lpgirl's journal^__^

oh lol i forgot to post my day yestoday um.. pretty boring cuz my friends were not at skool, only bianca was. so bec, kyle and hayley weren't at skool and 2nd class of the day there all in my eng class and well cuz they werent at skool i had no1 in eng and i was slightly shaking the whole class cuz i had no friends and david and a few other boy laugh at me there "hahaha renai has no friends hahahaha" yea so that was funness!! and in every other class i didnt have so many people who didnt like me in the class so it was oookkk.. and god richard caught my bus in the afternoon thank god no jake! lmfao he is such a scab, he had no money so he borrowed somebody from our skool who was caught our buses bus card(did that make sence, lol) and then when i was going to press the bell for my stop he pressed and then did the retarded laugh after he pressed it and as i got off, what a retard!

umm.. today i slept, and um... chatted with friends and played runescape and well thats all, lol
heck those boys renai. they are all just immature though some guys can be very nice. runescape was such a popular game in my class last year. all the boys and some girls were like "did you play runescape yesterday" ,"im the runescape champ" "no you aint, i am" and that kinda ****.
shahfire said:
heck those boys renai. they are all just immature though some guys can be very nice. runescape was such a popular game in my class last year. all the boys and some girls were like "did you play runescape yesterday" ,"im the runescape champ" "no you aint, i am" and that kinda ****.
we 99% of the boys in my grade are like that and the other 1% are my friends and are no the kind you'd date and lol what rs noobs there probly like lvl 10 and like asking for stuff, poor stupid rs noobs *shakes head* :D
omfg it soo funny at like 12 am and onward there is always ads for gay matchmaking and swingers, it so funny to watch!
hehehe today was funni me and my mum and dad last night watched the last 30mins of "i am sam" and me mum got teary

then we watched this AWESOME!!! moive called "american werewolf in paris" mum and dad said there is another 1 called "american werewolf in london" and now i wanna see that 1 as well..

umm.. today hmm.. me and my friends sat in a circle and said wats good and bad about everybody in our group, hm... i idint like it very much!

my "good" points as my friends called them - i am very funny and random, im a good listener, always there..

my "bad" points - i am a follower(wtf nooo i just get up and go with who ever is going any were), i poke people to get there attention even when there looking at me(so true) and im jump as the slightest touch(yes and no, bec punches hard and does it randomly so of course i jump, or when people poke me i jumps or scare me when i have head phones on, but god come on im a pariond person like when walkin to skool today i looked and stopped 10 times to make sure no1 was behide me or following or when im sleep i think people are going to kill me in my sleep with a knife in the back)

umm... i made any other sig today.. yea bout all
yea, god at the moment i have a dam headache ive had it for hours, but im so lazy to take something for it, i feel like getting up but meh ill deal with it
lol twi a maid,*pats on head* thankys twi and fifi, hm.. at the moment im eating chopped up mars and fry's turkish delight, mmmmmmmm........ yum! lol and 30mins ago i had a pie and salt and vingar chips, thats my junk food for the week:D