Maddy McCann


New member
My question to jhony5 is, why do you believe in this looking up/looking down, thing as being a credible way of telling deceit, but not a polygraph, that monitors involuntary biological response? You, yourself, said that you make an attempt to fool this method, by staring a cop in the eyes. To my knowledge, a cop can't really testify in court that someone lied to them because they looked up before answering the question.
I don't believe in this method. TJ does, he brought it up. I was explaining that I realize that police use these tactics to draw conclusions. So in my shady past and even the present with my marijuana travelings, when I am being interrogated, hiding something from the cops or otherwise just trying to prevent the officer from drudging up more reasons to f ck with me, I'll look 'em in the eye, answer him with short stubby answers and let him do the work.

Does this mean that all investigatory tools currently used by cops should be abandoned, unless it can be backed by science and testified in court? Should cops stop using their gut instinct to lead them to a suspect, since he can't say that he checked into a certain person because he had a "feeling", which then led him to the evidence to convict the person?
Thats just it. A polygraph is not a reliable tool and can cause far more damage than good. It can ruin lives of the innocent. It can lead police away from, or toward, the wrong persons.

It is a tool, like any other tool in life, it helps us.
A shovel is a tool. A very handy one that many of us use all the time. But how many people would use a shovel if 2 in 100 exploded when you used it? Because thats what your esteemed "tool" does, by admission of the very institution that supports the polygraph, at least 2 in 100 times it is used, it blows up.
I know. Logic is a motherf cker, ain't it?

That is why an experienced investigator will get you off guard first, get you talking about other things and pop the telling question on you when your not waiting for it.
I learned long ago that nonchalance and indifference will knock a cop off his toes and onto his heels really really fast. What this does is it creates a void in his training. He learned that guilty people respond with X, and innocent people respond with Y.
You also just supported what I meant when I stated "never trust a cop". They may seem to be conversating with you, but really they are playing a game. Understanding this from the get-go will relieve one of the potentially relentless mind games played by cops.

There are rules when dealing with a cop that is asking questions.

#1 Only answer a specific question once, no matter how it is rephrased. If he rephrases a question and you realize this, explain to him that you already answered that.

#2 Don't care. DO NOT CARE about the consequences. Tune it out and proceed as if you have a get out of jail free card. Nonchalance is your friend.

#3 Do not trust the cop. Do not believe him.

#4 This one is very important; When you answer the questions such as "Where are you going, where are you coming from, why are you here, why were you there", answer them directly without a long supporting story being attached to it. This doesn't allow the cop to have anything to work with. If he/she wants it, they will press you.

Example; COP: "Where are you coming from"?

ME : "My house".

COP : "Where is your house"?

ME : "Indianapolis".

COP : "Where in Indianapolis"?

ME : "Southwest side".

Ya see? Answer them directly without a story. Make 'em work for it. Don't start in with details as this just creates problems and will arouse his contempt. As much as it angers a type-A when you are matching wits with him/her, they will at least respect you for not being weak and making them do the work. As in my story above when I was questioned and searched for driving a nice truck in a poor neighborhood, allow this circle of questions to go around twice. On the third go-round, stop playing his game and cease to cooperate.

20 years of marijuana use and a litany of petty crimes in my past and not one arrest. There is a reason for this. Smooth criminal.

You don't like what reality tells us so you make leaps of "logic" to make assumptions you cannot support, I'm sorry but my real life experience of trying to beat these machines tells me that if you have a good operator, these things are as close to 100% as you can ever ask for.
Even if we said the number was lower for argument, what parent would not give their child an 80% chance? As you said, the results are not admissible in court so if their innocent and get found to be telling lies by the machine, nothing changes, these parents are still the focus of the investigation as they have been all along.

But, if their innocent and they pass the test, now the investigation can take most of their resources off of that direction and instead spend those resources on looking elsewhere.

Any innocent parent who had a missing child and was not involved would give their child the greatest chance of finding them, or their killers. What is the greater chance? What gives the highest percentage?
This discussion is becoming circular in its resolve.
You keep talking about the parents helping by subjecting themselves to a phony test that may backfire. How does that help when the test fails? Which it does fail often enough to garner disdain for the practice itself.

Answer me, TJ. How does it help if the test fails? Upon the answer of this you get your reason why a parent should never subject themselves to such erroneous machinery.

