Maddy McCann


New member
I don't live in an atmosphere as you do Johny. My town is so tame compared to that. Outside the one time I posted before , I've never had any bad run ins with the law. I've had run ins but they were my fault. So I see where your coming from.

On that note the everybody that indulges a dobbie or two are all blasted out of their minds and live in their moms basements is absurd. I grew up smoking pot. I indulge once in a great while now only because it makes my wife ****** so I don't. Everybody I know that dose still smoke are hard working people. All my friends are in their 40 and 50's They've all smoked their whole lives too. Not one of them are criminals other than smoking pot. We do have bad laws. This is one. The laws are what make it more sinister. Take the criminal out of the business and it fixes itself. Prohibition didn't work either. Actually under an ounce is legal up here. That's probably why we don't get hassled. But I just don't have the urge like I used to.

But this is all for another thread.



Active Members
It's pretty obvious that we come from different worlds. You buy into the lies and propaganda behind marijuana prohibition, don't cha. Hook line and sinker, they got you pulling along nicely. My "drug habit" is EXACTLY the same thing as the countless millions of worker joes that go home after a hard day of work and drink 2-4 beers. Its about perspective. If they outlawed eating ice cream than I'm sure many people would say "F ck you, I'm eating ice cream anyway".
It is not the same, your breaking the law, and this is my point.

Taken on the whole, I believe pot use is similar to drinking, I honestly do, but we are in a society and in that society we must have rules and guidelines to make our society flourish. Your attirude that your above the law is what I am bringing into question, not the way you break the law.

You see, your an addict, and as an addict, all you can see is your need for the drug that makes you feel good, and so you jumped to conclusions that I am against pot, but I am truly against the mindset that makes up justifications to hold themselves above the law.

Everybody is a druggie. Even you. You filthy drug addict. Test me on that theory, I dare you.
Oh no, not the coffee, sugar, etc......garbage again, wow, how original.

Just to let you know, I am not "hooked" on any substance, I have never put myself or my loved ones in danger of any sort to chase a substance used for altering my state of mind. If you ever went to prison for drug related charges, does that harm your loved ones? Do they pay a price for your chasing drugs?

The last time I even took an asprin was three years ago.

But again, you incorrectly are arguing how your chosen mind altering drug is "similar" to other methods and as such, not so bad, but your ignoring the fact that we are talking about people who use excuses like this to break the law, how they feel their illegal activity "should" not be illegal so they take it on themselves to ignore the law and commit illegal actions.

I can make a very sound arguement for allowing things like robbery and even murder and how it is not "bad" under a certain point of view, but points of view do not matter, reality matters.

The reality is, you view yourself as above the law and you teach that mindset to others. I ask you again, if you had children and your children saw that you feel it is right to ignore laws you do not agree with, what lesson wil your child learn from this? What laws will your child ignore just because they don't like them?

Thats bull . I'm from the streets TJ, I know what was shaking down there. I was getting searched whether I was a good little mouse, or a man about it. I was going to get searched, period. I chose to be a man about it and tell this cop that he was violating my rights by pulling me over on a bull charge.
And being as you know what was going down, you also know the reason, the prevalant drug trade associated by people like you in poor areas like this. You feel pot is harmless, fine, but what about crack and such, do you feel that is harmless? Do you feel all cops should just ignore the fact that most of the time, someone fitting your profile is there in the bad area to buy drugs?

The cops are from the streets too, they know the reality of what happens in these places, and their job is to try and stop it.

And yes, you did get more attention by running your mouth, you already described how everything changed after you busted your gums, don't try to make it sould different now.

Be honest, TJ. If you got pulled over for an improper lane change when you haven't changed lanes once, wouldn't you immediately find that something to question? I do. I was pulled over because I was driving a nice truck, not because I made a traffic violation. The cop started my discord with the initial lie. Do you agree? Do you think that as a citizen, I should remain quite and compliant even though I am being lied too and treated like a criminal when I have committed no crime?
So your claiming to be a perfect, flawless driver who never breaks the traffic lines without your signal flashing right?

Sure, like anyone would believe that, clearly it is possible you did not properly change lanes and that you may not even have noticed you doing it. Driving is 90% instinct and most people have very bad driving habits they don't even know they are doing.

