meet LP

Oh you should have seen me during the Official Chat session with Rob a few months back! I was so nervous... wow, it was so surreal! What really is there to say to someone like Rob or Chas or Mike or so on? I know they are like the rest of us really when you put aside the money and the fame and the status and so forth, but even at Meet n Greets there so many rules and restrictions and stuff that has to be enforced, same as LPU chats. You can't ask/discuss all this stuff... so what can you say, literally???
It's already all been said before by millions of others just like you...
Damn... see, that's why throwing a turn like mine previous would make you more... 'memorable' (in a sense) anyway, XD
Ravynlee said:
Geez I dunno... hows about um... that Mr Hahn dude...?


Get a grip. Rob, d'uh. But I'd doubt it would be normal casual greeting. After I cry, choke on my own tongue, pee my pants, collapse, throw up and simply faint, I guess saying a simple 'hello' would be just too much for me really! :thumbsup:

I think they would understand dude! I would pee my pants to meet them for sure, hahaha.


(((((((((( ExMachina )))))))))
(((((((((( Listening to : I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco
(((((((((( ))))))))))