This follows my method of operation when dealing with cops. Answer their questions twice, after that, when the tone turns accusatory, demand that all further questions be posed to your lawyer. And by all means, do not ever, never, under any circumstances allow them to hook you up to a polygraph thinking that this will help them find your child. It will not!

Sometimes we must use the element of elimination to know what has happened, the parents can mostly eliminate themselves as suspects if they pass a lie detector test but for some reason, they refuse to take one. So, they will remain the prime suspects until a reason comes along to give them cause to look elsewhere.
There are many examples available of police giving a polygraph, the suspect passes it, and they continue to investigate them. Ironically, citing the inaccuracy of the polygraph as reason for further investigation. Begging the question "Why f ckin use it in the first place"?

If 98% or even 90% is not reliable to you, what is? Everything is subject to failure, even if it is small so all we can do is gather what information we can and move forward from there.
Because, you cannot tell when a lie detector fails. There are no indications, no signs pop-up, no red flags or bells nor whistles sound. When your car fails, you know. When your airplane fails, you know. When your spinal cord fails, you know. When your f cking toaster fails, you know.
When your lie detector fails, you have not a clue.

Understands .........?



Active Members
Now that's just dumb to say. How the f ck did you extrapolate that from what I said? I don't trust cops because they are people. People are not to be trusted. I trust my good friends, my word and my *****.
And if your in trouble, get robbed, a prowler hanging around, all soert of times people call for the cops to "help" them but still they get this kind of attitude from you.

If you trust them with your life, and the lives of your loved ones, maybe a little respect would be in order?

Bullsh t! Don't give me that line of trash. "They do it to help people". Laughity har har. What they are doing is falling in-line with their personalities, choosing a career that feeds their need for power and control over others. Doctors help people. Councilors help people. Cops lock people in cages, strip them naked, rummage through their belongings on a suspicion that they may have something they are not supposed to, they electrocute, beat and torture people whom disrespect them their "power" and "authority".
There are bad people in the world, would you rather it was your wife wrestling with the bad guys trying to take over your neighborhood or do you want the cops to do it?

Cops are not the abusive people your trying to make them sound like. On the whole, a confrontation like your describing happens very rarely but at the same time, Cops interact with sometimes hundreds of thousands of people every day. Clearly there is a very low percentage of bad events, if you find yourself being involved in bad events with cops, it is most likely your fault, you did something to make the cops notice you over thousands of other people.

Cops can be good people and they can be helpful. I always extend respect to them as long as they don't disrespect me or violate my own code of rights.
Your personal codes have nothing to do with reality. Clearly you do not show them respect with the way you blast them here. You may "pretend" to be respectful to a certain degree, but cops can see right through that ****.

I remember once sitting on the side of the road being interrogated by a cop as to why I was in a particularly bad neighborhood. I had a pretty nice Chevy Tahoe, so I guess in America you aren't allowed to enter low income neighborhoods without a pass. The officer pulled me over for an improper lane change (BULLSH T) and immediately asked me what I was doing in that neighborhood. I explained I was their to pick up an employee 3 streets over. "Well where are you coming from? What direction? Why are you picking him up? Whats his name? Whats his address"?
Don't play stupid, you know **** well that people drive into neighborhoods like that most of the time to buy drugs. Being as your an admitted drug addict, don't try to play mister innocent. Cops know that most of the time, someone fitting your profile, is there looking to score drugs, and acted accordingly, that is what their paid to do. If you want to avoid these kinds of encounters, stop chasing drugs.

Cause and effect.

After a few I asked him to give me the f cking ticket and if he wishes to continue asking me more questions, he can do so downtown in front of my lawyer. Ohhhh boy did that **** off this typical type-A assclown. I could almost hear his thoughts; "How dare this little person not do what I say! I'm gonna show him who runs the show". I was asked to exit my vehicle and the song and dance began. I stood there while this jerk riffled through my every belonging, my pockets, he was thorough, even frisking me and tucking his finger under my *****.

