Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Sitting Pretty In Paradise
This story was supposed to be up, days ago. However, the school computer ate my files and then it ruined my floppy disk. So I had to write it at home. And I have millions of fan fiction to post, edit, and type. Yes, I’m a busy girl. So I thought it would be funny if the guys were in high school. And Mike had a guide to survive high school from his own experiences. He meets the rest of the guys along the way and his love interest towards the end. And no it isn’t me; I would like Mike to be my friend then a lover. I don’t really think of it like that. The last story I put up was for my friend who thought it was cute. Anyway, I’ll stop talk/typing and get on with the story.


Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

Yeah, high school the best years of our life and it can become easily the worst. Oh, yeah, sure a little freshman is going to tell you how to survive high school. Guess what, yup its going to be me. The name is Mike or Michael by which my parents call. I swear if anyone calls me by that name I’m going to hurt you anyway, welcome to my new life and hell. Brook Steel high, the place where dreams are born. Seriously that’s the school motto. I guess I can’t give you any advice that you already don’t know. But hey I’ll do it anyway.

Rule Number One: Make sure you dress with a little style and dignity. I mean when you go to your first day make sure you bath. And make sure if you wear a band shirt. Now what the band is before you go around school thinking your cool. And last but not least, girls dress like you have some sense. I like girls, but not half-naked girls. It not making a good impression on your first day and I’m sure not going to be chasing after you.

Mike walks past a group of kids who already broke the rule. He shakes his head and keeps walking.

Like me I wore a nice black and white shirt, with some clean or almost clean kicks and some pants. I look decent and that’s good enough for me. Rule Number Two: Make sure you act like yourself. It’s not sense in acting fake just to impress somebody. That’s like leading them on and when they find your true self then you’ll be losing a lot more then your friends. Take Larry Pinestone for example, in middle school for sixth grade he was a rocker and never listened to one rock song in his life. His parents made him listen to Classic music. Seventh grade he wanted to be a gangster after watching the movie Scarface. Eighth grade he wanted to be wizard. Oh, did I mention fifth grade he wanted to be Spice Girl. I’m so serious its not even funny.

And this year welll...

Larry Pinestone rolls by on some skateboard. Waving at Mike, with no helmet. Mike waves back and smiles for the poor guy. That’s when a girl opens her locker and he slams face first into it. Everyone around him laughs. Mike just cringed at the sight.

Rule Number Three: Make sure you don’t embarrasses yourself. Especially if you don’t know how to skate for that matter. That’s defiantly going in the guide.

“Mike!” Calls a female voice. Mike turns around to find a girl with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and light brown skin. She’s wearing a short sleeve shirt that say, ‘I love Rock ‘n’ Roll and Old School Hip Hop’ and some dark blue jeans and some gym shoes.

“Hey Jazz! What sup?”

Jazz a real tomboy...when she wants to be. She’s been my best friend since we were in diapers. I can still remember the day we met in the sandbox. She walked over and said hello and dumped her orange juice on my head and walked away. That was a good day. Jazz is half-white, half black and a little Puerto Rican. She’s a good friend to have around especially when it comes to girl troubles. She even helps me with my guide.

“I want to see your classes.” Mike pulled out his schedule and gave it to Jazz. “Sweet we have the same classes.” Handing over her schedule to Mike. “Cool.” Then a boy with brown hair and wearing his headphones ran up out of breath. “You guys what do you have for first period?” He asked in a panic voice.

“We both have Mrs. Crawford.” Said Mike. “David Dawson has that class we better get a seat.” The boy runs down the hall. Mike and Jazz also run after him almost knocking each other down. Running at top speed the three dodge and leap over books, students, and trash cans. “David...Dawson...Mrs....Crawford...Class.” Jasmine cried as they past some student.

Some students that went to their middle school started gathering up their stuff and running also. Going down the stairs at top speed, Jazz jumped on Mike’s back so she wouldn’t have to run downstairs. When they reached the bottom she leaped off and run again. The boy with the brown hair and headphones ran into to room 210. He slide across the floor pulling out to ‘reserved’ signs. He picked three seats in the middle row and placed the ‘reserved’ signs down on the two seats next to his.

He almost slipped and fell when he got to his seat. Throwing his backpack off and seating down he sighed. Jazz and Mike were next seating in the seats that the boy reserved for them. Others came in taking up the reasonable. However, for some they got left with the back seats. Those in the front or close to the front like Mike and the others were lucky. The rest well they would have to suck it up for the semester.

I guess your wondering what’s all the big commotion about and who that boy was. Well that’s Brad my best friend since middle school. We met when we had the same P.E. class and I was rapping for some kids. He has this thing were he has to wear those large headphones. Its like a radio, but he never really uses them unless he’s ‘ENTER THE MATRIX’ He even got a note for the teachers and principal that he has the wear those. I don’t know what it says, but it works.

And you’re wondering why we all ran for our lives. David Dawson. Was the only kid in our class that didn’t bath or for that matter couldn’t help but pass gas. It was so unbearable, even in the summer time when the air conditioning was working and the school was really old so you couldn’t open half the windows in class. Fans didn’t work because that made it worse. We all almost died, I didn’t think Brad wasn’t going to make it when he held his breath for the whole hour. Only taking in ‘clean air’ very so often. It didn’t even help when girls with their perfume spread the entire room.

