LP's next cd doomed?


New member
i know its a long time till their next cd (if there is one) but i was thinking today... like we all know MTM got a negative rating on just about every review and many of the HC LP fans now hate the new lp. MTM had very good sales in its first week or two but we all know its because of the hype meteora got and i think MTM also had good promotion by the LPST and maby even warner. Now that MTM is out and ive spoken to many kids in my school who have heard it and their all saying "wtf happend to the old lp". cause eventhough most kids "dislike" LP, we all know what they do with headphones on at night :p

So with that said if lp releases a new album people will kinda know what to expect and their sales wont be that good cause like alot of people said LP lost that vibe they had that made them so much better and different than other bands. Also the fact that they took 4 years to release a new album killed the lp flames in alot of people....

or am i wrong? cause i cant see their next album doing very well, or it will have to be something awesome and the first single will have to take the world by storm, cause eventhough WID did good it wasent a smash hit like some of lp's otehr singles.

o well enough said

I think there next album will be better then Minutes To Midnight and will probably receive the same criticism as MTM but they wont go back to there old selfs of people would be like "wtf? is wrong with this band" but you never know with Linkin Park... :) That's all I can say.


New member
no they wont go back, but i just hope they use hahn more and do something amazing. MTM was very good but they ned to release a "HOLY **** AWESOME" album to get back on track IMO.


New member
I don't get it. They've been getting better and better with each CD. Meteora was better then Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight was better then Meteora. I wouldn't worry too much about sales anyway a lot of the people who hate it are die hard old fans who want them to play the same songs over and over again with slight different chord arrangements. So I'm not worried about their next album as I'm very pleased with the direction they're going in.


New member
Well...I think there's no use in guessing since we can't know what the next album is going to sound like and when it's gonna be released...but I think it won't be soon cuz of all that side projects they have and stuff...
Well...I think there's no use in guessing since we can't know what the next album is going to sound like and when it's gonna be released...but I think it won't be soon cuz of all that side projects they have and stuff...
Yeah your probably right :p Hopefully Mike will make a 2nd fort minor album haha :p But I think I'm dreaming... :(


New member
I don't get it. They've been getting better and better with each CD. Meteora was better then Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight was better then Meteora.
I disagree with that one. I think they've gotten worse as times gone on. They are still an amazing band, but none of their other albums have anything on HT.

I think Gradon's right about the album sales getting worse on the next album however. People know what LP sound like with their new style now, so they'll know what to expect. They might have opened the door to a new audience with their new sound, but they've closed it to a lot of the old hardcore fans who feel in love with their HT and Meteora sound.


Scotty B

New member
i still think they will have good sales even with the next album because like you said they have closed the door on alot of the HT and MET fans but have opened up to a new generation of fans but we will have to wait and see
i still think they will have good sales even with the next album because like you said they have closed the door on alot of the HT and MET fans but have opened up to a new generation of fans but we will have to wait and see
Yeah that's what I was thinking :) There's always gonna be fans leaving and fans coming... It's like a magic round about haha :lol: :p


New member
Yeah they have new fans now, and you never know with LP, maybe their next album is again completely different (i don't think so) but it could be possible, so i'm just gonna wait and see, i really don't know


New member
Yeah they have new fans now, and you never know with LP, maybe their next album is again completely different (i don't think so) but it could be possible, so i'm just gonna wait and see, i really don't know
we will know after the following 4 years:thumbsup:



New member
i think way more fans are gonna leave linkin park then get into them since if they never liked linkin park in the first place why would they want to buy an album they never liked in the earlier years IMO

crazy robster

New member
I'll tell you what. Fans may go, every change has risks... But have you thought about those who are going to come? I'm not talking about hardcore ones who love LP too much (like you and I GraDon and many others here) who buy their cds and always love them no matter what. I'm talking about people who maybe thought LP were just kids that screamed and jumped around and now will start appreciating the new style. Don't forget that there ARE people who think LP has matured considerably and find this really appealing. I don't think the fanbase will implode nor that the next cd will be doomed. I just think that the type of fans will change. One could say that now LP addresses even some people with a more...let's say..."sophisticated" taste in music??? Those will be the fans that will replace those that will go. Maybe... Just don't find it absurd that some people prefer MTM to the other 2 albums. I know I do... Why not others too?
I'll tell you what. Fans may go, every change has risks... But have you thought about those who are going to come? I'm not talking about hardcore ones who love LP too much (like you and I GraDon and many others here) who buy their cds and always love them no matter what. I'm talking about people who maybe thought LP were just kids that screamed and jumped around and now will start appreciating the new style. Don't forget that there ARE people who think LP has matured considerably and find this really appealing. I don't think the fanbase will implode nor that the next cd will be doomed. I just think that the type of fans will change. One could say that now LP addresses even some people with a more...let's say..."sophisticated" taste in music??? Those will be the fans that will replace those that will go. Maybe... Just don't find it absurd that some people prefer MTM to the other 2 albums. I know I do... Why not others too?
Yeah I agree with the above, Cuz that's what I reckon as well. ;) Good post!


New member
i agree with LPextreme.

they are the kinda guys who wont be dissapointed and if they dont like the feed back they got from MTM then they will definately do a follow up...i hope...hope above hope.

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