Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

Hamza123 said:

The Images below are from a peaceful candlelight vigil on the streets of Tehran, Iran. (September 18th, 2001) The pariticipants lit candles, mourned, and prayed to showed their grief over the loss of innocent life in the tragedies of Sept. 11th.

The following image is from a peaceful rally in the Muslim country of Bangladesh, who were showing this sympathy with Americans who have lost loved ones in this Tragedy

From morocco...

King condemns 'impostors' tarnishing image of Islam

I am guessing atleast 95% of you have never heard any of these stories...

Yeah you posted some of them before. I guess some of us expect intervention along with the big words.
jokersarewild said:
There's something wrong with the age of 16?

Nothing wrong with it at all but if you have grown up being fed a certain line by your parents, you haven't had a chance to see how things are for yourself by the time your 16, that goes for alot of things, not just religion.
Lol, Jokers, it's not about winning, my only goal is to see that you understand where I am coming from. I don't ask to conform, or join Islam. I just seek an open mind.
Two people here have condemned suicide bombing... you don't read at all...
Not that we should have to speak out...
(This is the last time that I will dignify anything that Mariama says with a response.)

Islam has 1312864257.1168 followers (the .1168 are partial converts).

Mariama is trying to make her case by saying that 1.5233867394579152053427527382337e-9% of Muslims spoke out against suicide bombings.

Wow, I feel soooo safe now...
snafu said:
Yeah you posted some of them before. I guess some of us expect intervention along with the big words.

What exactly are they supposed to fight back with?

How exactly might they do so legally?

How is it wise to encourage a non-governmental group (A religious one at that) to militarize?

Have you thought this through?

:confused: :confused:

PS: JAW, her saying that 2 muslims here have denounced terrorism is but an example of the fact the millions do.
eisanbt said:
What exactly are they supposed to fight back with?

How exactly might they do so legally?

How is it wise to encourage a non-governmental group (A religious one at that) to militarize?

Have you thought this through?

:confused: :confused:

PS: JAW, her saying that 2 muslims here have denounced terrorism is but an example of the fact the millions do.

Eisanbt, once again, is pointing out the obvious!! Why? Because he's being open-minded, rational, and REALISTIC!!

Those of you who bestow hate on all Muslim, don't you understand that it's easier to be rational and open minded than to shun something you don't know about!!

jokersarewild said:
(This is the last time that I will dignify anything that Mariama says with a response.)

Islam has 1312864257.1168 followers (the .1168 are partial converts).

Mariama is trying to make her case by saying that 1.5233867394579152053427527382337e-9% of Muslims spoke out against suicide bombings.

Wow, I feel soooo safe now...

Joker, my friend, have you not read these posts?

http://Off Topic
http://Off Topic
snafu said:
Yeah you posted some of them before. I guess some of us expect intervention along with the big words.

Nope, my first time posting these!! And these articles EXPLAING the intervention with words, for without the intervention, these words would be of no use to me. :D

I could post them thousands more times, they'll all be the same! The fact is, they're all I need to show you that the majority of Muslims don't like terrorism!!
Hamza123 said:

I read them Hamza. My problem is that Mariama makes no reference to that...she seems like she has gone off on her own little argument.

She says that 2 people denounce it on said WAY more than that do...notice how I don't give you very, very small percentages?

Mariama has yet to prove her point. You and eisanbt have. I don't have a bone to pick with you...mine is with Mariama and her lack of actual facts.
jokersarewild said:
I read them Hamza. My problem is that Mariama makes no reference to that...she seems like she has gone off on her own little argument.

She says that 2 people denounce it on said WAY more than that do...notice how I don't give you very, very small percentages?

Mariama has yet to prove her point. You and eisanbt have. I don't have a bone to pick with you...mine is with Mariama and her lack of actual facts.

I understand!! Thanks for understanding. :)

Mariama, I see that you're main point is similar if not is mine, however, a point means nothing. You need to approach people with the utmost respect, no matter how they treat you. That makes you #1) The better person, and it also gives you a feeling of security. You also shouldn't involve curses or disrespect in the name of religion. For example, if someone ticks you off, don't say May Allah Curse You, simply leave it alone, and approach it in a debate style. Of course, it is a religious debate, so when you're trying to prove a point, using verses form a scripture is appropriate when it's right. Not only does doing these things earn you respect, but you may even get some rep. People will ridicule you, you just have to learn to deal with it, even though it's totally unfair, even recently, SNAFU, said or made some kind of claim of me trying to convert people on here... And it's okay really, because I know Snafu isn't naturally like that. People get defensive, and I understand. Well, I think of it like this, have I ever asked anyone to convert? No! When I see a deceptive claim about my beliefs I feel a need to defend them, not go on the offensive. What bothers me most is that a lot of people on here want us to exterminate terrorism, yes us Muslims, however they keep picking at an already open wound of ridicule. But I don't like to hold a grudge!! Why? Because it's better in the long term, theres no sense in doing so, it just makes you look bad, and if you're a good Muslim you're going against a lot of your primary beliefs.

