me. I wouldn't stress too much about being 17 and without a relationship up till this point, you've still got time before it gets sad. Also, if you're in high school I don't recommend a relationship in your last year. It ****ed mine up when she broke up with me 2 weeks before my final exams. Not cool.

diana -- Its awful to constantly see all those silly happy couples together, especially when the only people you have to bitch about how lonely you are, are them. I always feel guilty if I mention how lonely I am to one of them, because it seems like they suddenly feel guilty for being happy, and I don't want that.

Darknesslover -- Like I said before, if you're pissed at losing some freedoms with your girlfriend, its not worth you staying with her. You have to take the good with the bad for a relationship to work. If she's getting super clingy, it might be unhealthy, but I don't know so I won't comment further on that. Just don't come in here and whine about how much being with someone bothers you, as many of us would almost do anything for that kind of companionship. And thanks for your apology before.

I've never had a relationship. Funny thing is, i'm quite popular at school and have quite a few girls who are friends, but we're just friends, all the girls I end up talking to otherwise just arn't interested in anything.

17 years and not one girlfriend, even though all my friends around me are slowly starting to hook up leaving me behind, someone please explain why? I consider myself a nice enough guy. Evidently, nice guys finish last.
WOW!, really? well I know somebody who just got jooked up with a girl and his 20, so if u have no gf in 3 years then I will be amazed, and you said you were popular, so lucky you. :(
I haven't been in a real relationship for about 2 years. And for some reason, ever since my last relationship, I haven't really wanted to be in another relationship, its really weird. I've tried, but little things like holding hands and kisses...I just don't like it anymore, and I really don't know why.

See, I had been in love with this one guy for 5 years (we were/are in karate together). Then one day we were talking, one thing lead to another, and pretty soon he asked me out. For 5 months, I had had the greatest time of my entire life. Everything was so perfect, so beautiful. I obviously knew that I wouldn't be with him forever, but I didnt think it would end that fast. Out of the blue he admitted that he liked this one girl (and I had actually questioned him about that about month before he admitted it). And then he dumped me, and not even an hour later, the same day, he asks this girl out. I try to be friends with him still, and it sort of works out, until he started saying all this **** about me, like how I sucked at karate (and karate is like, my life), and how I'd never be good enough, and that everyone hated me. He told all my friends there that I was a liar, and not to believe anything I said. And he even made up all these rumours, one of them being that my dad raped me when I was little (which is NOT true; my dad is nicest guy ever). So he totally ****ed up my life. And now he's trying to talk to me again. Yet every single word he speaks to me is a lie. He "promised" me he wouldnt come back to karate after University was over, he said he wanted to be "happy and succeed", but he just lied about that.

Bah, sorry. I just needed to vent.
I'm not lucky, for god sake, I don't have any real friends. :(

Aw, aren't I your friend

Darknesslover -- Like I said before, if you're pissed at losing some freedoms with your girlfriend, its not worth you staying with her. You have to take the good with the bad for a relationship to work. If she's getting super clingy, it might be unhealthy, but I don't know so I won't comment further on that. Just don't come in here and whine about how much being with someone bothers you, as many of us would almost do anything for that kind of companionship. And thanks for your apology before.

Honestly, I am more clingy than her...

She ended it, beat me to the punch...She put it harshly, and the reason is ****ing stupid, I hate her, yeah I know ****ing Hypocrite right? I regret saying everything I said...
She ended it, beat me to the punch...She put it harshly, and the reason is ****ing stupid, I hate her, yeah I know ****ing Hypocrite right? I regret saying everything I said...

You're 14, you have many years ahead of you to find a really nice girl who will treat you right. I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 16, and it hasn't been until now that I realised how lonely it can be alone. I guess what I'm saying is, you shouldn't worry too much if she was a bitch about this. It will hurt for a while but in the end you'll feel much better for ending it.

Welcome to the club.
Sorry man, I was just trying to be relaxing...Really sorry
It's okay...I just wanted you to know that it doesn't feel good reading your words...

PTeddy said:
You're 14, you have many years ahead of you to find a really nice girl who will treat you right. I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 16, and it hasn't been until now that I realised how lonely it can be alone.
I 2nd that...
And I also got into my real 1st relationshit at 16, I think...or even 17...ah well...whatever...

LP_Soldier...omg, this so sucks! I feel sorry for you...I mean...that guy is appearantly the biggest bitch around! Hope it'll get better soon...
It's okay...I just wanted you to know that it doesn't feel good reading your words...

I 2nd that...
And I also got into my real 1st relationshit at 16, I think...or even 17...ah well...whatever...

LP_Soldier...omg, this so sucks! I feel sorry for you...I mean...that guy is appearantly the biggest bitch around! Hope it'll get better soon...

was that on purpose? bc if it was then that was hilarious!
so...we got 12 members already....

For myself...I haven't been in a relationship for almost 2 years now....

I don't know...I just never seem to find a nice girl.

Most of the time it's just a thing for a night or maybe 2...but not more.

I don't really feel the need for someone...

but it would still be nice to have a gf

I've never had a relationship. Funny thing is, i'm quite popular at school and have quite a few girls who are friends, but we're just friends, all the girls I end up talking to otherwise just arn't interested in anything.

17 years and not one girlfriend, even though all my friends around me are slowly starting to hook up leaving me behind, someone please explain why? I consider myself a nice enough guy. Evidently, nice guys finish last.

Im the same. But I dont really care much atm. I just want to get a decent education first.
Okay, that thingy about the guy I like is finally over...we talked yesterday and he likes some other girl..."so he knows how I feel...", lol...but yeah, I'm glad it's over...now I can move on... We're still buddies, though...I always want to be it like this...

Ah well...
Perhaps I'll also join:)
I'm generally speaking a lonely heart, but the truth is I never let anyone too close. Even close...
I had wonderful friends, mostly among the boys at school, but I haven't even kissed.
It was just excellent pure friendship.
I don't feel miserable for being a lonely heart.
I just feel safe and a little bit sad...
Perhaps I'll also join:)
I'm generally speaking a lonely heart, but the truth is I never let anyone too close. Even close...
I had wonderful friends, mostly among the boys at school, but I haven't even kissed.
It was just excellent pure friendship.
I don't feel miserable for being a lonely heart.
I just feel safe and a little bit sad...

i know exactly how u feeel..
although i've kissed a guy (just once in my life, and besides, we were like kids...14...)
Perhaps I'll also join:)
I'm generally speaking a lonely heart, but the truth is I never let anyone too close. Even close...
I had wonderful friends, mostly among the boys at school, but I haven't even kissed.
It was just excellent pure friendship.
I don't feel miserable for being a lonely heart.
I just feel safe and a little bit sad...

try kissing.....
ok ill join...though my hearts quite used to being lonely.......
i dont think i got real friends.........even my 'significant other'......