Members Pictures 7.0

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New member
Why's my Walmart wierd??? It was the Halloween section!! lol :D

They don't check here for stuff like that....I can't imagine why they'd care though.


Solid Snake

New member
It's weird cause you walked out with pics....ALIVE.>_<

I believe that their tied in with the CIA....o_0

Of course......That wal-mart has had over 5 bomb threats in the past year......Why the ****** **** would anyone plant a bomb in a wal-mart....-_- Maybe that's why they sell guns to minors? o_0 For their protection.^_^

GOSH!......My wal-mart is weird too. o_0



New member
Hahahahahahaha. Where the **** do you live?? That is scarey but funny and kinda cool at the same time. I don't think any of the people here have the intellect to construct a bomb of any sort because the Walmart is actually in the town beside us because we rebelled against having it here. lol


New member
[sigh] okay, so now you're like.. the youngest girl i've ever thought was like.. dayumm gorgeous X_x

yes.. walmart.. down with the.. walmart bombings? heh.


Solid Snake

New member
I live in Kentucky.......Whenever I'm in there and stuff like that happens (There been more kidnappings there then hold-up and bomb threats put together) I end up buying more. :(

Their pretty nifty for hillbillies...o_0



New member
meh, i didn't think you look older, just didn't know you were young lol.

holy ****, that means when you're a freshman i'll be a senior.. hahahah.. heck hem.



New member
=0 omfg i dont think i even know anybody who has a gun, i havent even seen one in real life THANK ******* *** australia is like this. and doesnt sell guns in walmart, *** we dont even have walmart.


New member
Yeah there's a whole section for guns at Walmart!!! Heheh....I found a shotgun in my house once. It's gone hidden again. lol

Hyper--If you didn't think I looked older, then why were you surprised I was 14??....And not if I skip some grades. heheh No I wouldn't.



New member
wow you guys are only in 8th grade and your 14, our year 8s are 13, and im 15 and in year 10. and haha we get to drink at 18 <3 now somebody tell me australia PWNS some major ***. :p


New member
we can do anything when where 18 here,

do u need a permit or what eva when u buy a gun from wallmart.

HAHA imagain if Big W, or K-mart sold guns



New member
Haha oops I'm a bit out of date on this thread. I'm replying from like 2 pages back.

Fribbio, yeah I'm pretty good at not showing my face lol. My new found talent ^.^ Thanks for making me realise that lol. Can't wait to see your picture sometime soon *hint hint* We wanna see how that sweet little boy really grew up to look like =]

Sammi, wow you're incredibly stunning :p You're so pretty, I love your hair :) Pretty pictures indeed. I can't believe you said I was cute lol *Shakes head* haha.

Yes Dave (UnhingedMouse), it's true haha. At least you've seen my hair heh. We've only seen your shadow I believe =] Both of us can be paranoid amoungst the not to shy people lol.

Lmao, you guys are weird and you flatter me really well lol. Ty for being so open minded lol. Ty Vashy =]

Ty SS1 lol o_0 No I can't take a pic of my face rofl, sorry :( I'm shy and paranoid like that >.< It's ok for you because you're so pretty ^.^

Kris - Hm I don't know if you ever will see my face lol >.> Maybe one day. Never say never:) *I just did o_0* But you're really pretty, I love your blue outfit! Nice 2nd picture haha.

Ty Vero - My friends actually think I dress weird lol.

Keli - Thanks a million but really's not. I've seen your pic and it will not kill the beauty at all, you're gorgeous xD Go ahead and post ^.^

Diva - You're so pretty. It does look like a yearbook pic lol. Pretty pose =P

Awesome pictures Marianne! Looks like you had fun with the camera, you're totally not ugly, don't say that lol. Soo pretty :) I love the pizza costume and the pirate costume was also cool :D

We don't have Walmarts here either (Except Asda Walmart but it's more of a supermarket with electronics and clothes). Yours looks like a hugeee warehouse with a huge stock of things lol. It's interesting, I never imagined it like that :)

Uhh and I've never seen a *Real* gun before in my life. *Shudders* I'm not even sure if they're easy to access here either, I don't think I'll ever need to buy one lol.

Wo0t I'm done. And no guys posted pics since :(

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