New member
i know its a long time till their next cd (if there is one) but i was thinking today... like we all know MTM got a negative rating on just about every review and many of the HC LP fans now hate the new lp. MTM had very good sales in its first week or two but we all know its because of the hype meteora got and i think MTM also had good promotion by the LPST and maby even warner. Now that MTM is out and ive spoken to many kids in my school who have heard it and their all saying "wtf happend to the old lp". cause eventhough most kids "dislike" LP, we all know what they do with headphones on at night
So with that said if lp releases a new album people will kinda know what to expect and their sales wont be that good cause like alot of people said LP lost that vibe they had that made them so much better and different than other bands. Also the fact that they took 4 years to release a new album killed the lp flames in alot of people....
or am i wrong? cause i cant see their next album doing very well, or it will have to be something awesome and the first single will have to take the world by storm, cause eventhough WID did good it wasent a smash hit like some of lp's otehr singles.
o well enough said
So with that said if lp releases a new album people will kinda know what to expect and their sales wont be that good cause like alot of people said LP lost that vibe they had that made them so much better and different than other bands. Also the fact that they took 4 years to release a new album killed the lp flames in alot of people....
or am i wrong? cause i cant see their next album doing very well, or it will have to be something awesome and the first single will have to take the world by storm, cause eventhough WID did good it wasent a smash hit like some of lp's otehr singles.
o well enough said