LP's next cd doomed?


New member
lol thanks

the "while i kill myself" was done by me, replacing some filthy **** statement and a **** pic.

i guess this thread does continue since lp is making a new album and i wonder how MTM will affect the way people look at the new one, a lot of people said they dislike mtm but i think the new one will be different so it might turn interesting.

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New member
Josh today you made us all very proud! <3 That's what we need to see from a good moderator! A sense of security and power!
I second that! I don't get why some people feel the need to get that wound up over something in the grand scheme of life so trivial. I love music too but wow, some people need to take a step back and just... think. It seems commonsense is not as prevalent in society as it once was. Thank *** we have someone here (a few thank ***, but in this instance someone with some 'power') that has it at least.
And as for the new album I have to say I am intrigued. While M2M still wasn't their greatest it wasn't their worst. I'm optimistic.



New member
You all are kids, are you SERIOUS? MTM sucked, every track. I admit i do enjoy leave out all the rest. Its an OKAY song. What happened to qwerty? That song was awesome and they didnt add it. If i wanted to listen to a band that sounded like greenday nowadays, id listen to greenday. LP used to be unique and great! I forgot about them due to MTM, and today i popped reanimation into my car just for kicks and i instantly had a huge ******. I forgot how great it was. what the **** happened! I still remember buying HT back in 01' and having it melt in my sony cd player from constant playing. I highly doubt they will return to their old ways but if they did id be so glad. I think LP is just so commercialized now, mtv ruins everything. GO ahead 13 y/o fanboys blast on me how im not a real fan. But its true, MTM was a HUGE dissapointment. The only good lp ballad was my December.
Kudos! :thumbsup:

I gotta say, that was spot on! I dont think it makes you any less of a fan just because you can determine between LP's good music and all the **** they are making now. I say it makes you a fan who appreciates the band but can admit that -like a lot of bands these days - they are gradually beginning to get worse. I am a dedicated LP fan, anyone who says I'm not doesn't matter since I know I am, but MTM was the WORST thing they've ever done as a band, I personally like two songs on that CD and I barely listen to them anyway. I agree that its a stretch to hope they'll ever turn it around again, but as a fan I will hope and I will still buy their music and support the band - forever!



New member
i agree, a fan should be able to admit when a band makes a **** album. However MTM is far from a bad album, the album polarized fans. Some said it blew and others loved it. If you dislike an album that does not make it a bad album... so you have no right to go and bash a album saying its sh*t just because you hate it. Its about opinion and you dont have to go tell the world abou it. And ya disliking it does not make you any less of a fan. Sure LPs old stuff had more appeal to me but i love the new stuff aswell.

Still it doesent make MTM bad or anything.



New member
Now you see, thats what doesn't make sense, a forum is all about sharing opinions, thats why you posted the thread, no one coming through this forum should be stupid or gullible enough to change their own views on LP's music based on what myself or anyone else thought, and therefore it makes it quite alright to say that I think MTM sucked and sounded awful, because I'm not crapping on anyone who thought it was great, so why should people give those who disagree about that fact a hard time. The fact that you banned that guy for a small forum dispute is pretty F'd up, many people have disagreements that get a little out of hand...funny how it all depends on how many people like you whether you get banned or not.


New member
he joined the forum to come bash an album that's more than 1.5 years old... then posted ****, so that justifies a ban. But yeah i did not ban him because he bashed the album.


New member
Well idk how the upcoming album might be. I mean when someone makes their first game, pc, system, or cd there's gonna be things that are wrong with it. I mean i admit that this album doesn't have that vibe like HT and Meteora. They got too soft in my opnion and maybe it might change. Who knows.


New member
i agree they went a little too soft, but i dont like the hard songs on MTM, being NMS and GU. They just dont sounds LP-like and although i love the hard song from LP, i like the soft side on MTM. Something like that :p

crazy robster

New member
I agree with you Josh! And I repeat, be proud of what you did today!! We need some respect in here and some people just don't exactly know what respect means... A billion thanks and squeeze hugs as always <3


New member
I respect LP a lot dude....or dudet. I mean they are the first band i actually like. But like with MTM idk. I like it to a pint where i'll listen to it every now and then but when i had Metoera and Hybrid Theory man i was listening to them everyday after school and during the weekends. That's how much i was in to LP. But MTM took that feeling away.


New member
hehe thanks jojo, all in a days work

and well i did give MTM a lot of air play on my PC but not as much as the other 2 so true that. LP needs to make an album thats unique again, MTM was sort of unique but not enough. The reason HT was such a huge success is that it made people turn their heads because there was nothing like it on the market. Thats what i want from LP, uniqueness.

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