That said, like the discussion we had about the taser use before, the place to argue about things like this is not the side of the road. There is no judge and no way to "fight" the ticket or anything else by getting upset there and then. All you can do is make your situation worse. As even you agreed, a cop needs a very good reason to arrest someone to make the paperwork worth it so you had to give him a reason to take it to the next step.

I said I wouldn't trust the cops if they were investigating me, whether I was guilty or not. Where did I state that I hate all cops? Where did I state that all cops are bad? Where the **** are deriving this from? Point me to one area in this thread in which I "attacked" all cops! I pointed out a fact, a fact that most cops will readily admit to. That they will lie to you and play psyche games with a suspect. Its part of the job. Stop being so thickheaded about this, TJ.
It is not so much what you say but the way you talk, you use bad names to describe police and even claim all police lie on everyone, your so twisted against police you cannot see that most police are decent humans just doing a job that few are willing to do.

Ironically, that is what is wrong with you. You allow elderly, out of touch politicians, to construct your personal moral code.
Those same law makers say murder is wrong, are they wrong about that as well?

Or are you doing what all criminals do and that is justify your own crime to yourself?

Again, all criminals feel their crime is not so bad, how is your stand to defend illegal drug use any different than a robber saying the system is holding him back and he must steal to feed his children? How about the crack seller who says whitie won't give him a good job so all he can do is sell crack, it is not his fault, it is the white mans fault. How about the insuranc fraud criminals, they all claim it is a victimless crime and nobody gets hurt, they say insurance companies are all crooks and deserve to get scammed.

No, your exactly like every other criminal, you cannot see anything wrong with your crime, but point fingers at others crimes and call them bad.

Sometimes it is the law that is immoral.
And there is a process you can follow to get the laws changed, but just "claiming" a law is immoral or bad is not a free pass in society to ignore the law.

What if I claimed that all stop signs were illegal and immoral and I decided that based on my own beliefs, I would never stop at one again. Would that be right? Do I have the right as a member of society to ignore the traffic laws if I "believe" the traffic laws are wrong?

Where do we draw the line on where we can insert personal desires and views to ignore established laws and when we cannot?

Is there a line?

Do you ever see where breaking societies laws is wrong no matter how you feel about the law?



New member
Oh no, not the coffee, sugar, etc......garbage again, wow, how original.
Clich?, but fitting. You consume products that make you feel good, because they make you feel good. If these substances were outlawed, you would be irresponsible to not take a stand.

The reality is, you view yourself as above the law and you teach that mindset to others.
I am not above the law. Sometimes, however, the law is below reason. The punishment far more damaging to society than the crime. It is irresponsible for citizens to allow this without some semblance of civil discourse. Civil discourse has changed our country for the better.
It was illegal for blacks to eat, drink and sh t were the white man did. Civil discourse reversed this.

It was illegal for women to vote or obtain a loan without a male co-signer. Civil discourse changed that.

But according to your purview, Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks were immoral for breaking the law. Am I correct? Or are you going to commit an about-face in regards to this subject matter, all the while maintaining that somehow my desire and proactive behavior toward the legalization of marijuana is immoral?

Civil discourse changes the world for the better in many instances. Allowing police to bully people for erroneous reasoning, is a matter with which should be, and can be, only addressed through civil discourse.



New member
Clich?, but fitting. You consume products that make you feel good, because they make you feel good. If these substances were outlawed, you would be irresponsible to not take a stand.
I am not above the law. Sometimes, however, the law is below reason. The punishment far more damaging to society than the crime. It is irresponsible for citizens to allow this without some semblance of civil discourse. Civil discourse has changed our country for the better.

It was illegal for blacks to eat, drink and sh t were the white man did. Civil discourse reversed this.

It was illegal for women to vote or obtain a loan without a male co-signer. Civil discourse changed that.

But according to your purview, Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks were immoral for breaking the law. Am I correct? Or are you going to commit an about-face in regards to this subject matter, all the while maintaining that somehow my desire and proactive behavior toward the legalization of marijuana is immoral?

Civil discourse changes the world for the better in many instances. Allowing police to bully people for erroneous reasoning, is a matter with which should be, and can be, only addressed through civil discourse.

Totally agree with you Jhony.. The war on drugs was the stupidest idea ever concieved to create a market and jobs at the expense of everyone. It's literally destroying our country and so many lives.