The impression was profound. I'm a taxpaying, hard working American, I have ZERO convictions on file and here I am on the side of the road being violated by a man whom wouldn't stop in his pursuit to catch drug dealers. He even lied to pull me over, which was evident by the lack of an issuance of a ticket for the "probable cause", let alone any further mention of it.
So you ran your mouth when you knew why you were stopped and got some extra attention for that attitude, sounds fairly common to me, remember, you could have avoided the whole thing if you were not there trying to score some drugs. As usual, you druggies start the ball rolling, but blame the cops for getting in the way of your desire to get the drugs you were craving.

Again, cause and effect, you where the one who could have prevented the entire thing, but you decided risking attention from poilice was worth it to try and score drugs.

This incident is not an isolated one. I see, experience and hear of these sorts of power plays being exercised by police all the time.There is a reason for this. Cops are most often type-A personalities and they ooze this from their every pore.

There is another reason, the guys your talking to are fellow criminals. Criminals love to hate cops because they see the cops job as to stop them from doing what they want to do. It is the cops job to make your criminal behavoirs difficult, not make it easier.

Obviously you walking around with a chip on your shoulder because you life a life of a criminal drug user, but you can still give Cpos a little respect because they could die protecting someone you love and care about one day, this life is on the line every day.

How many people could work a job where they could be killed by a drug dealer or even a housewife just because your trying to keep her husband from killing her? I can't tell you how many domestic disturbance calls I have been on where a man is beating his wife to a pulp so we enter and stop the man, and then the wife attacks us. Many grab a weapon like a foot long kitchen knife before they attack.

So continue hating cops, I know nothing I say will ever change your mind as long as your persuing your criminal behavoirs, but I just wanted to publically comment on your constant attacks on police when I know that most cops are great people, doing a job most cannot even understand.



New member
Holy **** that was fast. I haven't been on for a few weeks, I make a post and WHAMO, you respond. Right on your toes this morning, TJ. I trust you had a good holiday?

Anywho, lets dispense with the pleasantries, shall we?

And if your in trouble, get robbed, a prowler hanging around, all soert of times people call for the cops to "help" them but still they get this kind of attitude from you.
If you trust them with your life, and the lives of your loved ones, maybe a little respect would be in order?
Distrust and disrespect aren't the same thing. I respect them. I do not trust them.

Your personal codes have nothing to do with reality. Clearly you do not show them respect with the way you blast them here. You may "pretend" to be respectful to a certain degree, but cops can see right through that ****.
All I can say is that you are wrong. I show a great deal of respect to them. I attend parties at my brothers house twice a year that is crawling with cops, their wifes and their children.
The issue with perceived respect, in terms of what is aimed at the officer, is once they start wishing me to take my time and my dignity to play their game, I cease with the respect. It is disrespectful to ask the same question three different times in three different ways. It is disrespectful to pull me over for having money in a neighborhood where people do not have money. It is disrespectful to accuse me of being a drug dealer/drug buyer when all I have done is been in possession of a nice vehicle.

Don't play stupid, you know **** well that people drive into neighborhoods like that most of the time to buy drugs. Being as your an admitted drug addict, don't try to play mister innocent. Cops know that most of the time, someone fitting your profile, is there looking to score drugs, and acted accordingly, that is what their paid to do. If you want to avoid these kinds of encounters, stop chasing drugs.
Cause and effect.
And this is what is wrong with our supposed "free" society. America, the freest country in the world, has more of its citizens in a cage than any other nation in the world. Even the "not-so-free" ones.
I'm a motherf cking man. My own man. I drive where I want to, despite the social shortcomings of the particular area, and I expect not to be harassed on a code of probability.

I cannot believe you would support profiling such as this. Do you know what probable cause is? Of course you do, you were a cop or a security guard or some ambiguous sh t. Probable cause is a code worked into procedural law that allows police to detain, question or search an individual if the probable cause can be shown as present. A cop cannot profile a person and pull them over, thusly entering a full on interrogation unless that officer has probable cause. The problem with probable cause is that it is far too easy to create it. Such as the phony "improper lane change" that I was handed.

This is EXACTLY what black people mean when they say they got pulled over for driving while black. E X A C T LY !

America, land of the free. Bull . We are rapidly enslaving our own people over such things as smoking a plant that makes us giggle.