David Dawson walks in, wearing what Brad, Mike, and Jazz wearing an outfit he wore all summer when they saw him at the Skate Park.

Now don’t get us wrong, you’re thinking he problem doesn’t have enough money. Well dude he has more money then Donald Trump. His parents own the cool cafe in town and Movie Theater. And I have been to his house before. I almost died when he had every singe video game system in history. Yes, my mom made me go over there because she thought I needed to expand my friendship. Whatever mom.

The bell rings. Everyone talks and chatters about their summer vacation. Mike and Brad talk about their new gurtiers they got with their new paychecks that summer. Jazz started reading over some lyrics they had wrote. When there was large snap everyone jumped, hushing his or her conversations. A woman with a dark purple dress suit, with her belly hanging out. Tight deep purple high heels. Gold earrings and a ruler at hand. She had gray hair and stern brown eyes.

“Thank you for all quieting. Now shall we get started.” she walks over to the board and pulls up the map. Displaying an assignment and her name. “My name is Mrs. Crawford. I’m your Lit/Comp. 9 teacher. In my class you will eat, sleep, and breathe literature. No late work even when you’re absent and all assignments must be turned in at the date that’s giving. Understood.” Everyone stares at the teacher with confusion and not really believing in what she just said. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

You know when you get a teacher that everyone hates, and just tries to hard. Yeah, well here’s a way to get that cow off your back. When she gives you an assignment that involves something to read a book or writing a poem. Find somebody you can trust that already read the book, like Jazz or Brad. When your write a poem don’t steal from a book find a music freak. Like me or Brad or Jazz who can wrote any song with good rhyming and words that you at least understand.

Yeah, I know its not cheating its called having good connections. This teacher I swear maybe she needs a life looking at her finger those little writing bumps shows she loves to check and write long notes on your papers that make no sense at all.

“Now, lets see who would like to pass put your Lit books. I know David Dawson I had your brother last year. Fine student I expect that from you.” Brad took in a deep breath, Jazz did the same without showing it. And for Mike he just hid his head when he came by with the books. When everyone started breathing again, Mrs. Crawford pointed at the assignment at the board.
Continued:Chapter One

“Today’s assignment look up ten words in each alphabetical order. Write the definition and everything it goes along with. You willl start...now.” Everyone stared at the teacher like she was crazy. “Get to work!” she yelled. Everyone pulled their dictionaries from under their desk and started writing.

By the end of class, Jazz, Brad, and me both got 50 words from a section that we assigned ourselves. Then during lunch we trade papers and copy that section down. Mrs. Crawford stared at us and she keep placing her hand on my shoulder and nodding her head, This seemed like I was the only one. Jazz looked over every time she did that. I hope she wasn’t that kind of teacher who liked her own student. Dude I’m cute and all but quit that it scares me. And as usual David Dawson passed gas again, even though we were in good seats. Some of us can smell it. Its like every year it gets stronger and stronger. When the bell rang everyone expect David and Mrs. Crawford left the room...really, really fast.


Its been three hours, and lunch was finally here. Brad and Jazz were seated by the window. Even though I hated when some of the kids go outside to kiss each other while were eating. Have a little respect. It wasn’t once that I have got held up by girlfriends and boyfriends stopping in the middle of the hallway and kissing each other.

“Dude, this day is going by fast. Mike you haven’t talked about the school newspaper about your guide yet.? Three girls in our third hour asked me when it was coming out.” said Jazz. Taking a sip of her cola. “Well, I have been taking notes. But I don’t know my brother says that the school newspaper is very funny about freshman writers.” Brad pulled out his lunch. “Well, I know I won’t be getting sick this year.”

Its funny the school lunch aren’t always that bad, however, its seems on the first day brave kids like to buy lunch when the lunch prices are too high and the first days lunch always seems to be Sloppy Joes and French Fries in our school distract. The Sloppy Joes has bits of meat like lunchmeat, and chicken in it. And the French fries are cold and hard. Trust me we investigated this with careful planning and a strong stomach. The lunch ladies every first day like to sit out and smoke and reheat last year’s leftovers. Placing in bits of meat as the filling for the Sloppy Joes. Some of them are ninety years old and spit a lot. So we bring our own lunches.

“Hey, Mike I met this cool guy name Joe in our second hour. He was interested in that drawing you gave me I told him about you and he seems so psyched about meeting you. I think he has our same P.E. class.” Brad took a bit of his chocolate, “Mike has the personality of a god who wouldn’t want to meet him.” Mike rubbed the back of his head. “You guys stop your embarrassing me.” Jazz rolled her eyes. “Don’t get a big head about it.”

“Oh, yeah, I know that girl her name is Samantha. She goes out with that boy...um...Chester who’s always singing with that band at the cafe. She told me a lot about his singing. From what I heard he has a hot voice.” Mike stared at a girl with black hair and hoop earrings, she was snuggled up with a guy with brown hair and glasses. “Ah, the perfect couple.” mocked Brad. Mike turned his attention to Jazz.

Jazz her job is well finding out information on cool and unique people in her standards. Never fail when she finds the hottest band for the cafe. And she also a sweet girl....however, a lot of people think were the perfect item. I don’t think of her like that and I know she doesn’t of me.


