Wo0t go Fribs! Omg' date=' that room was my bedroom lol. Excuse the mess o_0 My wardrobe is huge and the doors are basically slide doors made out of mirrors. It's kinda horrible, my dad brought it for us because the original cupboard that I chosen was broken when it arrived 4 months later lol. We wasn't very happy customers ='] I know it's not even decorated yet lmao. I'm not allowed to stick anything on the walls until we've been in the house for a year lol (Newly built house - The paint could peel...says my dad) So I gotta wait till I can have posters before I buy accessories. Keep working on it then lol =]
Go me? lol well yeah I really want to get a pic up here. Working my *** off at times actually lol. Wish I had a digital camera.
That was your room? Oh ok, just not like the teenager rooms I've been to lol, well it differs between countries I guess.
But the mess, if there really is any, is not a problem. You should see my room at times. It's actually come to the state where if I clean up my room, I can't find **** lol. So right now it's kind of organized chaos
books, papers, clothes, and food wraps all over the place