lpp's journal

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woodyloveslinkin said:
do u see the words "FBI PROFILER" on my shirt yet? i've gotta wait 8 ****ing yrs for those words to appear on me.

lol funny..

when i was younger my older brother and parents fought alot.
and my first best friend was misty she had the nerve to call one day and say i won't be talking to u in the halls because of new friends.
my second best friend ellie refuses to talk to me because i sent her a linkin park e card.

and i feel like i have to be strong for everyone in my family.

so i write everyday,i'm working on abook,writting poems.
and then i study website about eating disorders.
i play guitar,i took very little piano,.....i havetryed to play the trumpet but sucked. and i can't handle arugments,and i hate my life.
woodyloveslinkin said:
i hate people who say they hate their lives.

ur a kool person lpp...

(im repeating myself i know im getting old ^_^)

so do u understand now why i cut?
lpp said:
my second best friend ellie refuses to talk to me because i sent her a linkin park e card.

thats the only reason she broke off the friendship...!
emma said:
wot a crap friend...u deserev so much better

*hugs u*

she got mad about a lp ecard she may hate them but i was goof with her
thats jus stupid i joke wit my friends all the time and sumtimes i say mean things or sumthings related to that and they dont take it to heart
darklinkinpark said:
thats jus stupid i joke wit my friends all the time and sumtimes i say mean things or sumthings related to that and they dont take it to heart

i know maybe if she did found out about my cutting maybe she will be like plz don't just stop harming ur self and i would be like will i kinda blame u for it.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Aww.....I don't think she was a very good friend to dump you over LP. :(

i know .....i wonder how she would feel if she found out i was cutting
My friends would think I was killing myself. That's what my one friend though. None of them understanfd it. But still.......I would pissed like hell if my friend walked out on me because they didn't like Linkin Park. That's sooo ****ed up.
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
My friends would think I was killing myself. That's what my one friend though. None of them understanfd it. But still.......I would pissed like hell if my friend walked out on me because they didn't like Linkin Park. That's sooo ****ed up.

i know and i do kinda blame ellie and misty for most the reaseason on why i cut the other reseason is my emotions......and everything i have tought my self on how to deal with pain and so its really hard for me to unless everything i got held back
damn It I Hate What Is Going On


Jjjjjjjjuuuuuudgeeeee Meeeeee Fooooooooooorrrr

Myyyyyyyyyy Actions

*on Floor Crying*
stupidsoul1 said:
*wipes lpps tears and gives her a tissue*

who judged you???

i still think ur friends are weird.....i bite my friends when they annoy me and i say mean things but they dont take it to heart because they know i dont mean it....

ppl who are trying to change me ....

ok, one thing i love about u lpp.


ur always happy to come out with random comments.......not that i enjoy them or anything :p.........but you're really funny and really nice.

don't let negative **** pull you down.
woodyloveslinkin said:
ok, one thing i love about u lpp.


ur always happy to come out with random comments.......not that i enjoy them or anything :p.........but you're really funny and really nice.

don't let negative **** pull you down.

thnks woody..

i feel a little better now.
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