So you ran your mouth when you knew why you were stopped and got some extra attention for that attitude, sounds fairly common to me, remember, you could have avoided the whole thing if you were not there trying to score some drugs. As usual, you druggies start the ball rolling, but blame the cops for getting in the way of your desire to get the drugs you were craving.
Hold on. I was there to pick up an employee. I run a painting contract business and my employee did not have a car. No drugs were present. I was doing nothing wrong. NOTHING. I had a nice new truck in a poor neighborhood. That was my crime. That was the officers probable cause. This is not becoming of a free society when we can do such things to people. I gave that dude plenty of opportunity to get a grip on the situation, pointing to the painting clothes, the buckets of paint in the back of the truck, and other indications to support my story. He was convinced that I was there to buy drugs because of profiling and statistics. Robots think this way, people should not.

And BTW, I get my drugs from the country. Way out in the sticks where cops get themselves killed if they wander off trail. Not in scum-f ck poor *** neighborhoods.

There is another reason, the guys your talking to are fellow criminals. Criminals love to hate cops because they see the cops job as to stop them from doing what they want to do. It is the cops job to make your criminal behaviors difficult, not make it easier.
Obviously you walking around with a chip on your shoulder because you life a life of a criminal drug user, but you can still give Cops a little respect because they could die protecting someone you love and care about one day, this life is on the line every day.

How many people could work a job where they could be killed by a drug dealer or even a housewife just because your trying to keep her husband from killing her? I can't tell you how many domestic disturbance calls I have been on where a man is beating his wife to a pulp so we enter and stop the man, and then the wife attacks us. Many grab a weapon like a foot long kitchen knife before they attack.

So continue hating cops, I know nothing I say will ever change your mind as long as your persuing your criminal behaviors, but I just wanted to publically comment on your constant attacks on police when I know that most cops are great people, doing a job most cannot even understand.
Ya see. You're blinded by something, and I'm not sure what it is. I don't hate cops. I never said that I do.
My brother, that I love, is a cop. A city cop in a bad neighborhood that can tell ya a few stories.

You keep calling me a criminal as if I am supposed to be insulted or ashamed of it. I am not. I smoke pot. It is who I am. If my society thinks that this is reason to lock me in a cage and strip me of my freedom, then I say it is society that has the issue and it is society that needs to change.

The problem with our society is that so many people are convinced that everything will be better if we all look, behave and think alike.

If a cop is disrespecting you, he is aware of this. If he is disrespecting you and you continue to respect him, he will likely think you are hiding something.



New member
Cops are playing a game. They ask you questions and watch your postures and expressions. They don’t know you, they have to. Even in a traffic stop they have no clue who you are and how you will respond to them. They don’t know if you'll pull out a gun or something. They don't know if you’ve been engaging in illegal activities. They have to feel you out. That’s how crimes are solved and diverted. They do have a lot of power and some are corrupt but for the most part they are there to help you.

My daughter and boyfriend have the same mind frame as you and now are teaching my three year old granddaughter to be afraid of cops. She hides behind me and says "grandpa he’s a bad guy" while pointing at a cop. I don’t want her to be afraid to get help from a cop if she needs it.



New member
Going through California this summer my buddy and I made it to a hotel around midnight. We found out later that this was a high crime area. Not to exaggerate we saw at least 6 cop cars in different times with sirens blaring 2 motorcycle cops and a Paramedic wiz by in the one night we were there. Well anyway we left the hotel and walked across the street to an IHOP thinking we could get something to eat. It was closed and as we were walking back. A patrol car came up behind us with no headlights or any other lights on. We looked out of place because of my buddy being black and I white walking around in the middle of the night. He got out of his car and came up to us. He was very subtle. He asked us what we were doing out so late and we explained. We ended up bull ting about our trip and he was very nice. My point is it's up to you how they treat you.

PS: I did have a dobbie in my pocket.



New member
Cops are playing a game. They ask you questions and watch your postures and expressions. They don?t know you, they have to. Even in a traffic stop they have no clue who you are and how you will respond to them. They don?t know if you'll pull out a gun or something. They don't know if you?ve been engaging in illegal activities. They have to feel you out. That?s how crimes are solved and diverted. They do have a lot of power and some are corrupt but for the most part they are there to help you.My daughter and boyfriend have the same mind frame as you and now are teaching my three year old granddaughter to be afraid of cops. She hides behind me and says "grandpa he?s a bad guy" while pointing at a cop. I don?t want her to be afraid to get help from a cop if she needs it.
Who said anything about hating or fearing police?

