LP's next cd doomed?


New member
Yeah i heard some people (who weren't hardcore lp fans though) thought that lp broke up because they didn't hear from them so long
Plus the Fort Minor CD convinced even more people that it was true



New member
It sucks waiting...but I wouldn't be surprised if they took a long break after this touring. maybe they'll write another album on the tour though.


New member
Linkin Parks next album is anything but doomed. They lost a ******* shitload of fans from MTM but I'm sure that at least here in Australia they gained just as much.

And if they decide to changed their sound drastically again, although a lot of people will hate the idea of changing again, it will more then likely attract even more fans.

And if the small chance of them going back to their old style happens then a lot of old fans will come back, ultimately it would more then likely outsell MTM.

Linkin Parks next album is anything but doomed. They lost a ******* shitload of fans from MTM but I'm sure that at least here in Australia they gained just as much. And if they decide to changed their sound drastically again, although a lot of people will hate the idea of changing again, it will more then likely attract even more fans.

And if the small chance of them going back to their old style happens then a lot of old fans will come back, ultimately it would more then likely outsell MTM.
Yeah well MTM went Platinum which is good! :) But I know what you are saying, but I don't think they will ever go back to their old selfs. :)


New member
Yeah well MTM went Platinum which is good! :) But I know what you are saying, but I don't think they will ever go back to their old selfs. :)
Yeah, i agree, they've changed, small change to turn that back, wich they don't have to do IMO



New member
well i really hope they dont take more thab 2.5 years for their next album to be released...

they should end this touring next year, chester get his solo work going and tours then they take a break and then make a new album.



New member
Well I think that next CD will not be doomed. I think also that they will not go back to their old style, because in the interviews they have said that they got bored that old sound and wanted to try something new and so they did. I think that the next CD will be even better than MTM and I also believe that releasing new album will not take 4 years now.


New member
I also believe that releasing new album will not take 4 years now.
Yeah, I don´t really even wanna wait for 4 year for the next album to come :D

And simply no, the next CD won´t be doomed.



New member
You think Hybrid Theory and Meteora were critically acclaimed? No.

They still have a huge audience, and most people couldn't give a rats *** of what critics say. Plus, LP has gotten a lot of new fans with their new style..

You think Hybrid Theory and Meteora were critically acclaimed? No.
They still have a huge audience, and most people couldn't give a rats *** of what critics say. Plus, LP has gotten a lot of new fans with their new style..
And they will continue to get new fans and loose fans... just how it goes. :p


New member
I don't think their next album is doomed. At worst maybe sales will be slower but Linkin Park still has a a lot left in them.


New member
MTM is my favorite LP CD, even though I've only listened to three.

It's not doomed to me. I'm gonna hug it right when I get it.

But hopefully they won't use the 'F' word so much in it though. T-T



New member
chester says the F-word live?? :eek:

Yeah man, you need to get some bootlegs! Live in Texas at the end of One Step Closer Chester screams "************!" and in Wish (Live) on the LPU 4.0 when they are talking at the start, chester says "you are all ******* amazing man"

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