Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

You're still not offering ANY reasons as to why you are correct MRIH. Your logic seems to be "The Qu'ran is dumb, like it followers", Which proves absolutly nothing. You don't even reply to builders arguments, brushing them off is not debate now is it? Isn't this a debate fourm afterall :rolleyes: Try again perhaps...

It would also be nice to see you post more then 8 sentances for once, preferably as one complete thought.
The major difference between Christian and Muslim nations is Christianity was--enlightened--by the Enlightenment. The concept of individual liberty has not made strong inroads in the Arab world.
Lethalfind said:
Sorry, wrong again...I didn't vote for Bush nor his Father. If it were up to me I would be spending this money on taking care of problems at home and of course trying to figure out a way to keep these people OUT of my country.

You parrot his propaganda, agree with his policy, and condone his crimes.

Lethalfind said:
I believe that when your a soldier you take the risk of fighting a war and you don't get to question the people who are your commanders HOWEVER, the commanders (and government) are a little too casual with how they are sending our men and women to their deaths...they would think twice if it were their children. I don't think that setting up a government of our liking in Iraq is worth what the US is doing. There are other ways to try and make sure something like 9-11 doesn't happen again.

Soldiers are trained to fight wars to protect the motherland. They should not be forced to carry out ethnic cleansing, illegal invasions, nor police actions on the behalf of an oil cartel.
Yes...Lethalfind...I was told you are a women...Yes it is a suprise, you act like a dirty rat of a man...I suspect facial hair is a MAJOR problem for you.

And columbus's nationality has nothing to do with the fact that his less than average brain capacity spread a lot of the evil you are spouting forth in your less-than intelligent comments.

But at least you accept that you DID steal it, thats the first step you know; admitting it. (Since your basic English didn't refer to it, I assume that is the case.)

I mean if he didn't even know where he was heading, it stands to reason you have no idea what your talking about either.

Yes your right - we don't agree, however, yes I'm right - you ARE stupid.
If fact I'm beginning to think you may be the strong-man type half to a lesbian couple?

Just a thought...But people like you are the majority, so therefore you are the ones not thinking outside of the box, which makes you the parrott and makes you easily lead.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
A great way to keep terrorists at bay.

More like a great way to incite fear and hatred, and guarantee the continued reprisal attacks. If I bombed your back yard, and killed your momma and nephew, would you roll over and die? Or would you make plans to wreak vengeance in the name of all that is sacred to you?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I didn't realize NYC was a religious center, and I didn't realize they used nukes... man where have I been?

Watch the Loose Change video. The central support collumns of the towers were melted out at the bottom by thermite/sulphur charges, and the tops were taken out by mini-nukes. I've seen many demolition jobs, and buildings rarely fall upwards and blow outwards, you ****ing retard.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The rest of this is just as stupid... builder, you're still an idiot!

And you're still as thick as two short planks, but I won't hold that against you. ;)
please stick to the subject and read the pure truth

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Political Leader

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was both a prophet of Allah and a statesman. His leadership was most comprehensive and dynamic. He was the paragon of virtue and spirituality. He was a noble and compassionate teacher, guide, and reformer. He was a family man. Indeed, he was also a political leader. As a political leader the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) unified the Arabian peninsula, established a great state whose capital was Madinah, defeated his enemies, and had most successful military expeditions. However, his real political leadership was in the realm of morality and spirituality in which he conducted himself perfectly in situations of weakness as well as strength. His way of dealing in Makkah and Madinah indicates his great political leadership.

He was always willing to help others. Allah granted him the special gift to resolve conflicts and disputes. Even before he became the Prophet of Allah, he was able to resolve a major dispute between the people of Makkah. It is reported that the people of Makkah were repairing the walls of the Ka`bah. When the time came to place the Black Stone in its place in the southeast corner of the Ka`bah, each tribe wanted to have this honor. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked to be the judge and decide the matter fairly. He resolved this dispute with great wisdom in an amicable way. He spread his own cloak on the ground and placed the Stone upon it. He then asked representatives of each tribe to lift the cloak together. When the Black Stone reached the required height from the ground he went forward and set it in its place.

He always wanted to make peace among people. At an early age it is reported that when some people of Makkah wanted to establish a committee to suppress violence in their society, he immediately joined them. This committee took a pledge of virtue known as the Hilf al-Fudul. Later during his prophetic life he recalled this pledge and praised it highly and said,
Mariama said:
Yes...Lethalfind...I was told you are a women...Yes it is a suprise, you act like a dirty rat of a man...I suspect facial hair is a MAJOR problem for you.

And columbus's nationality has nothing to do with the fact that his less than average brain capacity spread a lot of the evil you are spouting forth in your less-than intelligent comments.

But at least you accept that you DID steal it, thats the first step you know; admitting it. (Since your basic English didn't refer to it, I assume that is the case.)

I mean if he didn't even know where he was heading, it stands to reason you have no idea what your talking about either.

Yes your right - we don't agree, however, yes I'm right - you ARE stupid.
If fact I'm beginning to think you may be the strong-man type half to a lesbian couple?