Yes, the perfect time of the school day. A rare occasion to have some fun. A food fight

The trio take their stuff off the table and duck under. “Cool. A food fight against the freshman and seniors. Hey aren’t we freshman?” Jazz punched Brad in the arm. “Not stuff. Duh, we better get out of here.” The trio crawled on the floor to hide from the flying food. “Split up. I’ll head to the exit and I’ll hold the door. Find survivors if you can.” ordered Brad. The trio spilt up, Mike crawled over to table and bumped his head against something hard. Looking up he saw the boy name Chester and his girlfriend close to his side. “Sorry.” said Mike.

“No problem. We’re just clearing a path to the door. I’ll help you.” said Mike. Samantha tilted her head to the side. “Are you sure your not a senior?” Mike nodded and the two followed Mike under tables. Mike grabbed a water bottle that wasn’t open. “Hey, Samantha grab me one of your earrings.” Samantha took out her earring and handed it to Mike. Mike punched the hole in the cap with the needle. Handing the earring back to her. Mike had a squirt bottle. When people caught them, he would squirt them in the eyes as close as possible. When Mike saw Brad they got up and ran to him.

“Thanks man.” said Chester. “Hey where is Jazz.” Brad shrugged. “I’m going in.” Chester and Brad gasped. “You can’t they would get you for sure.” Mike took a few steps back and ran and slid down on the floor. He dodged the flying Sloppy Joe, mike, and hard fries. A kid cried out in pain when it hit his eye. He spotted Jazz in the middle of a crowd of seniors who cornered a freshmen. Mike slowly but quickly ran and ducked under the table with Jazz.

“Hey, you alright?” Jazz nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want to go anywhere with that big of a group.” Mike motioned for Jazz to get on his back. She climbed on and they crawled out of there slowly. They clobbered the freshmen with food. One turned around and noticed Jazz and Mike. “Hey!” but Mike kicked a chair at the boy who was running towards them. He fell face first in some milk, corn, and meat mixed.

“Sweet dude.” they both said together. “Ewww!” Mike crawled further towards the door. His clothes getting a dirty, but he didn’t care as long as they were safe. He stood up and ran to the exit. “Thanks Mike.” said Jazz, as he placed her down. “Chester would you do something like that for me?” said Samantha. Chester just slurred his words and then he was punched in the arm. “I didn’t even answer.” Brad, Jazz, and Mike laughed as the two walked away. Chester turned around and said thank you again ran off towards his girlfriend.

What’s with my back and Jazz. No reason, just the fact. When a bunch of girls and boys beat her up when she was seven. Me being the helpful one found her crying in the jungle. Cuts all over her and black and blue bruises. I could remember words that I questioned all my life. “Why don’t they like my color. My mama says I’m beautiful. Why don’t they?” I helped her up and placed her on my back. I guess its a habit. She’s my best friend and I don’t feel right when someone hurts any of my friends. Even her...she’s so abused sometimes. I don’t know why, but one day she will tell me.
Contined: Chapter One

Last period, P.E. and this year we have this woman who was really huge, and sweats really badly. I guess that explains why the juniors and seniors give her Dove deodorant for Teacher Appreciation Day. I was going to have fun. I have made it this far with a flirting teacher, a weird art teacher who barks at you when he likes you and growls when he doesn’t. Long story. Dodging hard French fries and meeting some cool people along the way. And then you have this teacher who’s so huge I think she can break us in half. And who sweats really, really badly.

“Okay, kids. The name is Ms. Stepping. I’m your P.E. teacher. Today you’ll be playing soccer. The fields are being cleaned after a little food fight that took place also in the fields. So we will be in here.” her voice was really rugged and manly. Wearing some really tight shorts and the school sweatshirt that represented the Tigers. She scared half of the class. “Today, I’m going to spilt you up in six groups.” she walked around the isle of kids. “We have an equal amount of boys and girls. So Team 1: Susan, Karen, Jasmine, Anne, and Samantha. With Team 2: Brad, Mike, Chester, Joe, and Rob.” As Ms. Stepping read off the rest of the teams. Brad and Mike groaned.

“Hey, that’s your friend Jazz right?” he asked Mike. “Yeah, and I warn you. You. Will. Fear. Her.” the rest of the boys of team two looked confused. “Why?” asked Chester. “Because she’ll kick your butt when it comes to sports.” said Brad. “So that’s why you were groaning?” said Rob. “Yup, she kicks and punches really hard. So be on guards when it come to your jewels.” said Mike. The other boys looked over to the group of girls. “Okay, get changed!” Ms. Stepping ordered. Everyone got and grabbed their stuff and headed to the locker room.

“I don’t know you guys. Boys become pretty competitive when it come to sports.” said Susan, with her long blonde hair swaying as she walked. “Don’t worry.” said Jazz. The girls turned to Jazz smiling evilly. “You have me and I know two of those boys fear me when it comes to sports.” Samantha laughed. “I need a little payback with Chester anyway.” Anne with her red hair said quietly, “And the silent treatment not working.” Samantha laughed. “I’m just making him learn his lesson.”