Honestly guys. You don't trust people that are looking for reasons to put you in a cage. As a pot smoker, Snafu, I would think you would understand what I'm driving at here. A motherf cker pulls me over for no reason other than his poor attempt at profiling, subjects me to an impromptu interrogation and I'm what? An idiot for not trusting the pig and fully disclosing every detail about my life to him?

Mind your own *** **** business, is what I have to say to cops that play games with me. Save that sh t for n ggers and crooks man. I'm just doing my own thang, not hurting anyone. Pull me over and bullsh t me like that and I will not be the cops little play thing.



Active Members
Save that sh t for n ggers and crooks man. I'm just doing my own thang, not hurting anyone. Pull me over and bullsh t me like that and I will not be the cops little play thing.

Well now some of the real you comes out, you spend a lot of time bashing cops but it seems your a racist.

By the way, you are a crook, so they are doing exactly what you say they should be doing.

It is your choice to live a life against the grain. If your gonna play the game, then suffer the consequences without all the crybaby complaining.


Just to let you know, by losing your cool and running your mouth, you are being their plaything. Your making it easy on them. The example you gave showed you getting more and more ****** and the cop getting his satisfaction. If you had quietly answered his questions and never gave hi, an excuse to go further, you would have been on your way and no harm done, but you could not do that could you?

You had to bust your gums.

And you got exactly what you were on your knees begging for.

I will let you in on a little secrete. Cops don't want to arrest anyone. You have no idea the reports and **** they go through for every arrest, then there is a possible trial where they will be called to testify and the bleeding hert defense attourney that will try to get him off by trying to make the cop sound like a racist, woman hater, man hater, dog hater, whatever kind of twist they can to get the guy off.

No, you gotta give the average cop a very good reason for him to subject himself to that kind of mess just to arrest you.



New member
Well now some of the real you comes out, you spend a lot of time bashing cops but it seems your a racist.
You know what a n gger is, TJ. Don't bullsh t me bro. The difference between the two of us is that one of us can be real about things, and one of us cannot.
I am not a racist, I'm a realist. You *** **** right this world is full of n ggers buddy. I'm not talking about the brothas. I'm not talking about black guys. I'm talkin about n ggers. Run up and knock you the **** out and steal your wallet right in front of your child, f ckin n ggers. You think I'm gonna be PC when I step up in here? **** no.

By the way, you are a crook, so they are doing exactly what you say they should be doing.
I don't think your going to get too many members of this board to agree that people should be treated like an animal because they smoke weed. Nor should they be titled as "crooks". It's a clash of verbiage, maybe. To me, "crooks" would insinuate a criminal whom victimizes people.

It is your choice to live a life against the grain. If your gonna play the game, then suffer the consequences without all the crybaby complaining.
You a funny guy.

Just to let you know, by losing your cool and running your mouth, you are being their plaything.
Never lost my cool. Not with that fool. I stood up for myself. You, and other like people, stand in line and assimilate to the authoritarian machine. I do well to play my part in society. I work. I pay taxes. I don't bother anyone. But I will not be subjected to a roadside interrogation that has no cause.

I will let you in on a little secrete. Cops don't want to arrest anyone. You have no idea the reports and **** they go through
Why do you keep telling me that I don't know a cops job? When I think I made it pretty *** **** clear that I do. I ride along with them all the time. I watch them run drunk drivers out of their beat just because they don't want to spend the night filling DWI reports and prepping the case for court. This is why in Indianapolis they have State Patrol officers doing DWI intervention, to alleviate the strain on the IMPD force dealing with drunks.
You talk to much and don't listen.

Look, we are way off track here and this thread has denigrated into a mud slinging contest. This all got started when we were discussing why one should not trust a cop that is investigating you. I think I made my point, and you made yours. Mine being that if you play their game you can get in deeper than you would if you lawyer up and tell them to blow.

Your point being that we should all fit together like a watch work system of cogs and do what we are told. We are very different, you and I.



New member
Distrust and disrespect aren't the same thing. I respect them. I do not trust them.

