Member's Pictures 11.0


Girlfriend(Blond), Me, and Sam


her and i again
thanks for the comments everyone :]

jeezy- i love it! aha, nice hat.
lbs you look beautiful as always!
azem.. cute pics.. it looks sunny over there, damn you ¬¬
woody you look like you have no pupils haha but your eyes are such a lovely colour!
Somedays I wish I were as attractive as you guys. >_>;

I got to wear chain mail the other day:

My back still hurts from it. It weighed like 25 kilos! Silly face!
And yes, that is a real sword.

I think this one is alright:
you haven't changed much from the last time i saw you gemma. p.s. i still have the photo that the machine made us turn pink in the photo. it's my profile picture still.
and why hello there gemma.