Five minutes later, everyone was in his or her teams. “Okay, team two and one over there. Team three and team four to the left. And team five and team six over by the basketball hoops. Okay begin!” she blew her whistle and the games begun. Jazz was the first to slide and catch the ball kicking over to Anne. Who surprisely had some good moves of her own and blocked the ball away from Rob, by jumping in front. Kicking it back to Jazz. Jazz seized the ball and kicked over to the goal and with such force. She managed to tear through the net.

“Damn Dude!” cried Chester. Joe felt faint. The ball was then throwing back to team two. Mike dodge the girls but then there was Jazz waiting for him. He kicked the ball over to Chester got it but then Samantha came over and knocked him down. “Oops. Clumsy me.” Susan ran over and kicked the ball over Karen she hit it with her head and flew over to Jazz. She made another kick to the goal, however, Mike stopped it and charged Jazz. Jazz was protecting Karen was the goalkeeper. When someone else ball from another team tripped Mike and fell over Jazz. Everyone in the two teams stopped to check on the two-team mates.

You know when something isn’t just not right where its suppose to be. I try and break my fall and my hand lands right on her...boob. When I try to push myself up I accidentally...well...um...squeezed it. I could see her dark brown eye flaring up with anger. And then I bet you can guess what happens next.


Five minutes later:

“Um...Mike are you okay?” asked Brad. Mike sat with an angry face in the boys locker room. “Ouch, man your face is really red. I didn’t think you were like that.” said Joe. “It was an accident.” cried Mike. “I guess you were right when you said she really tough.” Mike sighed and laid across the bench waiting for the final bell to ring.

So far this is my first day, well I managed to get slapped by my best friend. Even though guys thinks that's cool. I don’t because well every day has to have a flaw in it. Oh yeah, on final rule: Never touch a girls boob. Even by accident. ‘Cause you’ll pay the price. And one that really, really hurts.
long but good. I wish that i had this when i started highschool over for about three times this year each time i learn something new. like in montrealn dont walk into fourth with HIM in your headphones. (they have no taste in music.)
Honestly, I'm in 10th grade, however, I have a lot of family and seniors for friends. They gave me a real guide. So its two on two thing. So I have a lot of help. Trust me I watch a lot of dumb stuff around my school so I take notes. I just have wise and helpful people around me.

For the first time I have read a good fic on the LP forum
Jazz sounds awesome and I reckon her and mike would make an awesome couple
keep up the good work :thumbsup:
Chapter Two

Wow, I got reviews. I decided to make another chapter before I finish my sixteenth chapter of Crystal Tokyo Origins a Sailor Moon story. I have to admit I’m a Sailor Moon freak. I even know the difference between the anime and manga. Plus if anyone interested I need a editor for my stories for Fanfiction.net. Enough about me now lets get to the story.


Mike’s Guide to Surviving High School

I guess the best part of school is the end of the day. You get to hang out with your friends; sometimes my mom likes to take me to piano lessons, even though I get really tired of classical music. Anyway, we are all here at my job or should I say the place where many bands get their big break on Friday night. Devils Den 101. So its sounds weird, but it totally different then what it sounds. You should have seen my mom when she first heard the name. “NO MIKE YOUR NOT WORKING AT A PLACE THAT PROMPTS THE DEVIL!” That’s when you go to your second parent and reword what you said to the first and then get them to convince the other. It doesn’t always work. But good thing I have Jazz. Jazz is the waitress here and I just find bands for Friday night and sometimes I waiter. Today, Brad has invited Joe, Chester, Rob, Anne, and Samantha to come visit. And I.... I’m trying to clear my name off of Jazz’s Hit List.

“I’m really sorry Jazz. It was an accident and you know that.” Mike said, following Jazz around as she served the busy afternoon crowd. Jazz sighed, “Alright I heard you. You don’t have to make a big deal about it. Besides I don’t like holding grudges.”

What a rare thing for a girl to say. Well from my recent experience girls like to hold grudges, especially when it comes to a guy. I mean don’t think if you fight over a guy there will be new ones to come. Why do they feud over something that doesn’t make a difference? Then when months or years past they forget but when they remember you better take cover. I guess that’s why Jazz doesn’t have that many girls for friends to much drama sometimes. I least I’m off the list.

“Well that’s good to know.” Said Mike, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, then we’ll you let me finish my orders then?” Mike smiled and walked over to the table where Brad and the others were sitting. “So what’s sup?” Mike jumped in the chair next to Brad. “Nothing, we were talking about Chester’s band.” Said Brad. “Oh, yeah, Jazz told me about that you do have a band. How is it?” Mike asked. Chester sighed and Samantha rubbed his back. “Well you see those guys don’t treat Chester very well. They are always taking credit for his work and they always make fun of they way he looks. I told Chester to leave but he needs the money so he can buy a present for a little girl down the street.”

“Awww! That’s so sweet!” Said Anne, looking up from her book. Chester blushed at the comment. “Well she’s been sick and I just want to make her happy. Besides I like kids...if they aren’t spoiled and moody.” Mike and Brad looked at each other and smiled. “Join our band.” Chester and Samantha looked surprised. “Really? What’s the name of your band?” Asked Chester. Mike and Brad were quiet. “Um...” Jazz walked by; “they don’t have a name.” Samantha looked confused. “How long have your band been together?”

