McCain or Obama?

Who Should Be America's Next President?

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Obama, I'm never gonna be one for Republican ideals.. if I'm right in assuming that's more or less the same as our British Conservative party.
nope. british right wing is moderate in comparison with the US right wing parites. I mean the Democrats are farther to the right than the Tories...



New member
nope. british right wing is moderate in comparison with the US right wing parites. I mean the Democrats are farther to the right than the Tories...
Wow really... I always assumed that Democrat = Labour & Rebublican = Conservative... you can tell I've never been one for politics haha.



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Democrat = Liberal = And Mostly Stupid Ideas (Their symbol is jackass for a reason)

Oh yeah I said that to **** some of you off...



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I am more Republican in terms of my views on things.. Infact, I am the Young Republicans Club president at my school this year.. But, I will/would (seeing as I can't actually vote yet) vote for a Democrat, if I agree on what they stand for.. For this election, if I could vote, I would vote for McCain..


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Everyone who votes for McCain is just willing to have another president who will continue with the same **** that Bush started.

There has to be someone who actually want's to change things, someone who is young and motivated.

And that's Obama for sure.



New member
actually no, i may not agree with some of the things bush did, in a way i do support the war, someone had to stop saddam and the terrorists there. No one wanted to so the US did. And theres a lot of things that i dont like about the democrats.


New member
actually no, i may not agree with some of the things bush did, in a way i do support the war, someone had to stop saddam and the terrorists there. No one wanted to so the US did. And theres a lot of things that i dont like about the democrats.
what terrorists?

even the bush administration should be admitting now that any link between Al-Qaeda and Saddam was false, and falsely hyped so that US could invade for the precious oil that they immediately guarded before anything else once they'd invaded.

Privatization of Iraqi oil via American shocker.

and still people are either in denial that it's oil for blood, or just somehow accepting it



New member
I'm pretty much supporting Obama. Look, I am moderate but when it comes right down to it I might be more conservative prone due in part mainly to my Christian upbringing. But McCain's policies mirror Bush's in a lot of ways and I don't suppourt Bush anymore, I think his vision has been clouded and I think that even if McCain is a little more "Liberal" than Bush, with McCain in office we won't see a change we as American's need.


New member
saddam did more than his fair share to kill thousands of people, he may not be connected to Al-Qaeda, he also may be, we will never know but he is a terrorist. Just look at what he did to the kurds (sp?) he killed about 5000+. that alone is enough to call him a terrorist. And eventhough they didnt find the WomD i still believe they have some hidden, i mean how hard is it to hide them. They knew long before the UN came that they were gonne come so.... but its my opinion so w.e.


New member
Democrat = Liberal = And Mostly Stupid Ideas (Their symbol is jackass for a reason)
Oh yeah I said that to **** some of you off...
Its suppose to be a donkey to represent a strong work ethic. :)

I dont like McCain politically, i believe that i read in one of your papers when i was in the states last month (i think it was the NY post) that McCain;s voting mirrored Bush and he voted the same way as Bush about 90% of time. (ill try to track down that article, it also gave a great comparison between M and O's political platforms). However, i do like him personally after hearing what happened to him in, was it, Vietnam (?).

But, i have to say that im going with Obama because i agree with him on laying some foundations for what may become an NHS.

Regarding British Left and Right wing, ive been studying American Politics atm and boil it down what is concidered 'Liberal' in the states would be Centre-Left here (UK) and well the Right Wing wouldnt even be similar to the present day Conservatives under Cameron, it is more comparable in Economic terms to the Conservatives under Thatcher. I would say that some of the more right wing ppl in the US would be further right that the parties here such as UKIP (wouldnd go as far to say as English Democrats or BNP). Which i found quite surprsing as i had considered the ideology to really be on equal footings



New member
Everyone who votes for McCain is just willing to have another president who will continue with the same **** that Bush started.
There has to be someone who actually want's to change things, someone who is young and motivated.

And that's Obama for sure.

i completely agree with jeezy...i dont like obama, i do think theres a good chance he may just be all talk no action, but if i had to pick it'd definately be him for the reasons jeezy mentioned.

Mccain is just another bush...typical christian fundamentalists, where its their way or no way...



New member
i completely agree with jeezy...i dont like obama, i do think theres a good chance he may just be all talk no action, but if i had to pick it'd definately be him for the reasons jeezy mentioned.Mccain is just another bush...typical christian fundamentalists, where its their way or no way...
True, he may end up being all talk and no action simply because he dosent have the expierence to know how to get things done. However, he is at least going to try to make a change, and for me, that counts for alot.

