MAN I FEEL LIKE A WOMEN!!! Duh duh duh duh duh...duh duh

XERO-Limit said:
Haha awesome.Lets be friends now. ^-^lol.Are you sure that dude didn't tell you to go tighter on purpose just to be an a-hole?Sounds like something I wouldda done!lmao.

Lol, no he's an awesome friend and he didn't do that on purpose! and the fault is my own and the fault is my own heh. As ashamed as I am to admit it, I truely was tighting the wrong string, it sounded really deep and even I knew it should be tighter, only it didn't get tighter because I was twisting the wrong string dammit =( What a dumbass I am :D Anyway that's mean lol!

By the way, Killyfishy and Shadowed heart aren't those 2 people who are actually the same person are they? I can't remember... hmmm.