I don't mean to sound like an asshole, honestly. From all my time on GF, when compared to others is a really small amount of time, I have learned things. I didn't really know how to properly debate coming in, but I can say I picked up a few things, and this will help you. Again, I am not any pro-debator, it's just a few things I have noticed in a debate.
Hamza I hate to give you flowers but you are going to grow up to be an upstanding citizen. I give you a lot of **** but that’s what this board is about.
The reason I said I thought you were trying to convert people is the way you post whole quotes of the Koran. I don’t care what the wording is. Like the bible, it's up for interpretation. It’s annoying to see that and have to put my perspective in. But that’s just me. And this is "what pisses you off", so don’t change on my account.
We can agree to disagree. Just don’t try to behead me if we ever meet face to face. And I won’t try to lynch you. ;)
snafu said:
Just don’t try to behead me if we ever meet face to face. And I won’t try to lynch you. ;)

Such a beautiful sentiment, I hope this becomes the common exchange between opponents accross the globe. :D
Assalamu Alaikum hamza,

I realised I never gave you salaam!

To stick up at all times for our beloved nabi(may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is a major duty for you to perform.

You wouldnt wish those sort of insults for your mother would you?
No so therefore the very best of creation deserves even more respect.

These people, (not all, but most are scum) and don't deserve to be considered, especially after calling your sisters in saudi "Muslim whores"
Mariama said:
Assalamu Alaikum hamza,

I realised I never gave you salaam!

To stick up at all times for our beloved nabi(may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is a major duty for you to perform.

You wouldnt wish those sort of insults for your mother would you?
No so therefore the very best of creation deserves even more respect.

These people, (not all, but most are scum) and don't deserve to be considered, especially after calling your sisters in saudi "Muslim whores"

Your pathetic, doing your best to manipulate him into doing what you think he should do. Can you say passive-agressive??? It wouldn't take much for you to strap a bomb to your body and blow up alot of innocent people to get your point across just like your fellow Muslims...ANYTHING to make people think what you do.
Mariama said:
Assalamu Alaikum hamza,

I realised I never gave you salaam!

To stick up at all times for our beloved nabi(may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) is a major duty for you to perform.

Many peace and blessing be upon you too.

Yes, Mariama, this is why I am in a lot of Islamic debates on here.

Mariama said:
You wouldnt wish those sort of insults for your mother would you?
No so therefore the very best of creation deserves even more respect.

Yes, Allah (SWT) deserves my utmost respect. However, this is my belief and not theres, I have to respect Allah. And by respecting Allah, I respect them. For they too are humans, they are not better than us, they are Allah's creation. I believe Allah will deal with all of us soley, so slander or judging someone is not for me.

Mariama said:
These people, (not all, but most are scum) and don't deserve to be considered, especially after calling your sisters in saudi "Muslim whores"

What I just said up there ^.

You see, just because you're not Muslim, doesn't mean you're not going to get into heaven. (Again these are my beliefs) You can be a Jew, a Budhist, a Christian... Whatever... If you are well natured, you try your best to do good, I think that you will go to heaven? Why should a non-Muslim who's done tremendous good suffer in hell?

If you believe in God (Allah in the Arabic Language), than you know that only Allah can judge you, even though you take all what others say into consideration, for everyone deserves to do so! And if you do not believe in god, than you know only you can Judge your ownself, because no one else in this world knows you better!! But again, taking everything into consideration always helps.
It would be SO nice if people who practice religion would adopt the idea that if people were interested in their religion they would ask...If your religious and you live by your principles AND people are interested doesn't it follow they will want to know what makes you so nice, kind and loving?

BUT NO...the idea is that you must shove your beliefs down peoples throats. I don't know ONE person on this entire website who wants to convert to be why go on about it? No one cares and those that do will ask. SHUT THE **** UP and live what you believe BUT stop going on about it here. This is not a religious forum. Preaching makes me want to strangle the preacher... be thankful I don't know where you live. I choose NOT to go to church, I shouldn't have to hear your bullshit here. This goes for Muslims, Christians and whoever else thinks the know the 'way' and wants to share their epiphany with the world.