Terroist attacks are more common in the Middle East, but definetly not with planes. If you haven't heard... most planes set to bomb buildings have come from the states itself and the UK. "Derr, we should stop incoming planes from the Middle East" 9/11 and the attempted terroist attacks from the UK would have still happened. Those planes didn't come from the Middle East, fool.
Also, this racist stereotype against Middle-Eastern people is ridiculous. So let's switch it up, shall we? Most mentally retarded and physcologically inept people are Caucasian. It's a known fact. But no minorities have honestly assumed that all white people ride the short bus regardless of how ubiquitious the sight may be. So why let a few dozen Muslims out of millions, if not, billions of Middle-Easterners be assumed to be a potential terroist threat when they have not inflicted any stereotypes to your ethnicity?