“Since middle school. We wanted to come with something cool and fresh, but its just me and Brad.” Anne still staring at her book asked, “So what do you do? What genre?” Jazz placed two cups of coffee down for Anne and Samantha. “Well Mike is the rapper and I play the guitar player.” Joe paused the Halo game and turned around in his seat. “You know beside from drawing, I love to DJ. I did some gigs at my old middle school and I gave about 20 different samples to a band called, Forever In Hell.” Mike looked over at Jazz.

Every time we had a certain look on our face we were thinking the same thing. It’s scary, yes. And a bit odd, yes. And it scared us too.

“It would be great if you joined also.” Mike and Jazz both said. Joe’s face light up. “Really do you really mean that?” Mike and Jazz both nodded. “How about you Chester honey?” Asked Samantha. “Well...Okay. I’ll just have to break my other band heart. To tell the truth, nothing has been the same since I moved here. Leaving my old band back home, at least I met some cool people.” Rob was busy playing his PSP. “Dude, Rob do you play anything?” Asked Brad. “Well, yea, actually I play the drums.” Mike stood up. “Sweet. You can join in, too.” Rob looked around surprised. “Okay, sure I don’t have anything to do anyway after school.” Jazz sighed, holding the tray against her chest. “Look a Kodak moment.” The guys decided to play Halo together at the game station next to Joe. As the girls sat and talked.

You know what’s great about first days. Well if you play your cards right you might just find a few good pals. Yes, its great. However, not till they start asking one question that people ask you your whole life.

“So...uh...Mike?” Asked Chester as he looked over at Mike with a sly grin. “Yeah, what?” Mike said already deep into the game. “So I guess you and Jazz will be going to the Homecoming Dance, huh?” Mike just stared at the screen as him and Brad tried to throw each other off as they played. “What...do you mean by that?” Chester and Rob looked at each other with grins spread across your face. “As a couple.” Mike was drinking his water and staring at the game when he spitted out his water in surprise. The others looked confused and surprised themselves when he did this.

That question. My parents, teachers, friends, even my brother. Always ask or says we would make the perfect couple. Dude we are just friend! Nothing more and nothing less.

Brad started laughing, while Mike had a look of horror on his face. “What? No! Jazz and me are just friends.” Chester, Rob, Joe, and even Brad replied with, “yeah, sure.” Mike face dropped. “What you don’t believe me. You to Brad?” Brad crossed his arms. “Well you two never leave each other’s side. And what about the back thing, huh?” Mike was quiet and then he simply replied, “Yeah, so what.” The others sighed and returned back to their game.

As for Jazz she was also dealing with the same thing from the girls. “So, Jazz what are you doing for Homecoming?” Asked Anne. “Nothing. I don’t have a boyfriend.” Anne and Samantha looked back at each other. “What? You mean you and Mike aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend?” Said Samantha. “No. What gave you that idea?” Jazz stood up and looked up at the clock. “Who did you think I was dating?” Anne and Samantha looked embarrassed. “Mike.” Jazz stared at them with frozen face. “M-Mike...you t-thought I went out with Mike?” The two girls nodded. “Ha, your funny.” Then she walked away. Anne and Samantha looked at each other and shrugged it off.
Continued: Chapter Two


Do you have weird parents? Okay, I’m going to admit it I have out of this world parents. I have a brother named Jason, whose a bit older then me. My father is Japanese whose is very laid back. And then there is my mom. She’s always has a weird way of coming up with ideas for me to expand my talents. I know I love music and I know it can come in handy someday. But mom goes over board. You should have seen her this morning when I was leaving for school. She was crying. Yes, she was crying. “My baby is all grown up and soon he’ll be out on the world by himself.” Why is it that parents always think that when your one grade up. We are ready to leave the ‘nest’. Half the time I’m not even ready for school. So like today...like any other first day. She was clinging to me and I was pulling her behind me. It took forever to get her off of me. This is what you do.... Leave really early before your mom gets up. And run. Run fast and never look back.

“Mike!” Called a woman’s voice. She ran over and started kissing and hugging Mike. “Mom, mom, mom, mom, c-can you like give me some air.” Gagged Mike. Mike’s father walked out with a smile on his face. “So how was your first day?” He asked. “Fine. Um...mom I have to go upstairs and uh, get clean up.” He said easing his way out of his mothers’ embrace. He walked upstairs and didn’t looked back. He turned the doorknob and opened it slowly. He jumped when he saw Jazz sitting on his bed. “Hi Mike.”

Dude, she’s good.

“What are you doing here? I thought I left before you?” Jazz stood up. “You did but James our boss gave me a ride.” Mike closed the door behind him when his mother yelled out, “DON’T CLOSE THAT DOOR! I DON’T WANT TO HAVE ANY GRANDKIDS!”

Wow, mom that’s really, really thoughtful of you...NOT!

“I see your mom didn’t change over the summer.” Mike swung open the door. “And she never will.” Mike sat his backpack down and turned on his laptop. “So why are you here?” Mike asked. “Your best friend can’t I come over without being asked by my best friend?” She said with a pout. “Sure. I’m just...well...my parents and uh-” Jazz crossed her arms. “Is this about the boob thing?” Mike shook his head and then his brother Jason came down the hall singing the Barney Theme Song. Jazz looked back at each other and then back at Mike’s brother as he was singing and living in his own little world.

