Men Who Hit Women.

catboy, you can control your seizures enough to control who you hit and don't hit?

yes or no?
eddo said:
catboy, you can control your seizures enough to control who you hit and don't hit?

yes or no?

No I can't, not when a big person whacks me
hard enough to make me black out to
where I don't rmemener NOTHING!

Do you know what it is like to have
things happen to you that you think
your going batzoid because some
peple including your frends and familyu
are telling you that they happend and
you don't remember squast???
no, I don't. But I also understand how you can be assured of not harming a child during one of your seizures.

and yohan is still a moron. Can't forget that.
eddo said:
and who the hell goes around hitting handicapped people?

is this really a problem for you?

Well this one boogernose in the grocer's did
once, I don't remember her ever doing it, I
just remember ending up in the hospital with
dad and uncle and a lawyer and dad talking
about how it all happened.

I was writing out a cheque and sh e said
something like hurry up and something
like we have lives and that trash and I
said I'm Handicapped!! and the next thing
I know I wake up in the hospital with dad
and uncle there and dasd telling me about
what I was acused of and what reallyuhappened.

We won, annsd she had to pay for the hospital
bill and everything, but I don't live on my own
anymore, I live with my brother and we get along
so well that dad said OK and brother has no
problem with it, I fix things around his house
for him when they break, its all I know how to
do anyway, I have to remember I can't live
by myself anymore all the time, just while
brother is at work, I don't go anywhere without
brother though and I never never NEVER answer
the phone or the door to strangers, and I neve
rtalk to strangers when we are out either.
Ahhlee said:
If the punishment fits the crime, then no one should be exempt from facing the consequences of their actions.

Your punishment crossed the line.

Ahhh. now i see your point. You actually have no problem with hitting a woman, as long as she hits you first.
Spitting, although childish, crude, and trashy, is not violent. Hitting her was.

Was is so hard to understand?

Just spit back. ;)
I'm not denying it wasnt a violent act. I just shared with ya'll the one time that I hit a gal. The point I was attempting to drive home was that the double standard is bullshit, and although I may have been in the wrong when I reacted.. I do believe, that in some cases, its ok to hit a gal.
Shiza! I didn't think this thread would go on this long. The main point that needs to be expressed here is that whether it is spitting, pushing, punching, kicking, whatever the hell, the person(s) doing it are at risk of retaliation of some sort. I am not talking about kids by the way, that's a different subject. No one should be touching or projecting saliva period. Some of these "adults" need a reality check and realize what kind of crap they are getting into and accept any ramifications for their actions.

Hate to be Captain Obvious but sometimes the most obvious things have to be re-exposed.
Phantom said:
Spitting, although childish, crude, and trashy, is not violent. Hitting her was.
Was is so hard to understand? Just spit back. ;)
Spitting is clearly a form of violence - using abusive language, scratching, kicking and so on are also considered as violence. Such violence is often chosen by women to attack men sometimes out of no understandable reason.

The gender is irrelevant however, the story of hitting her is violence, but hitting him is not violence does not work.

If an aggressor is attacking you, it is up to you to decide IF and HOW you defend yourself in a reasonable form. This is called self-defense.

Generally, I see no reason, why the male victim should 'smile and walk away', as some strange people seem to suggest.
I think, it is the female aggressor, who should RUN away or should be forced to do so.

The argument 'spit back' sounds funny, however it is nobody's business to give orders to the male victim about his possible defense.
You cannot expect, that spitting will cause spitting in return, that hitting will cause hitting in return...

Thekid65: I do believe, that in some cases, its ok to hit a gal.
Yes, correct, you are right.
Termi0n said:
Even Sean Connery says its ok to smack a bitch.

That is disgusting. Boo! Sean Connery. Boo!

Some dumb newbie said:
Spitting is clearly a form of violence - using abusive language, scratching, kicking and so on are also considered as violence.

Spitting and language offends you so badly you would hit someone? What a sissy!
Phantom said:
Spitting and language offends you so badly you would hit someone? What a sissy!
What would you do?
Yes, spitting is clearly a form of violence - using abusive language, scratching, kicking and so on are also considered as violence.

Just check it with your lawyer if you do not believe me.
It seems to me you need some legal advice.

And yes, some women deserve a good spanking....

1. swift and intense force: the violence of a storm.
2. rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment: to die by violence.
3. an unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws: to take over a government by violence.
4. a violent act or proceeding.
5. rough or immoderate vehemence, as of feeling or language: the violence of his hatred.
6. damage through distortion or unwarranted alteration: to do editorial violence to a text.

I think spitting, yelling, pushing, punching, and the like fit this definition quite well.
I think Yohan and Outlaw have hit on something here. All this talk about Male violence toward women is fine, I agree it's wrong. But what happens when someone decides to raise a hand against a guy?

That's right, he gets told to "take it like a man".

case in point:
Phantom said:
Spitting and language offends you so badly you would hit someone? What a sissy!

Okay people, say it with me; "Double Standard". Sure it's wrong to hit a woman, but should violence vs a man go unpunished? Most seem to think so. In fact, there has been a rash of male bashing in relationships lately, and I can see where it's coming from. A female has cultural norms, law, the courts, and a host of manginas protecting her "poor delicate" self. When you are confronting the world from such a protected viewpoint I guess it's easy to engage in such double-standards (because you know the world will never call you on your ****).

Just remember, fairness cuts both ways. You can't point out the faults of one group without acknowledging your own; otherwise you are every bit the hypocrite.
Phantom said:
That is disgusting. Boo! Sean Connery. Boo!

Barbara Walters doesnt seem to have a problem with it.

I've lived with families whos kids who got spanked when they misbehaved and they're fine. I've also known women who got smacked when they got out of hand and they're fine and a lot happier than most women I've met who dont get a shmack when they need it. So you all obviously dont know what you're talking about and are making assumptions based on PC garbage.
Termi0n said:
I've lived with families whos kids who got spanked when they misbehaved and they're fine. I've also known women who got smacked when they got out of hand and they're fine and a lot happier than most women I've met who dont get a shmack when they need it. So you all obviously dont know what you're talking about and are making assumptions based on PC garbage.
I agree with TermiOn.
This is a very good and realistic explication of the overall situation in this world.
Only a narrow-minded feminist (male or female), who was never out of the US and has never seen anything else but a feminist society in his/her life might question the truth of this statement.

Violence does not exist solely from men against women, but women are also violent. -
The majority of child mistreatment crimes is done by women, boys are more frequently mistreated by their mothers than girls...why should this all remain unpunished or regulated by lenient sentences, because the aggressor is a woman?

Women are showing up in reported domestic violence against men in remarkable figures and are leading in categories I mentioned before: using abusive language, provocating with insulting remarks, throwing something, scratching, biting, spiting, kicking ...

Only an idiot with a masochistic background can recommend, the man should smile and walk away, if he cannot tolerate such psychotic violent behaviour anymore.

On the other side, should the violence start by the man by rising his voice or moving his foot too loud against a chair, it is PC-correctly recommend to call 911 and ask for a restrain order, to file for divorce, take the house and car, take at least 50 to 75 percent of all assets and ask for alimony for life - in case of problems, false rape allegations are doing the job with lawyers paid out of tax-payers money to support feminist organizations like NOW!.

Double standard? I think so...