Just a thought...But people like you are the majority, so therefore you are the ones not thinking outside of the box, which makes you the parrott and makes you easily lead.

If you haven't noticed, Columbus may have "discovered" North America, but the puritins were the ones that actually colonized it.
Mariama said:
Yes...Lethalfind...I was told you are a women...Yes it is a suprise, you act like a dirty rat of a man...I suspect facial hair is a MAJOR problem for you.

And columbus's nationality has nothing to do with the fact that his less than average brain capacity spread a lot of the evil you are spouting forth in your less-than intelligent comments.

But at least you accept that you DID steal it, thats the first step you know; admitting it. (Since your basic English didn't refer to it, I assume that is the case.)

I mean if he didn't even know where he was heading, it stands to reason you have no idea what your talking about either.

Yes your right - we don't agree, however, yes I'm right - you ARE stupid.
If fact I'm beginning to think you may be the strong-man type half to a lesbian couple?

Just a thought...But people like you are the majority, so therefore you are the ones not thinking outside of the box, which makes you the parrott and makes you easily lead.

Maybe you should read up on your own countries history before you start pointing the finger at any other countries...England has a particularly savage and bloody one.

As for Christopher Columbus, who cares?? I fail to see what he has to do with any of this. He was not an American nor is he credited with being the founder of America...He was an explorer...

People of your caliber often resort to the kind of childish insults you are known for when they have nothing of substance to say...

Yes I am a female, lol I have no facial hair and I am not a lesbian....Any other personal questions or has that answered them all for you? You might try growing up a little it would certainly lend some validity to your statments.
Lethalfind said:
Maybe you should read up on your own countries history before you start pointing the finger at any other countries...England has a particularly savage and bloody one.

As for Christopher Columbus, who cares?? I fail to see what he has to do with any of this. He was not an American nor is he credited with being the founder of America...He was an explorer...

People of your caliber often resort to the kind of childish insults you are known for when they have nothing of substance to say...

Yes I am a female, lol I have no facial hair and I am not a lesbian....Any other personal questions or has that answered them all for you? You might try growing up a little it would certainly lend some validity to your statments.

Wait, you aren't a dyke? Damn, I thought I had you pegged gets on walkie talkie Fall back boys, save the bullet for a real homo...

Just kidding...
tomaust said:
please stick to the subject and read the pure truth

1) Many people ignore the fact that Mohammed(may piss and swine excrement be upon him) was a pedophile who violated Aesha at the ripe ole age of 9 years old.

2) Mohammed (mpasebuh) was a deranged socio-path who invented a religion for his own gain

3) Mohammed (mpasebuh) wa hipocritical to the core marrying scores of women when his pig-**** book only allows 4 to a pig-**** worhipper.
eisanbt said:
You're still not offering ANY reasons as to why you are correct MRIH.
That's because there is nothing of substance to debate.

eisanbt said:
Your logic seems to be "The Qu'ran is dumb, like it followers", Which proves absolutly nothing.
No, my logic is Islam is evil, and it's followers deceived.

eisanbt said:
You don't even reply to builders arguments, brushing them off is not debate now is it?
That's because the moron thinks the WTC towers were hit with nuclear weapons, I haven't got time for his stupidity. If he wants to propose something a little closer to reality I'll take the 5 minutes to debate... as long as he spouts his insanity, I'll just poke fun at him. His resilience is amazing though...

EyesInButt said:
You don't even reply to builders arguments, brushing them off is not debate now is it?Isn't this a debate fourm afterall :rolleyes:

It would also be nice to see you post more then 8 sentances for once, preferably as one complete thought.
Sure thing, EyesInButt!
builder said:
More like a great way to incite fear and hatred, and guarantee the continued reprisal attacks. If I bombed your back yard, and killed your momma and nephew, would you roll over and die? Or would you make plans to wreak vengeance in the name of all that is sacred to you?
This sounds like a "Chicken or the Egg" debate... Since the rest of Islam is so moved by the plight of palestinians, why don't they offer them a home land, after all there's a helluvlot more space in Saudia Arabia, Egypt and even Jordon, than tiny little Israel.

Watch the Loose Change video. The central support collumns of the towers were melted out at the bottom by thermite/sulphur charges, and the tops were taken out by mini-nukes. I've seen many demolition jobs, and buildings rarely fall upwards and blow outwards, you ****ing retard.
The tops were taken out by "mini-nukes"? I am a ****ing retard? The twighlight zone is in full effect around here!

And you're still as thick as two short planks, but I won't hold that against you. ;)
And thats just the shaft, the head is like a grapefruit!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
and his answers, while stupid, still beat anything you could come up with..

To the guys who run it, maybe? Man you are daft as hell!

That's DAMN true, in fact anything that pig-**** book says doesn't matter.

WTF? what was the price of rice in China?

I think I have entered the twighlight zone :confused: Isn't this a debate forum???? I need another bong hit!

Not quite, you still need to kill an infidel, no?

Like I said before, as long as they're still "plugged into the matrix" as it were, they're enemies!

Yeah, I'm down to my last dime-bag... new low alright!:D

If I insult the pig-**** book, I am insulting pigs. pigs are much more deserving than to have their excerement compared to that book!