And if nothing else he is better than Bush 2.0

Well I like both, But I think Mccain will win, don't ask why :)
Yeah, I kinda have a bad feeling about that... I think it will depend on how many 'closet rascists' we still have in america. I mean, from semi-recent polls, obama only had a slight lead in people who said they would vote for him... However, I bet theres people who are all like "oh sure, Ill vote for obama" when they get polled, but when it comes time to vote they wont because hes afican american. :confused:



New member
"oh sure, Ill vote for obama" when they get polled, but when it comes time to vote they wont because hes afican american.
Yea unfortunately.

Has anyone else noticed this lately? On the news they keep saying the Media is treating Obama like a King and yet all we ever here about is Obama's faults much negative feed do you hear on McCain? I haven't heard anything extremely negative on McCain, just on Obama which is kinda fishy.

I was wondering why u hadnt polled this yet



New member
speaking of racists.... not only because he is African-American but also Since obama's middlename is Hussain... its pushing "voters" away and make them vote for Mccain.. which is sad.


New member
And his first name rhymes with/sounds like/is one letter off from 'osama'...

Heard a guy on our local news mess that up once... ' excuse me...' :rofl:



New member
And his first name rhymes with/sounds like/is one letter off from 'osama'...
Heard a guy on our local news mess that up once... ' excuse me...' :rofl:
Haha... The President of the united states, Barack Hussain Osama.

Well if you like his views on things... I don't think his middlename should matter. but too bad we have narrow minded people in this world.



New member

I will stand by the war on terriosm until its over including Iraq. Not because of any terrorist ties, but because it was ****** up over their for the Iraqis. Iraq is failing because one reason...the surge didn't come fast enough. McCain pushed the surge a lot earlier (it was a bigger surge and when it should happen) and was turned down by Bush. McCain votes a lot more how should I say, I dont' mean liberal, but more.....bipartism....than Bush or McCain. People who think the War on Iraq wasn't needed are wrong. **** was ****** up over there. I have talked to many,many soldiers and the citizens thank the soldiers a bunch for being their. The truth is the War in "Iraq" is really a proxy was between Iran and the US. I belive that if the US invaded Iran the violence in Iraq would drop like crazy and you would see al the violence happening in Iran. Iran is funding the insurgence who are more like Muslim mercenaries who will fight for any Muslim cause.

The war is over oil as well. Which makes sense seeing that oil = power. That and the fact that its such a big over exaggerated "ZOMG WE RZ RUNNING OUT OF OIL!!!!" it shows more "power". The United States and Canada combined have much oil. Equal to the Sadui Kingdom. Even Saudi oil will not run out in our lifetime I would guess. The US is doing this in a way that makes plenty of sense. If they take control of Iraqs oil then they have control over Iraqi, Saudi, and American oil. If this happends it would bring America a bunch of money. We all ready know the United States keeps the royal family alive. That is why America getes oil discounts compared to many countries.

Also the truth to the War on Terriosm is it will not end until America stops protecting the Saudi family. Do a little history reading and you will see that is the real reason why America is in the War on Terriosm and while the Middle East hates the Americans just like the Saudis. 9/11 could have been prevented if American troops stopped protecting the Saudis.

Back on I said before you guys don't see the fact that Obama is to liberal its bad when Democrats from your own state you are representing say that...being liberal isn't bad...the US needs some one more liberal in the Executive branch this coming term, but sadly all the Democrats could pull out were to very liberal people. Thank *** Hillary won't be President ever. Her time is up she will never stand a chance again you only have a certain window in life to accomplish something that big and she missed her chance. I really believe no matter who the Democrats would have throw against the Republicans (even a no name) the Democrats will take the office. I wish the Democrats could have found better canidates.

EDIT: I personally believe Richard Lugar would be a great President. He is a Republican who is one of the best bipartisan politicians. He was ranked in Top 10 Senators. Although not a Senator anymore. For all you Democrats he is even a big supporter of your guy Obama. I find he is a lot less drastic though.



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Democrat Barack Obama has a 6-point lead over Republican John McCain in the presidential race as a growing percentage of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday. Obama leads McCain by 47 percent to 41 percent for the November 4 election, unchanged from last month. But 55 percent believed Obama, a 46-year-old first-term Illinois senator, would be the riskier choice for president, while 35 percent said that of McCain, 71, a fourth-term Arizona senator, the poll said.

But Obama's message of change may resonate with a disgruntled electorate after eight years of a Republican-run White House. Only 13 percent of those polled believed the country was headed in the right direction. That was the lowest percentage on this question in the NBC/Journal poll's history.


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