Oh, yeah, I have a weird brother. He likes to make a scene whenever Jazz is over. Ironically all the songs are love songs. Don’t make yourself that we are a couple I’ll hurt you.

“Your brother is weird.” Said Jazz. As Mike closed the door a little. “KEEP THAT DOOR OPEN!” Mike sighed and opened the door again. “You know Mike; Anne is on the paper. And she can help us if you want too.” Mike walked over to his laptop and access his email. Five emails from five bands wanting to play at Devils Den 101. “Mike?” Mike turned and looked at Jazz. “Can I spend the night here?” Mike was a little confused by this. “Sure.” Jazz smiled and took off her shoes and jumped on Mike’s bed and laid her head down.

Jazz often spent the night here. And of course I had to leave my door expect when we are watching a movie. My mother told me when I was young, was that Jazz didn’t have a family and so it was normal for her to seek a home here. I would let her have my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor. Sometimes I wonder if Jazz has a family at all. Her mother stayed at home a lot and her father...I never seen her father. And she doesn’t like to talk about him. Being the best friend I am I just want her to be happy. Don’t think because I’m a boy and she’s a girl we like each other...’cause we don’t.

Mike pulled back from his laptop and stared at Jazz. “She’s asleep.” Mike smiled and rubbed his cheek. “MIKE ITS TOO QUIET IN THERE! YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING ANYTHING YOUR FATHER AND I WOULD DO!” Jazz snapped open her eyes and sat up. Mike just turned beet red and refused to look at Jazz or even his mirror for that matter.

OH MY GOD...MOM! You did not just say that. So far this my day and this is my family. Aren’t you glad you don’ t have my family.
i love this f*ckin story is great... lol... i have a mom like that well not the whole my baby is growing up kinda thing...... anyways.. the story is really good.... keep up the good work....
Chapter Three

Yeah, I didn’t think this story would get any reviews. I don’t think I’ll be finishing my other story anytime soon. So I guess I’ll be working really hard on this and my other stories.


Mike's Guide to Survivng High School

It’s the second day of my new high school life. And my mother she still can’t get over the fact that it’s only the second day. So as usual my mother had fixed a big breakfast. Not because Jazz is here, because she thinks that maybe I’ll keep eating and I won’t leave for school. I thought parents were for education, but not my mom. So what do you eat for breakfast? Simple the basics and then grab and donut and run, run fast, and don’t look back.

“Oh, Mike Good morning. Where’s Jazz?” Asked Mike’s mother. “She’s still getting ready for school.” Mike sat down in front of his plate and started piling his plate with all the basics: Eggs, ham, and toast. Jason and Mike’s father sat down also when they brought over the jelly for the toast and coffee. “So Mike are you starting that guide for the paper?” Asked Jason. “Hopefully,” Everyone turned around and saw Jazz wearing some shorts that were appropriate for school and a pink and white shirt. “Hello, Jazz. You look beautiful today.” Jazz looked confused. “I do?” Mike’s father looked over from his paper and smiled at Mike. Jason just kept quiet as Mike’s mother gave her a plate. “Thank you. Mrs. Shinoda,” she sat down and grabbed some ham and eggs. “Jazz do you want some orange juice?” Asked Mike’s father.

You know how your parents are trying to do something without you knowing. And of course this have to do with the couple thing, I peeped it when I was suppose to be asleep and sneaked downstairs for mom’s chocolate cake. They were supposed to be getting us together. I guess they are getting us together for Homecoming.

Jazz ate quietly and answered a few questions about her parents and school. “Well, we have to Jazz. What how did you get new clothes?” Asked Mike, as he grabbed his plate and walked over to the kitchen counter to get two glazed donuts. “Your mom bought them.” Mike looked over to his mother who only waved with a sweet smile. Mike rolled his eyes and grabbed the two donuts. “Let’s go ready, Jazz.” Jazz excused herself from the table. And walked upstairs to grab her backpack. “Dude, your parents scare me.” Whispered Jazz. “Yeah, I know.”

Five Minutes Later:

Mike and Jazz poked their heads out of Mike’s bedroom looking left and right. “Okay, the coast is clear.” Said Mike. Jazz and Mike tiptoed slowly downstairs. They walked into the kitchen where Mike’s father was fixing his lunch. “Be careful the eagle is lurking.” Mike scratched his head. “Dad what are talking about?” Then Mike’s mother popped out from the basement stairs. Mike screamed and grabbed Jazz’s hand. They ran throughout the house. “Wait Mike I want you to tell you about the dangerous of high school and the cruel world!” She followed them. Mike’s father shook his head. “That’s why we have the guide mom.” Cried Mike. They arrived in the kitchen and ran towards the basement stairs where the backdoor was stationed. Mike busted through the door and jumped over the gate with Jazz close behind. “Okay, but if you get sick or cut yourself call me and I’ll come!” Mike and Jazz were already down the street.


It’s good to be here at school early, because most of the clubs and your friends are here. Jazz and I arrived at Brook Steel High where all the kids were in their cliques and doing their last minute homework. Jazz was leading Mike towards the newspaper room where Anne was currently working on the first newspaper of this semester. Walking through the hall, I saw Chester and Samantha walking hand in hand.

Mike waved towards them and Chester gave him a cool smile.

Rob and Joe exchanging PSP games

Mike waved towards them and they waved back.