None of these statements prove anything about the Qur'an.

Look here folks.

Originally Posted by Hamza123
Kind of like how many hispanics claim California as THEIR land. And you don't like it... How Ironic.

My statement was regarding Israel's illegal occupation.

He says.

WTF? what was the price of rice in China?

**** SLINGER!! You try to dodge my point, and put out a random/irrelevant one that means nothing, and act like you just got the podium. :rolleyes:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
This sounds like a "Chicken or the Egg" debate... Since the rest of Islam is so moved by the plight of palestinians, why don't they offer them a home land, after all there's a helluvlot more space in Saudia Arabia, Egypt and even Jordon, than tiny little Israel.

The tops were taken out by "mini-nukes"? I am a ****ing retard? The twighlight zone is in full effect around here!

And thats just the shaft, the head is like a grapefruit!

You say oh Islam is hipocritical, oh it's this, oh it's that... However, in past arguments regarding the past of other religions, particularly those in which you highly regard, you make claims as to that "It was the past"... Well my friend, here a present video of 9/11, and what such a hipocritical current government you have!! Why don't you try and elect someone who is for the American People! Not for American People dying in Iraq!

You back Israel I am guessing? You support them right?

Let me ask you something.

If you invested so much money into a stock (support for Israel) because you were convinced by the high-up shareholders that it was great, and than it totally went bankrupt and they got away with your money... How would you feel? Pretty pissed eh? Welll... Look what I found.

"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." -Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

The radio said Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public because "it would cause us a public relations disaster."
Prophet Muhammad: The Leader

Prophet Muhammad had all the necessary qualities for success in every aspect of life. But, more importantly, he was able to lead his community to success in every field. He is the source from which flowed all later developments related to command, statecraft, religion, spiritual development, and so on in the Muslim world.

In general, leaders should have the following qualities and prophet muhammed had all these qualities and more:

• Realism. They should understand prevailing conditions as they actually are and be aware of any advantages and disadvantages.

• Absolute belief in their message. Their conviction should never falter, and they should never renounce their mission.

• Personal courage. Even if left alone, they should have enough courage to persevere. When some of his pursuers reached the mouth of the cave in which they were hiding, Abu Bakr was afraid something would happen to the Messenger. However, the Prophet only said, "Grieve not, for God is with us" (At-Tawbah 9:40).

• Strong willpower and resolve. They should never experience even one moment of hopelessness.

• Awareness of personal responsibility. Everything should be directed toward fulfilling this responsibility. In no way should they be seduced by the world's charms and life's attractions.

• Far-sighted and goal-centered. Leaders should be able to discern and plan for potential developments. They should know how to evaluate the past, present, and future to reach a new synthesis. Those who frequently change their opinions only spread chaos in the community.

• Personal knowledge of each follower. Leaders should be fully aware of each follower's disposition, character, abilities, shortcomings, ambitions, and weak points. If they lack this knowledge, how can they fill vacant posts with the appropriate people?

• Strong character and praiseworthy virtues. Leaders should be determined but flexible while carrying out decisions, and know when to be unyielding and implacable or relenting and compassionate. They should know when to be earnest and dignified, when to be modest, and they should always be upright, truthful, trustworthy, and just.

• No worldly ambitions or abuse of authority. Leaders should live like the poorest members of their community. They should never discriminate among their subjects; rather, they should strive to love them, prefer them over themselves, and act so that their people will love them sincerely. They should be faithful to their community, and secure their community's loyalty and devotion in return.

The Messenger possessed all of these qualities and many more as well. To cite only a few examples, he never even thought of abandoning his mission when confronted with great hostility and tempting bribes. Instead, he would tell them, "Say: 'There is no god but Allah,' and prosper (in both worlds)" (Al-Hakim). When his Companions complained about the harsh conditions and persecution in Makkah, he answered, "By Allah, Allah will bring this matter (the establishment of Islam) to its consummation till a rider will travel from San`a' (in Yemen) to Hadramaut fearing none but Allah, or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are hasty" (Al-Bukhari).
Hamza123 said:

You back Israel I am guessing? You support them right?

Let me ask you something.

If you invested so much money into a stock (support for Israel) because you were convinced by the high-up shareholders that it was great, and than it totally went bankrupt and they got away with your money... How would you feel? Pretty pissed eh? Welll... Look what I found.

"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." -Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

Who cares what Sharon said. He's tring to inspire his people. Letting them know that their not American puppets. More power to him. This is going to make me hate Isreal? Think again. No I hate the Palestinians that can't sit down and agree on sharing. I hate Palestinians that strap bombs on and kill inocent people. I hate Palestinians that want all infiedels to be dead or slaves.

Isreal is not going to give up Jerusalem. Why can't they share? Islam is whats holding **** up!
tomaust said:
Prophet Muhammad: The Leader

Prophet Muhammad had all the necessary qualities
Just to let you know as soon as you start with Prophet Muhammad: The Leader I quit reading. I think a lot of people do too. We don't give a **** about what the ****ing pig **** says. He was a murdering raping , pedophile, lying thief.