Hold on. I was there to pick up an employee. I run a painting contract business and my employee did not have a car.
jhony, I completely understand your distrust of all cops. I mean one time I hired some painters to paint my house. They took forever, did a horrible job and overcharged me for the crappy service I received. At that point I decided that all painting contractors must be scam artists that are low life scum who prey on innocent people to swindle them out of their hard earned money. I don't think it's possible to trust any of them.

Oh yea, one time I went to McDonald's and the guy behind the counter gave me attitude, like I was inconveniencing him by expecting him to do his job. After that I decided that every McDonald's employee in the entire world is a jerk. I mean if one person in a profession or job is one way, then I'm sure that the thousands if not millions of others are too.



New member
jhony, I completely understand your distrust of all cops. I mean one time I hired some painters to paint my house. They took forever, did a horrible job and overcharged me for the crappy service I received. At that point I decided that all painting contractors must be scam artists that are low life scum who prey on innocent people to swindle them out of their hard earned money. I don't think it's possible to trust any of them.

Oh yea, one time I went to McDonald's and the guy behind the counter gave me attitude, like I was inconveniencing him by expecting him to do his job. After that I decided that every McDonald's employee in the entire world is a jerk. I mean if one person in a profession or job is one way, then I'm sure that the thousands if not millions of others are too.

This is why I should never post anecdotal examples.

I don't hate cops. I don't fear cops.

Lemme say it one more time so's we're all clear.


My anecdote wasn't meant to be "proof" that all cops suck.

A painter doesn't have a job that requires him to lie. A fast food employee doesn't have a job that requires him to lie.

A cop however, his job requires him to lie. He is a deceitful liar. An oft times menacing agent of the status que. Doing the bidding of the crooked laws passed down by the elderly Christian conservatives that run our nation.

Go ahead someone, tell me that cops aren't liars. Thats all I'm saying. Not that I hate all cops. Only that they are required to lie to you and to play games with your head. I do not trust anyone whom fits into this categorization.



New member
Not that I hate all cops. Only that they are required to lie to you and to play games with your head. I do not trust anyone whom fits into this categorization.
Have you ever told a child that if they do not behave, then Santa won't come? The Easter bunny?

Sounds like lies and head games to me.



Active Members
You know what a n gger is, TJ. Don't bullsh t me bro. The difference between the two of us is that one of us can be real about things, and one of us cannot.

I am not a racist, I'm a realist. You *** **** right this world is full of n ggers buddy. I'm not talking about the brothas. I'm not talking about black guys. I'm talkin about n ggers. Run up and knock you the **** out and steal your wallet right in front of your child, f ckin n ggers. You think I'm gonna be PC when I step up in here? **** no.
There is a difference between being PC and being openly racist.

****, it is not a new thing for one criminal to believe his crime is harmless and other crimes are more important for cops to chase, your just like every other criminal in the world, you see other crime as bad, but your crime as good, or at least not "bad".

I don't think your going to get too many members of this board to agree that people should be treated like an animal because they smoke weed. Nor should they be titled as "crooks". It's a clash of verbiage, maybe. To me, "crooks" would insinuate a criminal whom victimizes people.
All illegel drugs have victims. It ranges from the illegal drug trade and the associated killings and such that go with it down to the parent who neglects their child because their stoned out of their mind when they should be taking care of their kid.

I do not base my moral beliefs on what this board or any other group believes. Right is right, wrong is wrong no matter how many people want to make a wrong "sound" right. This goes to the same attitude we are talking about in the abortion thread. Just because lots of people try to make it sound good, that does not change the reality of it being bad.

You believe illegal drugs should not be illegal and you should be allowed to do whatever you want without cops or anyone else bothering you, that is selfishness and short sighted. What do you accomplish by placing yourself above the law? What do you teach others by placing yourself above the law? Heaven forbid, what can children learn from your believing a person can just decide what laws they feel are inconvient and simply ignore them? What laws may that child decide they don't agree with and decide to ignore?

You a funny guy.
Maybe, but what I said was true. You want to live the life of being a druggie, fine, be a man and stop crying about the results of your choice.

Never lost my cool. Not with that fool. I stood up for myself. You, and other like people, stand in line and assimilate to the authoritarian machine. I do well to play my part in society. I work. I pay taxes. I don't bother anyone. But I will not be subjected to a roadside interrogation that has no cause.
But you did, you already admitted to mouthing off and how the cop increased his investigation becauase of your mouth.