New member
The cops are from the streets too
No, they're not. Most of the time they are the lot that got flicked in the back of the ear in school. Most cops I have met have a thorough disconnect with the inner workings of the street mentality.

And yes, you did get more attention by running your mouth, you already described how everything changed after you busted your gums, don't try to make it sould different now.
C'mon man. I know the drill dude. I was pulled over on a false premise and was going to be searched. There was no way to avoid this. I was as nice and cordial and forthcoming as possible, despite the fact that the guy pulled me over on a bullsh t reason. He continued to press the issue. He was going to search me, whether I continued with his circular impromptu roadside interrogation or not.

So your claiming to be a perfect, flawless driver who never breaks the traffic lines without your signal flashing right?
Sure, like anyone would believe that, clearly it is possible you did not properly change lanes and that you may not even have noticed you doing it. Driving is 90% instinct and most people have very bad driving habits they don't even know they are doing.
In this particular incident, I saw him at the Citgo gas station. I saw him pull out behind me. I was on a one lane road. I turned left toward my destination. There was no lane to change to. So no, I didn't change lanes. The officer wouldn't address this. I have a right to question the stop.

That said, like the discussion we had about the taser use before, the place to argue about things like this is not the side of the road.
It's not the place for me to speak, but it is the place for him to speak? Right? I need to shut the **** up but he can go on and on for an hour. Bullsh t! I'll speak when I wish to speak. It is my right to do so.

Where do we draw the line on where we can insert personal desires and views to ignore established laws and when we cannot?
I'll make this very clear.
Some laws victimize people for a "crime" that victimized no one.

In this "free" country, often tauted as the freest nation in the world, we have more people in prison than any other nation on Earth. 75% of all the people in prison and jail are in on drug charges. 50% of that 75% are in on marijuana charges. This is bad for our society. As Snafu so properly worded it "Take the criminal out of the business and it fixes itself."

And being as you know what was going down, you also know the reason, the prevalent drug trade associated by people like you in poor areas like this. You feel pot is harmless, fine, but what about crack and such, do you feel that is harmless?
No. Cocaine and heroine and like hard drugs are not the same as marijuana. I don't want to turn this thread into a marijuana thread. We all know the drill on this. I will say, however, that if someone could grow crack in their backyard and smoke it privately, without ever distributing it, then that would be fine. But we can't do that. Crack don't grow on trees.

Do you ever see where breaking societies laws is wrong no matter how you feel about the law?
Well sure. Remember, I have never been arrested and I do not victimize anyone. I am a law abiding citizen, with exception to my marijuana dealings. It is my business if I wish to smoke a plant, not the governments. If I ever get caught and have to pay fines and spend a few hours in jail. I will do so quietly. I know the law. I dance the dance. I will pay the price should that day ever come.


New member
This afternoon I was waiting at the bus stop for my son, I was early as usual. I noticed there was a really odd guy standing there, hands in pocket, looking around quite a bit, and talking to the kids from the neighborhood. At first I though he must be someone here's odd uncle or something, but I could tell by their conversations after awhile that they didn't know him. Now I'm really thinking wtf. So I try to tell myself I'm being paranoid. The bus pulls up and my son and his two buddies get off. They come across the street and this guy literally checks each one out as they go by (even though he should have felt me staring a hole through his head) and he decides he's gonna try to talk to my son. I ing let into him, I told my son (without mentioning his name) Do not talk to him he is a stranger. I quickly rush the boys away, and luckily I had one of the kids' dad there if I needed help, he was pretty worried too. He got out of the truck to make sure he didn't follow. The dude just stood standing there as we walked away. Tommorow I'm driving and bringing a baseball bat. I live in a really good neighborhood compared to most, and it is fairly busy here as well, just goes to show, you have to watch your kids like a hawk nowadays. I would have called the cops but he disappeared down the street.


New member
You're going to beat your kid with a baseball bat if he talks to a stranger? That's just mean.
That's not even funny. *** help that guy if he ever tries to talk to my son again that's all I'm gonna say. I am serious about this, and pretty upset, I would never have expected that where I live.