I wonder where Brad is. I want to punch him for siding with the others yesterday. We arrived at the room 416 The Tigers School Newspaper.

Jazz opened the door and Anne was currently talking with one of the newspaper worker. “Ahem.” Anne turned around and smiled. Anne excused herself from her partner. “Hey, guys how are you?” She asked. Mike and Jazz sat at one the desk. “Fine, We got chased by Mike’s mom this morning.” Anne’s face turned from happy to confused. “She was chasing you?” Mike sighed. “Yes, she’s still in denial that I’m in high school. She wanted to tell me about the dangerous of high school and the cruel evil real world.” Anne giggled. “Well, don’t worry my father doesn’t want me to go to high school because they are ‘blood thirsty boys’” Jazz laughed. “Jazz gave all the middle school papers that contained you guide. I really like them and they should be great for newspaper. Do you think you can come up with a typed copy of the first edition by Friday?” Mike nodded and smiled. “Cool. Is he on the newspaper?” Anne sighed and looked over to one of those boys that spends so much time in the mirror. And he was wearing a football jersey.

A football player on the newspaper, This burns all my theories about football players. Well, not really.

“Jake is very weird when it comes to freshmen on the newspaper. It was kind of hard for me to get on here. But my middle school teacher had something to do with that. His very hard on us, and he doesn’t even write anything except for his stupid name.”

Yup, I was right.

“I think I can make him change his mind. Just give me few hours and I’ll give him a piece of my mind. Anne you just keep convincing him, okay?” Anne nodded and the first bell rang. “We better go before Mrs. Crawford starts giving us a speech on how we should use time and we must eat, breath, and sleep time.” Said Mike. “Okay, I’ll keep trying.” The two said their last goodbyes to Anne and walked downstairs to first hour.


“Today’s real assignment is to read and interrupt Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.” Said Mrs. Crawford. Everyone stared at her like the first day. “I want to test everyone’s skills. Then we will get into the heart and depths of Mark Twain and his views against humanity.”

Don’t you hate teachers that give assignments and they don’t even know what they are talking about. You wanna know why? Because the state gives huge books of assignments that they have to follow. And usually they have a rare chance to do their own things. Basically they come to work, read the book, give an assignment, put their two cents in on what the assignments, and then get paid. That’s why she has to ‘test everyone’s skills’

“Let’s start with the facts. Who can tell me the time period between the first time they met and when they died?” Everyone was quiet and no one really knew the answer. Mike rose his hand. “Mr. Shinoda can you answer the question?” Mike sighed. “In a week, They met in a die. People died in a day. They got married in a day. And died in a day.” Jazz looked over at Mike with amazement. So did a lot of other girls.

Okay, my mom thought it would be cute for me to read Romeo and Juliet on Summer Book Tour. Where they give you a bunch of books to read over a week, I never really like reading. I like to draw.

“So can you tell me how old they were?” Mike was quiet for a minute. “Fifteen, Same age as us.” Mrs. Crawford smiled and opened her drawer and pulled out a large Kit Kat. She threw it towards him and he caught it. “Dude.” Said Brad. Mike just stared at the king-sized bar. “I guess when you raise your hand you get something sweet.” Whispered Mike towards Jazz.

Cool, maybe the teacher isn’t so bad. At least I have lunch today. You know after answering those questions. Why are all the girls smiling and giggling at me? I have to ask Jazz about this, ‘cause I’m scared.
Contuined: Chapter Three


My third hour teacher, Mr. Daniels is my art teacher. You know the teacher that barks at you when he likes you and growls when he doesn’t. Jazz, Joe, and me have the same class and we both are still wondering if his married and the hair on his head is fake or real? I just can’t tell. Today we here listening to him about our next assignment.

Mr. Daniels walked around watching the many artistic students draw, paint, and color their heart out. He stopped over at Mike and stared at his picture. “Mike what is this suppose to be?” He asked. Jazz looked over from her painting. “Well it’s a solider with wings. Kind of like humming bird wings.” Mr. Daniels placed his index finger on his chin and thought to himself. He dug into his pocket and peeled off a gold star. “A gold star for a star student,” he placed the sticker on Mike’s forehead and walked away. Mike looked annoyed. “Dude that man is on crack.” Said Joe, as he walked over to Mike. Jazz giggled. “What are you laughing at?” Said Mike. “Mr. Daniels is really weird. He really likes you two.” Joe crossed his arms and smirked. “He also likes you he’s always calling on you.”

“Hey, I’m not doing this on purpose. It’s freaking me out.” Mike smiled. “Now you know how I feel about Mrs. Crawford.” Then a boy from the newspaper room walked in. He exchanged a few words with Mr. Daniels and walked over to the trio. “So which one of you is Mike?” Mike stood up. “Well, Anne showed my your little ‘Guide’. Truthfully, I thinks its stupid that a little freshmen knows oh so much about high school.” Mike just raised his eyebrow. “So are you saying my work is worthy enough?” The boy named Jake just crossed his arms. “I don’t need any it all freshmen telling the school what to do. Everything about that guide is stupid and frankly you’re even stupid for writing it.”

