
I second that. Kinda funny I didn't notice he existed up until a few months ago. Notice as much as he insults he always has a good point? And his hate mail responses are LEGENDARY!
Maddox is endowed enough for everyone in the universe to suck on his **** lovingly and to be sustained without food...

He is the greatest mind ever!!!

Maddox is a friend to us assholes all accross the globe!
Yea George Ozounian (his real name) is a pretty funny guy. Too bad he's also a total asshole and every dipshit who constantly has their mouth firmly planted over his balls thinks that he invented the concept of ranting on the Internet and holds a right to it. Whenever I have people bitching at me for ripping him off whenever I post a rant anywhere, I just respond "Maddox who?"
Goddammit, people. Stop sucking the teet of this Maddox guy. He's entertaining, however he's just another ****ing ***** with an opinion to blog. For Christ's sake stop beating it.

Even Maddox would agree.
RoyalOrleans said:
Goddammit, people. Stop sucking the teet of this Maddox guy. He's entertaining, however he's just another ****ing ***** with an opinion to blog. For Christ's sake stop beating it.

Even Maddox would agree.

Totally still suck his enormous **** because he rules..but that is besides the point!

we love him...but he isnt the only asshole out there with the mind to bitch accordingly!
Vortex said:
Totally still suck his enormous **** because he rules..but that is besides the point!

we love him...but he isnt the only asshole out there with the mind to bitch accordingly!

What makes you think its enormous?
Vortex liked the huge ball thing.
Some guys are leg men, some are tit men and others are balls men.
It makes sense to me.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Since he has such big balls, maybe he should go **** himself :p

I'm sure the man has hear "go **** yourself" enough. How about something original like "go **** a scab covered ****." or something to that effect.
Outlaw2747 said:
You guys read his hate mail? The best damn responses to stupid morons I have ever seen.

It's easy to "1-up" stupid morons. Just look at the ass****s that post here.