Member's Pictures 11.0

LMAO Jesus that last one scared the crap out of me Pete! Come on, you can do better than that! First one is great but not much light... What's with you and the unclear pictures my Petie? Like Jos once said you are damn hot, well, DON'T HIDE THAT!! Anyway, it's always good to see you so *hugs* <3
hehehe :D

Some new pics:








17th B-day partying ^__^
Oooh the older you guys get the better you all look, seriously! You all... mature let's say? Lovely, all of you! Foxxy, lil sis, Fribs... By the way...

My Fribbsy <3 <3 Have I ever told you you are transforming from a noble prince into a sexy beast? And don't give me that crap about your big nose and all I just think you are irresistible! HONEST! You alone will warm up the whole of Iceland with your hotness! Mah Fribbsy!!! *tacklehugs you to the floor*
Oooh the older you guys get the better you all look, seriously! You all... mature let's say? Lovely, all of you! Foxxy, lil sis, Fribs... By the way...

My Fribbsy <3 <3 Have I ever told you you are transforming from a noble prince into a sexy beast? And don't give me that crap about your big nose and all I just think you are irresistible! HONEST! You alone will warm up the whole of Iceland with your hotness! Mah Fribbsy!!! *tacklehugs you to the floor*
you tease:eek:
