Middle Easterns And Planes

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Before I start these comments may be considered racial profiling and may not be liked by many middle easterns so if you don't wanna see what I have to say read no more. If you do just highlight the rest of words that are black. Please do not turn this into a flame war.

Okay we all know whats going on in Europe and North America. With liquid bombs and planes. I think for atleast a while we should ban middle easterens from planes. I think this would work until they finally get other people who are not middle eastern to attack. Well why do I say this? Many people from Europe and North America are greedy and will only do it if they get payed. Well most people don't wanna die and then get paid. Because then your out of money.


Now the main reason I am making this article is to protect myself if I get on a plane, and any other people who may fly between European countries and the United States. This could save a hundred people or so. You may think "well he isn't thinking of non-terrorist. Well I am they could get on a ship (as in boat) and drive it over here. I don't have a problem with middle easterns. I have a problem with people trying to kill me.


We could undone the law of no middle easterns on planes once they can convince us they won't blow them up or they find a way to get other people to do it.

Thank you for your time.



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I totally agree with what you're saying. You want to be safe, and **** if I fly, I do too.

Nothing wrong with that. There's also a huge debate going on right now not only in the US but in Europe and the rest of the world too about whether they should racially profile passengers on planes. I think they should.

I'm sure if you put all the black people on one plane, all the white people on one plane, and all the middle easterners on one plane, the middle eastern plane would be most likely to have a terrorist and even have a terrorist attack, and the black person plane would most likely have Jay-Z on it. lmao.



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That'd very hard to do,and would probably result in more attacks,but I can see your point...unfortunaly it'd violate many innocent people's rights and will probably never happen in our lifetimes


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well they should atleast check all of them anyway when they get on plane

I hate to say it, but that'd never happen... it start so much racial drama, that things would get worse, maybe better over time, but very bad initially. I just don't see it happening unfortunatly... I wanna be safe too.



Active Members
No, no, no. What we need to do is have thorough screenings, security checks, and background checks for airplane passengers. So what if it takes four hours to get on the plane? You will know you are safe. This is what Israel's national airline does, and they haven't had any incidents involving terrorists or any kind of an attack in THIRTY FIVE YEARS. Do the math, its worth it.


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I understand where you coming from...my dad says the exact same thing...except a little more harsh...but that's not worth discussing. Anyways, this is America, you can't just ban all Middle Easterns from planes. That's degrading them of their rights as American citizens. You have to look at the details of what that could do to their lives. Middle Easterns can have jobs that cause them to travel by plane...if they get banned from flying...they loose their jobs. We all know what happens when you loose your job. Plus, it's just racial. A lot like what we did to Japense during World War II...it might not be that extreme...but if we do this it's only another step in that direction.

I agree with increasing security and background checks. But not just with the Middle Easterns...but on everyone.



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You practically make the same threads every time, FH.

Racial profiling works at times, but at what cost? It's a step backward in civil rights and that's one thing we shouldn't do, especially now. Think beyond a racist, twelve year old point of view. If you can't, or choose not to, that's fine too.

Like Clogz said, increased security precautions and background checks will eliminate terror threats much more effectively than, "I see that you're wearing a headwrap inexplicable to American culture, please step aside."

I'm sure if you put all the black people on one plane' date=' all the white people on one plane, and all the middle easterners on one plane, the middle eastern plane would be most likely to have a terrorist and even have a terrorist attack, [b']and the black person plane would most likely have Jay-Z on it. lmao.[/b]
You're so funny, Mark! You don't even know what you're talking about. You just threw Jay-Z in there because he's one of the only black figures you know of. :rolleyes:



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dude lol I know a lot of black figures. I was just saying something funny about Jay o_O

when linkinpark-1 said it was like what we did to the Japanese during WWII, that totally changed my mind. I think we need thorough background checks, etc. All that extra security.



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I think thats one of the stupidest things I have ever read and while im not offended I think your a prime example of why people would want to do things they do anyways as your just painting urself as a narrowminded, arrogant American who thinks its a specific race of people cauing terror....

