Member's Pictures 11.0

woah! crazy pics stenners, it almost looks like you were in a fight lol. wicked :D

so anyway, i took pics today, my bf's birthday, not that the two are connected lol.



These two of me, i always look the same lol


and one with my bf, he doesn't like the pic at all XD
Haha Jona you and your shoes look lovelyyy :]
Matt your pics never cease to amuse me :D
Lyson you and your bf look awesome, i like how you have dark hair and he has light hair, i dunno, it just looks cool xD

Couple of pics from the Causeway;

Me and Robin

And again (with Mike being his usual gay self in the background).. we look really young here hahah yet the Causeway still serve us!

Mike, me and half of Robin's head.. i look like i'm swearing haha i wasn't!! i like to hold my sc and coke funny :]
Hey Andreia is that your bed?

you know what I think about your look so I don't have to say it again...