lpgirl's journal^__^

lmfao he went into ur fist, wat a pooffie!
*hugs* thxs for the congrats shah and fi and every1 who stop by my journalness(lol stealing "sir" vashes word)
yea dam kid, and thxs omg yay im a member on runescape now, i finish all the free 2 play quest a while ago and im on lvl 52 and i asked my mum if i could join as a member which is like $5 us and about $8-$9 aus and she said yea and i rang the no. (money would be add to phone bill) and they gave me a code i had to type in and since it was over the phone instead over credit cards(mum and dad dont have any) i payed $12 aus and so now i do that every month, and it make me a member, omfg rs members is soo hard, i feel like such a n00b, even tho im not..

omg i was watching rage today and there is this song ive heard on the radio and i kinda like it its called "imcompete" and OMFG i just found out who sings it "BACK STREET BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i was nooooooooo i feel so dirty, need to scrub self and i need to do it now, i cant belive i like 1 of there songs, i feel like ive betrade rock music, with there crappy boy bandish poofterishnesss!!!!!! *sits in corner scrubing self and rocking back and forth*
lol yes well i u'd be slow to if u didnt listen to that mainstream **** everyday, i only listen to it when i have no choice, and i not trying to be rude but i'd rather not be called girly cuz im far from a girly girly i dont wear skirt, make only sometime eyeliner but never the other stuff, i only wear jeans and cargos cuz they dont make me look as fat as skirts.... plz call me lpgirl or renzal, numbstuck thank you for stopping by :thumbsup:
i got bak ages ago from my friends house, qwe had a few drink, but we didnt get drunk or even tipsy, lol and when i came home, god this annoy friend of mine who u can only really stand 1 full day of her and well if u have more lets just say u go mad, well she stay over for 2 days *sigh* only becuz she wanted to go on my computer that y i havent been posting! i could even play rs while she was here, u wanna kno what she when on frikin petofile city *cough* www.coolbuddy.com/chat and she had after 5 hrs of that 4 friends who are "in love" with her *cough* fake her 22/f/uk, when shes frikin 11/f/bris, what a dumb ass and i like there all petofiles and she like nooo not my friend and im like suuureee wateva, anyways yestoday when to the moives with her and i had to pay for her i wasted $30, ($5.60 on bus, $10 on ****ing junk food that i didnt even want cuz i dont wanna get fatter *2 blocks of chocolate, to ****ing bags of chips*, 1 L drink of something which i didnt even drink $4 and $10 on the moives) GOD!! for that i could of bought a top and belt or something and we saw new batman moive it was oookkk but compaired to the tim burton 1s it sucked.. and to top it off the guy who played batman was fugly!! and to top it off i saw some fag from skool david and then he was in the same moive as us and he slowed down and still walking and goes "sup renai" with this wave thing and im like"hellloo" and as he walks away hes laughing *arhhhhh stupid ***** i swear every boy at my skool has something againsght(sp?) me!! today i got my braces chaged and i woke at 11am a half hr before i had to be there so i ran out the door as soon as i was dress to the bus and i hadnt wash my face so i had like yucky sick anyway on the ride back my bus driver was on his ****ing cell and talking and like he was all over the road and then as soon as he finish on the phone he was digging for gold in his DAM nose!!! then when i was walking down my street i step in dog **** and i was whereing my dcs, ewww now they smell like ****! arhh arhh arhh i going to play rs now and kill somebody
we had a frikin blackout! it when out at 8:20 and didnt comeback on till 8:50 it was on for a min then when out again till 9:40! yay funness darkness for over an hour!
$30? man, you got to be kidding! why didnt you say no. what a waste of green. i agree with you that the guy who played the new batman is so ugly. ooo, blackouts are fun, in a weird way, because they hardly happens, so when it does, its kinda fun.
i kno i could of bought better stuff ><; blackouts are oookkk cept when u where reading a book on serial killer and the blackout happen, lol
i really do love mash tatty, lol tonight for tea mum made to much tatty, so heehee i had heaps of it on my plate and didnt put any peas, pumkin or carrots.. justs heaps of tatty and chicken parmajana(sp?) snitchal(sp?), god i need to learn how to spell.. im in a fairly kinda meh kinda happy mood.. and i feel kinda hyper i need to run around and jump up and down, but i cant its 9pm =( and its dark outside, lol im a babi
i had a fully funni dream, ok in my dream the austrailan labour party was really dodgy and was lardering money and stuff and lathem die of a cocain overdose, i was just like standing on the side lines, it was funni as!
lol i think every1 love mash potato XD..! i downloaded a new firewall and its block me from going on msn, but it lets me on windows messenger? hmm... right-o! i HATE windows messenger, msn is sooooo much better! omg when it scaned my computer for threats it found and blocked, get this 6063!!!! omfg.. most of it must of been spy and ad ware.. my computer is runner much faster now! =)
lmfao when i woke up today, my alarm clock was at the end of my bed and when i turned it off i looked up at my pilliow and my cat ratness was on it but for a sec i thought it was a dancing babie, i was scared so i like jumped back real fast and fell off the bed and then i woke up more and worked out it was my cat.. lol yay yestoday was 1st day of skool!