Needless to say I disagree with u totally

As from October this year in the UK they are doing exactly what Jenessa suiggested, when your getting your first passport you will be interviewed, checked and have finger print details stored etc.... though some people see it as a stab at feedom and big brother keeping an eye on us I feel its the only way to go.



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i think its about security mainly, i work at one of the uk's biggest airports and i'm sorry to say that unless there is a fear of a terrorist attack the security checks on planes are not carried out properly. maybe if airports get of their ***'s and take more time to check peoples identity, luggage and passports the risk of attacks would reduce. not all middle eastern people wanna bomb planes and kill people so why sould they be punished for others actions.


New member
I think thats one of the stupidest things I have ever read and while im not offended I think your a prime example of why people would want to do things they do anyways as your just painting urself as a narrowminded, arrogant American who thinks its a specific race of people cauing terror....
Needless to say I disagree with u totally

As from October this year in the UK they are doing exactly what Jenessa suiggested, when your getting your first passport you will be interviewed, checked and have finger print details stored etc.... though some people see it as a stab at feedom and big brother keeping an eye on us I feel its the only way to go.
They say they're going to start reviewing everyone working at the airports now. Because it's ****** up how a minimum wage worker at the concession stand of McDonalds has the clearance to roam throughout most of the airport.



New member
No, no, no. What we need to do is have thorough screenings, security checks, and background checks for airplane passengers.

Exactly. Firehawk that was ...an ignorant opinion. [ no offense since i love you] Here's why.

Middleastern people aren't the only terrorist... Wow.. thats what I get for paying attention in Social Studies.



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I think we should ban white people from being on planes period.

I mean seriously. Alot of white people are racsist as it is and can pose a possible threat to us (non-cuacasian) people. They could possibly target planes that has a majoirty of minoirties on it and blow it. Their barbaric nature stems from the British and Pilgrims taking over native american lands and forcing the natives towards the west. Even now with the tyrants George Bush, **** Cheney, Tony Blair as prominent figures we cannot take chances that these evil people could possibly turn on us.

As you can tell I am being sarcastic but it is somewhat true what I said.

Firehawk. I in general try to be nice to people. When I say things blunt to people (in the mainstream threads and some other) I still attempt to keep a level of respect becuase I mean they are stating their opinion. But.

I think this is possibly the dumbest thing I ever read.

This is what triggers world wars, revolutions, more terrorist attacks ect. Um correct me if I am wrong but if theres a plane full of middle easterns you'd perfer they all get killed versus white people? So esentially you put the minorites in harms way and keep the white people safe? Put the black people with the black people becuase they can kill each other. Put white people with white people so they can talk about how much they hate black people and arabs. All your doing is racial profiling and its stupid. Lets say all arabs are terrorists. If there is a plane full of terrorists isn't that worse? I mean use some ******* common sense. Imagine costs to segregate people. It's ridiculous.

I mean I've read some stupid stuff in my life but this is by far the dumbest peice of **** I have ever read. Not only am I offended but I am disgusted at such a suggestion. Not only would you jerpordize America as a Democracy, you would in essence suppourt revolution, you'd suppourt eventual chaos, you'd cuase America to loose it's power as one of the most powerful nations in the world.

I mean you are essentially claiming Arabs are dangerous even though SIX of Americas Ten Most Wanted Fugitives are white. None are black. One is Usama Bin Laden. The other three are of hispanic descent.

Hmmm whos more dangerous? It wasn't until just recently that all these terrorist attacks have been pervented? Have you noticed just when elections come around for America were are now stopping all these terrorist attacks? Plans after plans being diverted?

Overall, maybe on paper it makes sense. But when you flip the otherside of the paper to read the negatives you realize its more than a whole page.



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I'm not saying white people are better I am not saying caucasion (sp?) are better...they have done bad things esepcially to african americans who didn't so ****....but **** it i don't wanna be blown up


New member
I'm not saying white people are better I am not saying caucasion (sp?) are better...they have done bad things esepcially to african americans who didn't so ****....but **** it i don't wanna be blown up
Chances of a Cuacasian HiJacking a plan are just as likely as an Arab. :thumbsup:

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