Member's Pictures 9.0

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SIS!!! You're gorgeous! As gorgeous inside as you are out, and I should know, we're family after all ;) :D

Well I dont even know if I have posted the pic I'm about to here, but it is the most recent pic I have of me at the moment so suffer, haha. Me mere weeks before I moved - out front the old place between my two bestest friends Chrissy and Mel *snuffle* (Chrissy's the big Aboriginal lady, can you believe we used to be the SAME SIZE?!? I used to be a huuuuuggggeeeee $#&%! Hahaha hmmm, but anyway, still love 'em. Love my buds. They keep me sane-ish. hahaha)

Enjoy :/
Thanks Di, Tomer, love ya guys!! ^__^ But I'm no more beautiful than my beloved sister Ravyn...My twin!!! This picture of yours is one of my personal favourites!!! You look great, you're sweet, you're adorable, you're MY SISTER!!!! *hugs*
crazy robster said:
Jojo!!!! For those of you who missed me...or didn't miss me anyway, I was bored and Matt once started the trend "Are you bored? Post a pic!" So yeah, that's me....;)

Oh yes Greek goddess! :p

KMII; nice sober pics.. I won't start about the non-sober ones tho :p
Riss; nice pics, but u knew :p
Ravn; Nice pic, was it very warm when that pic was taken? ^^
SB; I still love that last one XD

Everyone I forgot; it has to be good :)
crazy robster said:
OMFG 0.0 Len.....*blushes*......I.....I.....thanks honey....*speechless* By the way thanks for the comments everyone...:)
Haha bet €50 you never saw thát one coming :p
chazzychaz... your a cutie (lol) I FLIPPIN LOVE YOUR HAIR! I wish I could do something like that with mine. but mine would be black with rainbow highlights. [[[sigh]]] one day (lol) loverly pic tho.

& your welcome tomer
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