Members Pictures 6.0

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....woah.. if you have a digital camera, cover the flash thing with ur finger, and it makes it red! super cool...and freaky:


haha, my right eye is all tweaked...weird.
ok, so i dont have any new pics since the last time i posted them, so i'm not gonna post old ones. but i just wanted to say that everyone looks fantastic.

Drew- hott
Chris- you look so much different, but very hott:)
Fiona- you're so pretty! you have a lot of Asian friends, too. haha.
Jomama- gorgeous
spike91232004 said:

I just realized your the person that added me to MySpace, hah, now i know who you are, i was wondering about that....anyways.

Nice pictures everyone.

LinkinPark924 said:
i'm the one on the right

Wow. Very very pretty!
K, here's a couple of pics from the awards banquet tonight that my coach took and sent to me.. had to resize the pics because they were huge.

I'm the one in the middle.

..far right this time. Yea.. I promise I didn't mean to flip the camera off in the last pic, rofl.
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