MAN I FEEL LIKE A WOMEN!!! Duh duh duh duh duh...duh duh

Suicide King said:
Hmm...I have been known to spend an hour in the shower. And I absolutely hate roaches. (We have something in common Xero-limit, woot!)

Yeah we should spoon. o_O(Yes I'm secure enuf to say stuff like that)

I also don't wanna admit this but...when I first got my guitar I tuned the highest string too high and it popped off and hit my elbow.So after that when i learned to tune a little I would do it in the wimpiest ways,like I was defusing a bomb or something.I'd like sit down and start tuning my guitar and turn my head the other way and stuff and when I went one step up I'd be like 'phew'.Yeah doesnt sound so hardcore does it?But now that it's been so many months after that I can rock like a maniac and tune. ^.^
wtf dude "being cute" w/e man

anywayz ummm... this thread is like the i hate insects thread now, wow we really get off topic here dont' we?!?!
XERO-Limit said:
I also don't wanna admit this but...when I first got my guitar I tuned the highest string too high and it popped off and hit my elbow.So after that when i learned to tune a little I would do it in the wimpiest ways,like I was defusing a bomb or something.I'd like sit down and start tuning my guitar and turn my head the other way and stuff and when I went one step up I'd be like 'phew'.Yeah doesnt sound so hardcore does it?But now that it's been so many months after that I can rock like a maniac and tune. ^.^

LMAO!!! Omg, I did the exact same thing when I first got the guitar except with the THICKEST string *I heard that was practically impossible o_0*! It hurts doesn't it when it pops off lol??? I was a total no0b and I got one of my online friends to help me tune it... by me plucking each string and he would tell me weather to tighten it or loosen it haha... I was twisting the wrong string and it wasn't making any difference so the guy was like "Tighteeeeeeeerr" until it just snapped and it hit me and the guitar fell and uhh... it was incredibly embarrassing because the guy heard on the mic and thought it was hilarious xD!

Anyway you should totally rock out xD! You can only be hardcore once you get hit with a guitar string ^.^
I at more like a guy. (My mom thinks me and my sisters are really boys.) I'm always beating someone up for fun. It get bad too. My sister (the middle one) always farts and burps whenever she wants. And the baby who's 7 is always talking about "poop" at the dinner table.

I don't give a **** about how I dress. Most of my cloths are boy cloths (all but 1 pair of pants... and that's cuz someone I obsses with has the same pair). That's it.

But you guys with the "girly" stuff.... Nice to know you all can come right out and say it. :D You guys rule.
So, i guess it is kinda girly matching all the time, but soon enough it will become common enough with guys itll be manly to match and girly not to.LMAO, that'd be so damn funny.
Shadowed Heart said:
Just wondering... Why do so many people want to be gangsters? Honestly I don't see why. It doesn't prove anything, at least not to me it doesn't.

Well, i dont know. I've grown up listeining to hiphop and urban street beats. I like the whole gangsterness of it. I dont live in the ghetto but my old buddies lived there. I used to go to there apartment homes alot. So i kinda grew acustom to gangsterness. I like the fact that i can stand up to a 6 foot 5 black who has a gun and say "**** you bitch" when im completely unarmed. inside im shitting my pants. But im brave enough to stand up for my friends. So its just appear to hae the image becuase i tend to hang with the rockers...they dress gothy...but i keep my roots and dress Gangster...usually....just they way i was brought up kinda....Im not trying to prove anything...i dont give a damn what ppl think...usually lol...but i dont need to prove anything to any one...hate me or love me your choice....ill be heare enjoying life

and lsu(texas uni owns all) um | use that akward looking symbol for the hell of it. Just to mix things up somet|mes. Nothing personall or anything

yeah my buddy had this pitbull. That like ran after me. He lives in a trailer park. I like ran and leaped over a fence. To this day...i always flinch when i see rotwieler pitbulls or german shpards...or boxers lol

EDIT: 50 is not a freestlyist. He maybe be able to make good lyrics but he cannot flow. now slimthug....lil flip......huoston boyz now they can flow.
Oh that's sad, I have a brindal boxer. I love him. My whole gangster question was stupid, in.... fifth grade I was a gangster, I just stopped during summer break last year. I kinda went back a few days ago, but I realized that this boy I really like has a bad history with gangsters, so I guess I gave it up for him...