Member's Pictures 9.0

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Okay, I was bored this morning so I toke some pics of myself...the quality is not that good cuz I was using my web digital camera is broken, lol...



So yeah, I won't over-react with the amount...better for ya'all... :p
yeyyyyama drunk hence teh shite piccie yer
purtyful piccie people
as always
&&alison yoore like s t u n n i n g


yer its big
ima too drunk to resize
Awww sweet! Loving the 'death face' pose there Riss and the Rawr haha, cracked me up.
Kris nice too. You look like your deep in thought over something in that first pic, what were you thinking about? Very colourful, gotta love that.
Keza, gorgeous as ever. Gotta agree there though the first thing that came to mind was Bratz Doll. Sorry bout that. But still you make them look bad so... wait, I meant that as a compliment! XDDD
As for everyone else... noice. Naturally. You should know who you are, I'm too lazy to go back a few pages to recount your names. Lazy gitt. 0_0 But the sentiment however is very true.
And as for the biased ones amoungst you *suffocating squeeze hugs* You make an old bat very happy :D

Kezly u look more confused then drunk

Are u the sorta drunk that says goes 'errrrrrrrrrrrr' and 'what' all the time if I dont know I said 'How old are u'
Diana - Very hawt!
Keza: uhuh, i like your piercing!! HAWT HAWT HAWT :D
Stupidsoul: "They way you look makes me horny" :p hehe
@Keza wow you look ****ing hot! really!
@stupidsoul1: looks good, you have beautiful eyes <3
@Mikes_Shadow: the 2nd is funny ^-^ but you look nice <3

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