lpp's journal

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stupidsoul1 said:
good to see you laughing

the only reseason being is i just ****ed with your mind.

i really knew u weren't taking her side.

ahahhaai messed u up really good...

pancake lover
Um... I actually came in to offer hugs cause I'm in a good mood. But upon consideration I think I'll just stand back over here and wave, is that okay? Hehehe. I get this whole, 'Don't touch me' vibe, I'm not sure if maybe that's intentional or forsight on my part. Lets just say I'll presume it's better to be safe than sorry and offer the thought of a hug rather than risking actual physical contact and leave again, very, very quickly, okay?

*backs up and avoids making eye contact*

Wow, dramatic isn't it? Hehehe. I'm going now. Please don't come after me, I can't run as fast as I used to, hehehe. :rolleyes:
Tack said:
You know, you got quite the journal here, lpp. 17 pages. Wow!

...You ain't messing with my head are you? If you are, I totally understand. People like to do that to me.

no...i not
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Hi lpp =D Whats up?? I got pretty much lost after the ****ing with peoples minds part :)

nothing much...................

i have not eatin yet...

umm listening to linkin park...

umm bored out of my ****ing mind

and yea ...

how re u

pm me
hey lpp!!!

im posting like u wanted me to and i gonna just say hi cuz i dont no wot ur all tlking about...apart from eating...

i ate normalish today...no luch but i neva eat that so its no biggy

how r u?

emma said:
hey lpp!!!

im posting like u wanted me to and i gonna just say hi cuz i dont no wot ur all tlking about...apart from eating...

i ate normalish today...no luch but i neva eat that so its no biggy

how r u?

*going crazy*

but i'm doing good
my story about lpf.
when i first came here i thought hey this board is nicer then linkin-parkworld.com but i was mistaken i just not every linkinpark message board isn't as nice as i want it to be so i find i wasted my time meeting ppl i that i like as in sniper which i still do and i thought he would back me up and then it turned out he did so i'm not coming back for awhile....

have fun ppl.


-Linkin Park Psycho
Um, I was telling the truth. I dont blindly support people just because I like them. I beat the living **** out of my best friend once. I back up to truth and comfort people if they are upset with it. Not to mention, I dont want Majin to leave this forum. I cant contact him any other way.
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