LP's next cd doomed?


New member
Thing is, they still have a huge audience. It's just a totally different audience. Which I guess is what they were going for, it just kinda sucks to kinda...leave the fans that they built up over two extraordinary CDs nearly 100% filled with good songs and then something in a direction that hardcore fans really don't like. But either way, I know my cousin, for example, likes this CD the most, but he's never really liked Linkin Park. He said they get too hard and he hates rap. I mean, that's disgusting how they can just go to a fanbase that's always criticized them. Meh, they'll do alright, I just won't buy their stuff.


New member
no offense but they're not in music to satisfy a specific group of people...

and they don't control who likes and who doesn't like their music, either

i still think they will have good sales even with the next album because like you said they have closed the door on alot of the HT and MET fans but have opened up to a new generation of fans but we will have to wait and see
WELL SAID!!!!!!!

I mean, LP went into a new style, right? so, old fans have gone, but new fans will came... i guess..



New member
What's the point of this thread? really,

who are we to say what the album is going to become in the near or further future.

I mean they changed cause they want a new sound,

why can't we just appreciate it their and leave it at that?

It'd be better off if we just wait and see.....

don't bother trying to argue with this not gonna reply anyway.

Their not doomed...and if they are than well you know what happens.



New member
What's the point of this thread? really,who are we to say what the album is going to become in the near or further future.

I mean they changed cause they want a new sound,

why can't we just appreciate it their and leave it at that?

It'd be better off if we just wait and see.....

don't bother trying to argue with this not gonna reply anyway.

Their not doomed...and if they are than well you know what happens.
i agree if we just wait then we can see what happens but until then we should just believe in LP



New member
The point of this thread is to DISCUSS. Which is the point of any forum. So discuss the topic at hand, or you don't have to.

I believe LP's next CD will be fine personally. The amount of fanbase they have already built up thus far cannot be entirely destroyed by one CD. Especially when just as many (if not more) fans like the CD compared to the fans that don't.

The point of this thread is to DISCUSS. Which is the point of any forum. So discuss the topic at hand, or you don't have to.
I believe LP's next CD will be fine personally. The amount of fanbase they have already built up thus far cannot be entirely destroyed by one CD. Especially when just as many (if not more) fans like the CD compared to the fans that don't.
Yeah I guess... Lets just hope we don't go into a big fight... Like other threads about DISCUSSING things.
But I'll always be an LP fan so I don't care what they release to be honest.



New member
LP makes quality music, and as they always put tonnes of work into their music. So I'm telling you, at this point of this career, with their well knownage and fanbase so large (and me lol), their CD sales are probably not going to drop like ****. :]


New member
LP makes quality music, and as they always put tonnes of work into their music. So I'm telling you, at this point of this career, with their well knownage and fanbase so large (and me lol), their CD sales are probably not going to drop like ****. :]
well said my friend

LP makes quality music - Agreed

And as they always put tonnes of work into their music. - Agreed

So I'm telling you, at this point of this career, with their well knownage and fanbase so large (and me lol), their CD sales are probably not going to drop like ****. :] - Agreed!


New member
LP makes quality music, and as they always put tonnes of work into their music. So I'm telling you, at this point of this career, with their well knownage and fanbase so large (and me lol), their CD sales are probably not going to drop like ****. :]
as long as they don't wait another 4 yrs for the next album:p



New member
Yeah I guess... Lets just hope we don't go into a big fight... Like other threads about DISCUSSING things.
But I'll always be an LP fan so I don't care what they release to be honest.
I always thought it was rather stupid on some people's part to close an entire thread that someone wanted to discuss in because a select few people can't control what they are doing, lol.

I don't think they'll take more than four years this time around. From a business standpoint, thats not an entirely wise idea.

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