Men Who Hit Women.

Furthermore, and this is going to tie a couple different ideas together, but perhaps some of the people who believe that, no matter how vicious a woman is, there is never a reason to use force on her could answer me this.

When does the fight for equal rights become the fight for more-than-equal rights? You want to be seen with the same respect as men in the work place, yet you set up these handicaps for yourself so you can get away with whatever you want while we're the ones punished. Why should you earn the same pay as a man, yet still expect that man to open doors for you? To put down his coat, which he bought for himself, over a puddle so your shoes, which he most likely bought for you, don't get wet. How is it equal to want the same things men experience, yet still expect them to perform the niceties above for you?

And I can't help but see the irony when the same women who claim to be equal to men in every aspect claim that it is unfair to hit any woman because they aren't as strong. Put up or shut up.
Chi said:
Turn and walk away from who? Someone handicapped or much weaker than me, yes, I will very hard damn try. I spent a lot of my time in grammar and high school sticking up for nerds and wimps, even from the "popular kids" and my own friends so yeah, that's something I feel strongly about.

Sounds like you need new friends, Chi.
Where are you guys picking up your women, the local homeless shelter? The boxing arena? Female wrestling conventions?


Maybe if you dated a nice girl with values once in awhile, you wouldn't be getting the **** kicked out of you on a daily basis.
I think everyone is misunderstanding Chi and me (Chi and Me- sounds like an adventure epic about a little boy and his pet plant).

If you are attacked by a woman in a dark alley, then by all means DEFEND yourself. If your wife or girlfriend flips out one day and comes after you with a gun, DEFEND yourself. But if you get into an argument with your girlfriend and she is stupid and immature enough to hit or slap you, walk away.

Some men will use this as an excuse just to be an asshole and smack their women around. She hit me first! Sorry, but this is not self defense- it is retaliation (which is never acceptable).

And MM: Not sure what you have been through but I truly hope you do NOT feel like you deserve to be hit when you "act up." Women are not little pets that need to have their noses rubbed into the carpet when they soil the floor. You are worth way more than that (if that is even what you were implying- I might have misread your comment).

Ali: EXACTLY! These boys are acting like the average female is made of two tons of steel and total violence. The AVERAGE female is always going to be weaker and more docile than the AVERAGE male. How many 5'2" 100 lb men date 6'4" 220 lb women? Most relationships consist of proportionate partners.
Phantom said:
And MM: Not sure what you have been through but I truly hope you do NOT feel like you deserve to be hit when you "act up." Women are not little pets that need to have their noses rubbed into the carpet when they soil the floor. You are worth way more than that (if that is even what you were implying- I might have misread your comment).

No, I don't feel like any woman, I or anyone else, deserves to be it. But when if I pick a fight, hit a guy, swing at a guy, knee cap a guy, or something else violent to a guy, then yes, if and when he hits me back, he's gonna hurt me just because of sheer size.

Now, don't take that as I get my ass beat all time. I've been in my fair share of scraps and walked away just fine.

I don't think women should be treated like dogs who pissed on the carpet. On the same token, men shouldn't be treated like dogs that got on the table and the roast beef.
Drama prone bitches who beat up men to get their attention are equally as repulsive to me as the abusive assholes they often attract.
Ahhlee said:
Drama prone bitches who beat up men to get their attention are equally as repulsive to me as the abusive assholes they often attract.

Have some rep for saying it like I was trying to.
Chi said:
No, not EVERY guy in this thread.

Okie dokie.

Chi said:
And the assumption that women like Phanny and I will end up being lonely cat ladies is very laughable.

The assumption that you having a vagina means you are allowed to get away with beating up on someone while suffering no ramifications in most cases (sometimes justice is served) is even more so.

Chi said:
She is already married and I am dating a guy who already wants to get married, neither one of us has EVER had any problem getting men.

And that safeguards the rest of your life? That is good that you have such faith but however, nothing is eternal and who knows? You or her might be one of those women who will get extremely pissed and hit the crap out of your man with NO remorse knowing that he pobably won't do a damn thing because he is programmed not to. And even if he does restrain you, the cops will most likely take your side. That is what I am getting at.

Chi said:
On the otherhand, I like you as a friend and all, but you always seem to have problems in the women dept. and I think it is mostly because of your negative outlook and esp. regarding women.

Incorrect. I am avoiding a relationship. Now could I go and get one? Perhaps, certainly not in Philly but perhaps. No it is not a negative outlook just to "hate" on women, it is the damn truth. You cannot defy the science and the facts. If you would actually try to contemplate what I am actually saying and what logic I a trying to get you to understand then you can understand where I am getting at more clearly. Even some FEMALES agree with me!