New member
This afternoon I was waiting at the bus stop for my son, I was early as usual. I noticed there was a really odd guy standing there, hands in pocket, looking around quite a bit, and talking to the kids from the neighborhood. At first I though he must be someone here's odd uncle or something, but I could tell by their conversations after awhile that they didn't know him. Now I'm really thinking wtf. So I try to tell myself I'm being paranoid. The bus pulls up and my son and his two buddies get off. They come across the street and this guy literally checks each one out as they go by (even though he should have felt me staring a hole through his head) and he decides he's gonna try to talk to my son. I ing let into him, I told my son (without mentioning his name) Do not talk to him he is a stranger. I quickly rush the boys away, and luckily I had one of the kids' dad there if I needed help, he was pretty worried too. He got out of the truck to make sure he didn't follow. The dude just stood standing there as we walked away. Tommorow I'm driving and bringing a baseball bat. I live in a really good neighborhood compared to most, and it is fairly busy here as well, just goes to show, you have to watch your kids like a hawk nowadays. I would have called the cops but he disappeared down the street.
A parent?s worst nightmare. I have my bat already in the car. It's a small aluminum "VOLVO tire checker".

I haven?t had to do any tire checking but I?m ready . :rolleyes:



New member
That's not even funny. *** help that guy if he ever tries to talk to my son again that's all I'm gonna say. I am serious about this, and pretty upset, I would never have expected that where I live.
I agree. Not funny.

You should have reported this. Sometimes these seemingly obscure incidents can result in extraordinary findings. The man may have been an innocent learning disabled wanderer. He may have been a relative of another of your sons school mates. He may have been responsible for the abduction, rape and murder of other boys in your state.

If you see him again, report him while you watch him.

The actual guy standing there, and the possibility of him being a bad guy absolutely isn't funny... but what I said didnt have anything to do with him... It had to do with a bat.


New member
The actual guy standing there, and the possibility of him being a bad guy absolutely isn't funny... but what I said didnt have anything to do with him... It had to do with a bat.
Exactly, Brotherman's response was funny, not the situation that Atlantic faced.



Active Members
Clearly your avoiding my every point so I will keep this short:

Clich?, but fitting. You consume products that make you feel good, because they make you feel good. If these substances were outlawed, you would be irresponsible to not take a stand.
Your breaking the law to get stoned is not taking a stand, taking your cause to Washington, creating petitions, writing letters to your congressmen, these are taking stands and part of social discorse.

Sitting around the bong eating cheetos and giggling while your kids are playing with the pedaphile down the street is not social discorse.

All you want to do is get stoned, the weed is your focus, not some high and mighty concept of right and wrong. Trying to compare wanting to get stoned with equal rights and women sufferage is completely rediclious. Your need to get stoned out of your mind is not a basic human right.

Again, how do you differ from any other criminal? You want something. You cannot get that without breking the law so you come up with outlandish excuses of how the law is a bad law so you can justify inside your own mind your not a bad person for breaking the law.

Every criminal does exactly the same thing.

You have ducked and dodged my every question, you ignore them because you know your wrong, but I ask you fot the fifth time, what does your actions to behave above the law teach your child?

If you demonstrate to a child that laws are okay to break if you don't like the law, what laws will the child break for the same reason?

This comes back to being a responsible person, your actions have effects, smoking pot hurts millions of people, it ruins lives, and it even can lead to mental disorders:

The link between cannabis and psychosis is well established, and recent studies have found a link between use of marijuana and depression.

So it is not harmless, it is very harmful, in many ways.

But I am done with this garbage you have started.

This all came from your claim that all cops are bad, liers, out to put everyone in prison, just horrible people, and I simply am tired of your constand bashing of people who pput their lives on the line to help keep you and your loved ones safe.

I know your need to justify your feeling your above the law, I cannot help that, alll criminals act exactly like you, I just wish you would stop bashing cops.

Back to the dead little girl whos parents most likely killed, and disposed her body, I wonder if you will bash them like you do cops, wait, no you are defending these criminals too, I guess you believe murder is a bad law too, that is is simply social discorse to murder children as well.



