McCain or Obama?

Who Should Be America's Next President?

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New member
He'll still win
I bet he's gonna be one of the 5 best presidents the USA have ever seen.
I agreed he will win.

It depends if he is given any big situations to have to deal with, BUT it won't happen until there is stability in the Middle East. That will be another 10 years so I doubt he will be remembered in the history books unless something big happends. If Iraq was going good right now I have read a lot of people say Bush would be in the top 10 with how he handled 9/11, but recently Iraq has gone down because of Iranian interference.



New member
how's obama riskier?

McCain will be 76 at the end of his first term if he gets elected...and 80 and the end of the second if we are unlucky enough

obama's not a great choice but the old guy is a much worse one

check out the links in my first post in the thread...



New member
I agreed he will win.
It depends if he is given any big situations to have to deal with, BUT it won't happen until there is stability in the Middle East. That will be another 10 years so I doubt he will be remembered in the history books unless something big happends. If Iraq was going good right now I have read a lot of people say Bush would be in the top 10 with how he handled 9/11, but recently Iraq has gone down because of Iranian interference.
True, I wouldn't say top 10 though because he has ****** up on a lot of other issues mainly education. I think 9-11 and Iraq spurred in a lot of issues in terms of economics and the American Rescission. If we woulda stayed out of Iraq, things might have been better in terms of America(not including the world.)



New member
how's obama riskier?McCain will be 76 at the end of his first term if he gets elected...and 80 and the end of the second if we are unlucky enough

obama's not a great choice but the old guy is a much worse one

check out the links in my first post in the thread...
the riskier part wasn't about age i am pretty sure but yeah that is one huge draw back I still say Lugar for 2012!



New member
Obama or McCain

I'm gonna write my opinions later too lazy rite now but I support Obama...hw bout u gys?



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New member
Agreed, there already is.And you'll find it right here >> <<

May I suggest use of Search system which you'll find on the top right of your screen beneath the band header there *points* Thanks.

And for the record, Obama. But don't ask me. I voted Kevin07 and look how that big pile of dog **** turned out >:eek:
I hear you. First year I voted and first time I've been politically ripped off.

I suggest we make an australian politics thread so I can go on about how much I hate the following politicians -

Pauline Hanson

Michael Costa

Kim Beazley

Jonnie Howard (aka ******* that banned smoking in pubs).

that ******* Peter Garrett who resembles a ferret almost

an the ******* that's hiked the tax up on premixed drinks - Kevin Rudd.

And this is where I sing Cos we're building a stairway to Kevin.

Yeah the thread's been done mate.



New member
i remember it was the state governements who banned the smoking, as its the league clubs who keep blaming the state government

and in anycase, im all for banning smoking in clubs, nothing worse than a crowded pub filled with smoke, felt like choking in there

and just, well, a plain LOL@ all the Kevin07 voters, you got jipped, not that voting liberal woulda been any better(assuming Howard had stayed), but yer, theres abit of regret, even if its for something stupid like the drinks price hike, the price hike isnt a bad idea in theory, Australia has a VERY bad binge drinking culture that needs to change, but i spose iven the way thigns wasnt quite appropriate

anyways, im hoping for Obama to go all the way, he just seems to have his head in the right place for once, and i think the US needs a different aprroach given nothings worked with iran or Nkorea so far, as well as the russian issue, new players with a new approach may just do it



New member
I think the smoking ban is kinda drastic. I think they should have it up to clubs but then again that wouldn't solve anything. So I guess banning is best solution.


New member
Tonz;585162']i remember it was the state governements who banned the smoking, as its the league clubs who keep blaming the state government
and in anycase, im all for banning smoking in clubs, nothing worse than a crowded pub filled with smoke, felt like choking in there

and just, well, a plain LOL@ all the Kevin07 voters, you got jipped, not that voting liberal woulda been any better(assuming Howard had stayed), but yer, theres abit of regret, even if its for something stupid like the drinks price hike, the price hike isnt a bad idea in theory, Australia has a VERY bad binge drinking culture that needs to change, but i spose iven the way thigns wasnt quite appropriate

anyways, im hoping for Obama to go all the way, he just seems to have his head in the right place for once, and i think the US needs a different aprroach given nothings worked with iran or Nkorea so far, as well as the russian issue, new players with a new approach may just do it
I didn't vote for the Iemma government so I can't complain. But I complain anyway because I'm a smoker.