Chi said:
Like I said, I will agree to disagree. I just don't respect a man who will hit a woman, you on the other hand have no problem hitting a woman if you feel you have to and that is fine and dandy.

So do you respect a woman who hits a man? And why are you making it sound like I condone beating the **** out of a woman? See that is probably you are mixing it up at. Say a woman slaps a dude. No, he should not beat her to a damn bloody pulp. Now if she has a damn gun, oh she is asking for it. Although if one can manage to get the gun from her well...**** at the LEAST she should get a slap to the face for even thinking about that. But ****, this is survival. No time to think "Oh, if I hit her I go to jail." Jail or death? Which would you choose? Jail and defend yourself with a chance to actually convince the cops your girl is a psycho bitch or death because "she is a woman and you are NOT ALLOWED to hit her"? Exactly.

On a side note just to remove any of this stupid belief about condoning violence against women. If a man just blantantly hits a woman for no damn reason or for something as stupid as say, spilling milk, then YES he is a lousy piece of ****. He had no business doing that ****. Abuse is ****ed up no matter who started it. I am thinking on SURVIVAL terms. A woman threatening a man's life. I already dispelled the whole "he's bigger" bullshit. I really don't need to explain again unless you are unable to computer such a simple explanation.

Wait, one more scenario. I did this already but I will change it up a little bit. A 5'5", 132 lbs. male (skinny, non-muscular) is being physically attack by his much bigger, 5'11" 210 lbs. girlfriend. She charges at him trying to hit him, scratch his eyes out, and follows him around the house as he resists hitting her. Should he:

a) Continue to avoid her until she gives up. (yeah right)
b) Try to restrain her. (hope you know some judo buddy, that's a big chick)
c) Call the cops. (he'll probably go to jail though but at least no one is hurt)
d) Hit that bitch until she gets the message to her head that you are not to be messed with. (in self defense of course, not beat to a bloody pulp)

Let's swtich it too. 5'5" 132 lbs. FEMALE being attacked by a 5'11" 210 lbs. boyfriend coming at her. Same answers.
manicmonday said:
I've stayed out of this thread mostly because of personal history that skews my perspective. However, I just want you to know, I don't think ANY guy is scum if he stands up for himself. I agree that people shouldn't go around looking for a fight, but if it presents itself, stand up for yourself.

Not every woman thinks you are scum for standing up for yourself. I don't. I think women are scum for putting men in that situation. I'm 5'4 and 97 pounds. If I make a guy mad at me, to the point of violence, then I can pretty much expect to get my ass whipped. That should just be a natural assumption.

People who are in relationships that make them angry to the point of violence need to leave. I'm talking from personal experience. If someone makes you so mad you can only deal with them with a fist in their face, walk away.

THANK YOU! About time someone understands! the **** isn't fair at all! The man is ALWAYS the culprit! It isn't because I have a "bad outlook on all women". No...for **** sakes wake the **** up. It is because that is the way it is. it isn't that hard to see. And I do not condone beating ANYONE to a bloody pulp unless it is really REALLY necessary. I wouldn't do it, I just want to get a message across. Male or female. Only attacking if further provocation occurs. Thank you Manic for actually understanding where I am getting at instead of tossing me the "You are a scumbag." line which is more cliche than a black man dying in an action/horror movie. (don't care too much about that by the
Crazywumbat said:
You do realise the whole point of self defense is because you cannot turn and walk away right? Unless you feel like having a 130 pound cat attached to your back. If someone is attacking you, do you honestly believe they will stop when they see you trying to avoid the confrontation?

"Oh look, he's being mature and walking away, I guess I'll stop scratching hunks out of his skin."

Yeah good luck with that..:rolleyes:

Again, thank you for understanding. When you HAVE NO CHOICE. Sometimes you can't run away. You will get followed. Sometimes you cannot restrain. The attack will continue and your assailant has now hit "self-defense" mode because he or she feels threatened. This is what I am trying to get at. But no. People seme to think I condone beating a woman to a shapeless pile of flesh. No, no, NO!
Phantom said:
I think everyone is misunderstanding Chi and me (Chi and Me- sounds like an adventure epic about a little boy and his pet plant).

If you are attacked by a woman in a dark alley, then by all means DEFEND yourself. If your wife or girlfriend flips out one day and comes after you with a gun, DEFEND yourself. But if you get into an argument with your girlfriend and she is stupid and immature enough to hit or slap you, walk away.

