lpgirl's journal^__^

thats good that you expressed your feelings , because saying you tried to laugh it off makes you less morbid in a way

you said asphxiated =) *high 5*

i personally dont think seeing a shrink is the best idea if you dont have a problem, talking to someone you dont even know about a non existant problem
is only going to put the idea in your head that there is one

you know??
that was like really cool,
it wasnt hard to follow, but im just wondering,
how long did it take for you to type all that? lol!
that had alot of meaning, (respect points awarded!)
about five mins the convo took and i copied and pasted it

*high 5s back* yea i know god, there jusst ........ no dam word for it
LPGirl said:
about five mins the convo took and i copied and pasted it

*high 5s back* yea i know god, there jusst ........ no dam word for it

there is no word to discribe anything a person feels.
thats why its such a gift.
its a powerful thing,
hey, its been GREAT talking to you guys, but i gotta get to sleep. (plans tomorrow)
always great to meet new freinds,
hope to see you two tomorrow night!
omega said:
hey, its been GREAT talking to you guys, but i gotta get to sleep. (plans tomorrow)
its always great to meet new freinds,
i hope to see you tomorrow night.
good night, as for me i have to pluck my eyebrows, brb
lmfao today was classic, sci assignment was due and everyone who hadnt done it was freaking cuz about 20 in grade havent done and were going to the computer room at lunch.

i was the only1 in my group who had done it so i went with then, anyways in line richard, will and andus pushed in front and i had adus bag in my face and he was pushing me against a wall so i pushed him and said get out of my face so he took his bag off.

The teacher started walking down the corridoor so like richard fully jumped backwards into me, so the door could be opened, god i was a richard and wall sandwich and then my friend took my seat so i had to sit at the computer across from him.

anyways i just check my work and coloured it in and bees like are you colouring it and im yes bee im colouring it in and then richards like haha you have to colour it in, wtf he didnt even do it and was rushing to finish so he should just stfu..

my friends got it done and then we went to class, we wached 3 boring videos and got to go home.. hm.. richard caught my bus and luke this little year 9-er who is gay but doesnt know said bye renai and then richards like shut up faggot, omfg how mean of him..

anyways today was ok because my so called "friends" didnt try to what they call it "talking" me into going to the shrink god more like forcing me to go.. yestoday they were like yelling it at me and im like **** yous and walked off, heehee so i think they wont talking about it any more!