Again, did you even vote in last years federal election?



New member
wasn 18, a few months off, at last election

plan to vote next time though

the smoking thing isnt a bad idea, since clubs can get crowded, i dont mind if people smoke, so as long as its NOT in a crowded/enclosed area where lots of people are



New member
As long as you vote you have a right to complain. If you didn't vote at all just shut up thats how I look at it in all governments. Of course this doesn't apply to those to young to vote.


New member
I think the only people that have a right to complain are people who vote and pay tax. I do one of them so I have more of a right to complain than to people who lack even one of them.


New member
Well I do both and I do vote and I don't throw my votes away - as it turns out I throw them in the wrong direction, and now I have to suffer the consequences, and hang my head in shame until the next election. Having said that there was no better alternative. It was that or Howard. Let's face it, another term of Howard (who had no inclination of staying full term anyway and was intenting on handing reigns over to a man who was far less popular than even Bush's Lapdog Jonny was) compared to a new approach with a rhyming Kevy was a no-brainer in my opinion. If things aren't working for you get the **** out of Dodge or find another solution. Jipped is not the right word for it in hindsight, but I still have some modicum of hope.

Sort of.

And I don't believe at all in Donkey Voters, these people who say 'I don't like him or him so I'm gonna vote for Mickey Mouse' (If that were true I reckon Australia would have been singing the Disney theme now as our national anthem for the last few years to be certain!) and then complain when someone gets in that they don't like - then they just whine and moan about how awful these PMs are when they in essence didn't care enough to vote against them. People like that, no matter what country you live in (unless it's against Mugabe ;) ) deserve to suffer under the corrupt systems. It just sucks that the rest of us have to suffer along with them for being contientious voters.

It's a shame they can't give us people that will A) tell the truth, B) actually do the things they promise instead of just focusing on making the promises sound so damned appealing, and C) are worth voting for. Every election, regardless who the candidates are, in every country, are the same people running the same agendas, answering to the same people (not those that voted them in), and they all wear the same falsely sincere faces. Parasites. Democracy borders on laughable, that's all I can say, but at least we do better (marginally) than the communist states.

I only wish we had someone like Obama over here. If nothing else he'd make history for us. What do we have? We're founded by crims to start with (ignoring the fact we basically wiped out the original owners, but that's another topic of conversation at a later date, and naturally one I don't advocate), but here we are hundreds of years later being run by the same kind of people, only now its LEGAL! And we, as a nation, Australia, are The USA's annoying delinquent adopted sister that no one wants around but America tolerates because Mum (NATO) says so. That's pretty much it.

I hope Obama gets in. I think McCain is trigger happy and reactive. Obama seems more considerate, meaning, he seems to weigh things up before his predecessor ever did (and the opposite of ours over here that just think -if just barely- and do nothing at all about it!). I just hope America isn't so stoked to get rid of Bush that they just vote for anyone... that would be a shame, not to mention a wasted oppertunity for betterment...



New member
If Obama wins, that's going to alter the course of American history - I'm saying it because given so much black discrimination in both present and past, that's going to change the American history books for generations to come. I've studied Martin Luther King Jnr heavily and, I have to say, without his "I Have a Dream" speech (*groans* which I had to deconstruct *groans*) I don't think Obama would have made it this far. Like as said before, he's fresh and he's got talent.

There's a lot of controversy in this year's presidental race because Hilary Clinton is now promoting Obama and so is Bill Clinton (it was in the news tonight that's how I know), but if she had won against Obama, there would be uproar from the anti-feminist crowd. But I've got a bad feeling that something's going to happen to Obama, like JFK wise, and I can't remember the rest of the American presidents that have been shot, (Lincoln? Nixon?) my American history isn't that strong. But correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't the KKK still alive in the States? I've seen nerve-shaking footage of the stuff they've done in the past.

But I fear Obama is like our version of Howard. Yes, he was fresh talent back in the 90s and he got the top position of Prime Minister, but is he going to live up to his word? Now I don't know much about that McCain fella, but there's also an advantage to his image - he's had much more experience in the field of politics than Obama. I don't know the difference between Democrat and Republic, as we just have Labor and Liberal and the small insignificant parties that try to get our votes (Greenpeace, Star Wars for Parliament, Australian Women's Party etc etc). But from what I've seen and heard about Obama, he's has certainly an upper hand over McCain.

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