That is what I am getting at! I don't see a slap as that big of a deal. I am talking about trying to wreck someone's balls. Trying to break someone's nose. Trying to gouge out someone's eyes. Trying to cut someone. Trying to shoot someone. Trying to injure someone's throat. Anything past a lousy sting to the face or small bruise. (like one little punch...not that big a deal) I am talking about the intent to seriously injure or kill. If I didn't make that ckear then my apology. NOW do you get where I am coming from?

Phantom said:
Some men will use this as an excuse just to be an asshole and smack their women around. She hit me first! Sorry, but this is not self defense- it is retaliation (which is never acceptable).

True. That does happen. And guys who just hit their women to release anger are ****ing idiots. No doubt. But once again, because I MUST say it over and over to get it through certain folk's heads is that I am referring to severe aggression with the intent to maim or kill. A punch to the arm or a slap to the face isn't that big a deal, though that alone is a cause of alarm.

Phantom said:
And MM: Not sure what you have been through but I truly hope you do NOT feel like you deserve to be hit when you "act up." Women are not little pets that need to have their noses rubbed into the carpet when they soil the floor. You are worth way more than that (if that is even what you were implying- I might have misread your comment).

So if she comes at dude with a knife she shouldn't be taken down or given a hint of some sort? (assuming talking to her doesn't work)

Phantom said:
Ali: EXACTLY! These boys are acting like the average female is made of two tons of steel and total violence. The AVERAGE female is always going to be weaker and more docile than the AVERAGE male. How many 5'2" 100 lb men date 6'4" 220 lb women? Most relationships consist of proportionate partners.

Oh geez, stop...just STOP! YOU are the ones that think men are made of friggin' granite! "Men are so much stronger than women!" Anatomically and as far as lifting and punching someone, on average yes that is true. Once again because I have to repeat myself 20 damn times...


Look...last explanation and then after this I will assume you lack the cognitive ability to even fathom simple logic. Let's take a toddler. (boy or girl it doesn't matter) Now, let's take a large man....about 6'2" and 200 lbs. That toddler hits the man in the nose. Or punches him in the balls. It hurts. Even a little hand like that hurts. Especially on the nose. Now, let's take a larger creature. A fully grown woman. Have that same woman hit him in the nose or balls. Just once. It ****ING hurts. Now, have her do it REPEATEDLY with the INTENT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE. Yes, it adds up. She is still capable of hurting that man. Who cares if he can bench 300? Who cares if he can lift a log on his back? Who cares if he can punch through a block of wood? He is FLESH AND BLOOD. He has NERVES. He can STILL GET HURT. A woman is still a large creature and can still potentially kill! Oh and ever heard of controlling one's strength? Men AND women can do it.

Okay, now if that doesn't give you an idea of where I am trying to get at (as opposed to you thinking that I condone women being decimated) then may a higher power provide you guidance PLEASE.
There's a lot of talk about strength here

now consider this: How about a physical confrontation of a man and woman of the SAME SIZE (yes they do exist. look around.) and capable of doing THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE to eachother?

we should get some doozies on this one
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
There's a lot of talk about strength here

now consider this: How about a physical confrontation of a man and woman of the SAME SIZE (yes they do exist. look around.) and capable of doing THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE to eachother?

we should get some doozies on this one

I've see your pic. You want to go at it, big boy?
Phantom said:
If you are attacked by a woman in a dark alley, then by all means DEFEND yourself. If your wife or girlfriend flips out one day and comes after you with a gun, DEFEND yourself. But if you get into an argument with your girlfriend and she is stupid and immature enough to hit or slap you, walk away.

Some men will use this as an excuse just to be an asshole and smack their women around. She hit me first! Sorry, but this is not self defense- it is retaliation (which is never acceptable).
The above arguments are legally seen not correct.
Self-defense is gender-neutral.

No woman has the right to slap or hit or kick a man out of her bad mood - if this is done by her hands only or by using a hammer or using her feet does not matter. Of course, any other common female forms of violence, like spitting or scatching against men are not acceptable either.

It also does not matter, if the man knows the woman as his girl-friend or if this woman is totally unknown to him. It does not matter, if this is in a private home or in a dark alley.
If she is doing the first step and hitting the man first, then she is the aggressor and the man is the victim.

As a man you have the right of self-defense against any woman, who is attacking you. As a principle, if you, the victim, are running away or if you defend yourself using another way of self-defense has nothing to do with the gender of the aggressor and the victim.
The victim has the right to choose the way of self-defense.
The victim (in this case a man) has the right to walk away, but he has also the right to defend himself in a different way.