New member
This afternoon I was waiting at the bus stop for my son, I was early as usual. I noticed there was a really odd guy standing there, hands in pocket, looking around quite a bit, and talking to the kids from the neighborhood. At first I though he must be someone here's odd uncle or something, but I could tell by their conversations after awhile that they didn't know him. Now I'm really thinking wtf. So I try to tell myself I'm being paranoid. The bus pulls up and my son and his two buddies get off. They come across the street and this guy literally checks each one out as they go by (even though he should have felt me staring a hole through his head) and he decides he's gonna try to talk to my son. I ing let into him, I told my son (without mentioning his name) Do not talk to him he is a stranger. I quickly rush the boys away, and luckily I had one of the kids' dad there if I needed help, he was pretty worried too. He got out of the truck to make sure he didn't follow. The dude just stood standing there as we walked away. Tommorow I'm driving and bringing a baseball bat. I live in a really good neighborhood compared to most, and it is fairly busy here as well, just goes to show, you have to watch your kids like a hawk nowadays. I would have called the cops but he disappeared down the street.

I would try to make a mental note on any and everything you can if you see him again. I would also try to get a license plate number if he gets into a car. I saw and episode on Court TV before and a similar thing happened. A little girl was abducted but luckily someone observed a suspicious man got his plate number. That is how the guy was apprehended. It was to late for the girl but the guys behind bars and not able to hurt anyone ever again.



New member
Sitting around the bong eating cheetos and giggling while your kids are playing with the pedaphile down the street is not social discorse.
Lets move this discussion to the War On Drugs thread.And when you do, please cease with insulting my parenting capabilities. I am easily infuriated when people question my parenting. I have made extraordinary sacrifices to provide for my daughter under extraordinary circumstance.

People that smoke pot aren't all befitting of such an ugly "drug addict" clich?.

You have ducked and dodged my every question, you ignore them because you know your wrong
No I have not. Please pool your thoughts and present them in the proper thread. We have derailed this thread long enough.

I'll address that biased piece of junk link in the proper thread.



New member
I would try to make a mental note on any and everything you can if you see him again. I would also try to get a license plate number if he gets into a car. I saw and episode on Court TV before and a similar thing happened. A little girl was abducted but luckily someone observed a suspicious man got his plate number. That is how the guy was apprehended. It was to late for the girl but the guys behind bars and not able to hurt anyone ever again.
I took mental note of everything about this man. It gets better. My son has karate class soon after he gets home from school. We went to class and some of the other moms thought I should report it anyways, even though no actual crime had been committed. So I figured maybe they are right. When I got home, the oddball was standing in my parking lot, I wouldn't get out of the car until I spotted a neighbor of mine. I explained to my friend what happened and he tried to speak with the man, he simply asked him if he could ask him a ? - We wanted to find out if he moved in recently. The man would not respond and walked away, he went into the bldg next to ours. So when I got in, I called my landlord who confirmed a man had moved into the bldg next door. So this odd person who will not speak with adults and tried to strike up a conversation with a 5 year old he doesn't know is my new neighbor. He's also apparently been seen hanging around another friend of mine's back yard the other night. They have children also. So I'm gonna find out everything I can about him Snafu you can count on it. I hope he drives, plate # should be easy to get info. I've warned the other mom's I know, and I am always with my son anyways, always.


New member
I took mental note of everything about this man. It gets better. My son has karate class soon after he gets home from school. We went to class and some of the other moms thought I should report it anyways, even though no actual crime had been committed. So I figured maybe they are right. When I got home, the oddball was standing in my parking lot, I wouldn't get out of the car until I spotted a neighbor of mine. I explained to my friend what happened and he tried to speak with the man, he simply asked him if he could ask him a ? - We wanted to find out if he moved in recently. The man would not respond and walked away, he went into the bldg next to ours. So when I got in, I called my landlord who confirmed a man had moved into the bldg next door. So this odd person who will not speak with adults and tried to strike up a conversation with a 5 year old he doesn't know is my new neighbor. He's also apparently been seen hanging around another friend of mine's back yard the other night. They have children also. So I'm gonna find out everything I can about him Snafu you can count on it. I hope he drives, plate # should be easy to get info. I've warned the other mom's I know, and I am always with my son anyways, always.
Check your local *** offeder registry, would be the first step.

Report him to the police and request that they check if he is a *** offender.



New member
Check your local *** offeder registry, would be the first step.
Report him to the police and request that they check if he is a *** offender.
That's great advice, I'll do that. Thank you.
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