Member's Pictures 11.0

lovely white whether hey Stenners, i envy ppl who live where it snows lol = P

cool pic jeezy, did you use like a flashlight.
Funky pics Mrs BD, like your specs ^^

FIrst time its snowed here proper for agggges!

Like in April as well? Madness! Loved every second though :D
nah i did that effect with Photoshop

Well it looks cool =)

FIrst time its snowed here proper for agggges!

Like in April as well? Madness! Loved every second though :D

Do have any idea how wrong i just realised i spelled Weather, omg lol :rofl:
anyhoo, ignoring my moment of idocy on the spelling is appreciated, and i do most certainly believe that weather must be awesome because it definately looks amazing!

The Hotness Is Back
what's up lbs?

u were waiting for my reply humm?
u HOT!!! :D

love the pic
aaaawwwww Jess!! you're so beautiful and cute!!! ^_^

Andreia very nice pic... so lovely :)

Yeah Sygy you don't look too happy x] lol

teh moi?

^from 2 weeks ago, was a fun night x] .................... ^disco star fever? loool xD .....................^ ^_^
Lovely pictures, everyone! :D
I have some new ones from a photoshoot at my school, I think they turned out alright.





And one last pic of my Sensei and I. I love this man more than anyone in the whole world.
Not to be mean or anything but the person in charge of the lighting at the photo shoot really hasnt done a good job! :O FAIL (sorry if it was u :( )

The last picture is really sweet :)