Cause and effect.

Why do you keep telling me that I don't know a cops job? When I think I made it pretty *** **** clear that I do. I ride along with them all the time. I watch them run drunk drivers out of their beat just because they don't want to spend the night filling DWI reports and prepping the case for court. This is why in Indianapolis they have State Patrol officers doing DWI intervention, to alleviate the strain on the IMPD force dealing with drunks.

You talk to much and don't listen.
You don't know a cops job and what it is like day in and day out performing that job by having a ride along my friend.

You cannot understand it unless you live it.

But, you gave an example of how cops even in your opinion do not want to arrest people, so that proves my point that you must give the average cop a very good reason for you to get his attention, it must be worth the paperwork.

Look, we are way off track here and this thread has denigrated into a mud slinging contest. This all got started when we were discussing why one should not trust a cop that is investigating you. I think I made my point, and you made yours. Mine being that if you play their game you can get in deeper than you would if you lawyer up and tell them to blow.
No, this all got started when you attacked all cops and put them down. Your a criminal, I expect you to disrespect cops because their job is to make your activities difficult, no biggie, but just remember if your gonna spout that kind of attacks on the forum, I will respond to your attacks.

Your point being that we should all fit together like a watch work system of cogs and do what we are told. We are very different, you and I.
Wrong again, my point is your either a criminal or your not.

You either have something to hide or you don't.

We would not need cops if everyone just did the right thing all the time but people like you justify their crimes, they make excuses for why their crime is not bad, that "other" criminals are the bad ones, not you.

Where do we draw the line?

"Do the right thing."

My father has given me this short example of how to live my life from a very young age, and to be honest, I never truly understood the real power behind such a short sentence until I got much older. You see, most of the time, the "right thing" tends to get in the way of our desires, our wants, our hopes, and to do the "right thing", we must delay, or even put aside our wants. This is a difficult thing in the modern world, we live in a time where personal desires are the primary goal for most people and we are putting aside old standards and morals in order to feed our desires.

But, no amount of selfish moral twisting can change what is "right".



New member
All illegel drugs have victims. It ranges from the illegal drug trade and the associated killings and such that go with it down to the parent who neglects their child because their stoned out of their mind when they should be taking care of their kid.
It's pretty obvious that we come from different worlds. You buy into the lies and propaganda behind marijuana prohibition, don't cha. Hook line and sinker, they got you pulling along nicely. My "drug habit" is EXACTLY the same thing as the countless millions of worker joes that go home after a hard day of work and drink 2-4 beers. Its about perspective. If they outlawed eating ice cream than I'm sure many people would say "F ck you, I'm eating ice cream anyway".

Maybe, but what I said was true. You want to live the life of being a druggie, fine, be a man and stop crying about the results of your choice.
Everybody is a druggie. Even you. You filthy drug addict. Test me on that theory, I dare you.

But you did, you already admitted to mouthing off and how the cop increased his investigation because of your mouth.
Cause and effect.
Thats bull . I'm from the streets TJ, I know what was shaking down there. I was getting searched whether I was a good little mouse, or a man about it. I was going to get searched, period. I chose to be a man about it and tell this cop that he was violating my rights by pulling me over on a bull charge.
Be honest, TJ. If you got pulled over for an improper lane change when you haven't changed lanes once, wouldn't you immediately find that something to question? I do. I was pulled over because I was driving a nice truck, not because I made a traffic violation. The cop started my discord with the initial lie. Do you agree? Do you think that as a citizen, I should remain quite and compliant even though I am being lied too and treated like a criminal when I have committed no crime?

No, this all got started when you attacked all cops and put them down.
I said I wouldn't trust the cops if they were investigating me, whether I was guilty or not. Where did I state that I hate all cops? Where did I state that all cops are bad? Where the **** are deriving this from? Point me to one area in this thread in which I "attacked" all cops! I pointed out a fact, a fact that most cops will readily admit to. That they will lie to you and play psyche games with a suspect. Its part of the job. Stop being so thickheaded about this, TJ.

But, no amount of selfish moral twisting can change what is "right".
Ironically, that is what is wrong with you. You allow elderly, out of touch politicians, to construct your personal moral code.
Sometimes it is the law that is immoral.

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