The aggressor always has the risk, when attacking a person, that this person will defend him/herself. The aggressor is also on risk to be injured as a result of reasonable self-defense. If a woman is hitting a man, she has the risk, that the man will hit back - if the woman is attacking a man with a gun in a case of robbery, the woman is on risk to be fired on.

This has nothing to do with retaliation. To mix up retaliation (men only) with self-defense (women only) is a feminist tactic to excuse female's own wrongdoing.

If a woman is attacking you, your gender is irrelevant. Yes, the victim might run away, the victim might restrain the aggressor by holding her hands or pushing her away, the victim might also hit or slap back using reasonable force.

The argument: 'She hit me first' is a valid argument for self-defense for a man.
For your explication:
The victim (gender irrelevant) is not allowed however to hit back AFTER the woman stopped the aggression (like to give up and start to cry) - this would be retaliation.
If she hit him with her flat hand only, he is not allowed in return to knock her out (KO) with his fists like a professional boxer - this would be punishable by law - it is unjustified to use unnecessary excessive force to stop the aggression.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
There's a lot of talk about strength here
now consider this: How about a physical confrontation of a man and woman of the SAME SIZE (yes they do exist. look around.) and capable of doing THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE to eachother?
we should get some doozies on this one
Man or woman is not the question.
The question here is, who is hitting whom first. Who is the aggressor and who is the victim?

To be a little helpless girl is no justification for aggressive behaviour and to be allowed to hit, slap, spit, scratch, belittle or insult a man, who is stronger, weaker, white, black, healthy or handicapped.

Should she nevertheless try it out, she is on risk to be injured in case of reasonable self-defense of the victim. She also might commit a crime, punishable by law.

If the woman spits and belittles a blind old man in the street, he might defend himself even by hitting back with his walking stick, as he could misjudge this situation and feel to be in danger, even if he is not.

If she is doing the same against a strong tall man, he might restrain her from spitting at him by grabbing her hair and turn her to the opposite direction.

If such actions of reasonable self-defense are painful or causing injuries for the woman is solely her risk, she cannot keep the victim responsible for her bad behaviour.
The risk that something is going wrong and victims defend themselves and it does not work out as expected is ALWAYS with the aggressor - the aggressor might be weaker and a woman, but she is still the aggressor.

It is nowhere written in the law, that the aggressor must be necessarily physically stronger than the victim.

Studies show, that in some sectors of violence females against men are more aggressive than men against in 'spitting' 'scratching' 'throw something' 'belittle and false accusations' 'threatening retaliation with the help of others...'
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
There's a lot of talk about strength here

now consider this: How about a physical confrontation of a man and woman of the SAME SIZE (yes they do exist. look around.) and capable of doing THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE to eachother?

we should get some doozies on this one

These bull-dykes are the ones you have to look out for. You know, the mannish girls who look like Pete Rose and were athletic gear all the time. You know the shits I'm talking about... they take softball a little too serious.
Originally Posted by Phantom
..... If your wife or girlfriend flips out one day and comes after you with a gun, DEFEND yourself. But if you get into an argument with your girlfriend and she is stupid and immature enough to hit or slap you, walk away.
Thank you, this must be a wonderful marriage, where the man is allowed to defend himself, because the wife shows up with a gun. Thank you, thank you.

First of all, as men and women are equals, you should say in case of quarrels, both, the man and the woman should walk away in 2 different directions.
Why should the woman stay, and only the man move on?

This sounds me like a feminist dream....hit your man, the man walks away -
and because the woman in living in HIS house, she wants to call it from now on HER house, and of course HER car, and HER money, as she expects alimony up to the end of her life and maybe 75 percent of HIS savings...

You see, to walk away is not so easy for a man, I think, it is better, the woman should walk away...however it seems, women do not like that idea. But why not?

There are plenty of good men, who are looking for years to meet a nice girl, but cannot find her (who is the man looking for a woman, who is hitting him and taking away his property?) and finally, these men marry a foreign wife.

The feminist opinion about divorce is, that it should be lucrative and fun - for the woman only of course - and even in case it was the woman, who started the incident.
I walked away from my ex when I could see she was losing the plot, and she picked up a bucket of wet sand and hurled it at my head. Dropped me like a shot. I still have a dent in my head where I hit the bench on the way down.

She's probably lucky I'm not dead.
builder said:
I walked away from my ex when I could see she was losing the plot, and she picked up a bucket of wet sand and hurled it at my head. Dropped me like a shot. I still have a dent in my head where I hit the bench on the way down.

She's probably lucky I'm not dead.

When wet sand is outlawed then only outlaws will have wet sand.