Jazz jumped up. “Hold on. What makes you think you can do better?” She roared. Mr. Daniels looked up and smiled. Joe stared back at the teacher with a questioning look. “What are you his girlfriend? I wouldn’t let a woman tell me what to do, because you just earned yourself another title a loser.” Jazz clenched her fist. “First of all you don’t know anything about me.” Jake just laughed. “I know a woman when I see one and you just sit your pretty self down and work on becoming a housewife.”

3...2...1 She’s going to explode.

“Why you little...” then she charged at him, Mike grabbed her by the waist and charged to restrain the angry girl from knocking him out. Joe helped out as Mike raised Jazz over his shoulder. “I would run you are now on her hit list. Run now!” Jake just snorted at them. “Whatever, Just no this I can make a better guide then you.” Jazz pounded on Mike’s back. “You better let me down.” She ordered. “You promise not jump him.” Jazz sighed. “Humph. All right.” Mike placed her down and she turned towards Jake. “Well I bet for the first issue you guys should have contest, Let the student body decide then who wins gets their guide in the newspaper. But Mike is going to win he has more experience then you.” Jake outstretched his hand. “Okay, we shake on it.” Mike shook his hand. When they were down shaking Jazz lunged for him again. But Mike grabbed him.

Jake left the classroom. “Why didn’t you let me punch him?” Mike smiled. “Save that energy for something worth hitting.” Jazz grinned. “Like you?” Mike laughed. Joe tapped Mike on the shoulder. “Ahhh!” Yelled Jazz. Mr. Daniels was videotaping them. “What are you doing?” Cried Jazz. “Your angry is art. Angry gives out beautiful art.” Jazz backed her seat up. “Dude I told you he’s on crack.” Jazz stared at Mr. Daniels with worry. “Yeah, what you call art is a freak enternment.” Joe walked over to Jazz. “Considering the fact your chest is coming out your shirt.” Jazz growled and fixed her shirt. After punching Joe.


After a crazy third period and half my fourth hour was math. So my lunch hour takes up most of that time. Today the whole gang is here. Chester, Joe, Brad, Rob, Jazz, Samantha, and Anne, Your wondering why I didn’t go off on Jake. Maybe because I don’t want any enemies and my mom will try to embarrass me. Like she did in second grade when a bully stole everyone’s lunches and my mom came up to my school after school. Chased the boy down and he didn’t come back for like a week. Simple fact is that I have Jazz for all that.

“So Jazz was going to beat him up.” Said Samantha laughing. Joe nodded, “It took both of us to grab her and while this was going on Mr. Daniels was videotaping her ‘angry’” Chester took a bite of his cupcake. “So this Jake guy he thinks he knows women.” Anne smiled. “Yup, he told me to sit at my computer and act like the nice girl you are. He told me I would be the perfect housewife.” Rob took a sip of his juice. “So what did you say?” Anne giggled. “Nothing, I placed paint, food coloring, and paste in his shampoo that he has in his book bag. So after practice he’s going to be in for a bit surprised.” Jazz laughed. “Dirty, dirty girl, I didn’t know you had that in you.”

Brad stared at Anne with a look of surprise. “I fear you now.” Everyone laughed. “That’s what he gets. Me a housewife yeah right.” Mike walked over with a bottle of water. “Are telling them what happened in third hour?” Joe nodded. “You’ll win Mike. Even though he’s a senior he basically has his own views. Twisted views on high school, life in generally.” Mike smiled. “I do too; however, I like to place it in a way people can understand it.”

“Hey you guys,” said Brad. “I was thinking that we should have another guitar player. Since Chester and Mike will be doing their own things then it would make things a little easier.” Jazz nodded in agreement. “Our own things?” Chester and Mike asked in unison. “Chester sings and you rap or all together.” Jazz smiled. “That’s a good idea.” Susan and Karen walked over with their lunches. “Hey, guys. You mind if we sit here?” Mike smiled. “Sure.” Samantha looked over towards Brad’s notebook. “What’s with the Brittany Spears stickers?”

“Oh, boy here we go.” Groaned Jazz. “Brittany Spears is the hottest, coolest girl I have every seen.” Said Brad. “Yeah, right she needs to put on some clothes.” Said Susan. “She needs to get a voice.” Jazz laughed. “I personally like Christina Aguilera. That’s a girl who can sing.” Brad shook his head. “I like Brittany Spears she’s better.” Mike rolled his eyes. “Whatever, her sister is taking over her job.” Anne nodded. “Brittany is getting old.” Jazz crossed her arms. “If I got married for what about an hour then I go around and marry a guy who has kids and another one on the way by another woman. I would hate myself. It’s just another excuse for her to get her career back on track.”

Samantha nodded. “Doesn’t his ex-girlfriend use to play on that show with Brandy?” Jazz nodded. “Brad was the one who dragged us to the Brittany Spears concert.” Chester choked on his juice. “What?” He said laughing. “Oh, yeah, sure Brad loved it. I think it was pretty cute when you two wore singing that song Lucky.” Said Jazz. Karen, Susan, and Anne both bust out laughing.

Wow, thanks Jazz. I thought we spit on it never to say that again.

“You guys want to see the videotape of them singing and dancing?” Everyone except for Mike answered Yes. “No! How? No, Jazz where is that tape I thought you burned it.” Brad stood up. “That tape has the best hours of my life on there.” Samantha rolled her eyes. “You have to catch me first.” Jazz ran from the table and ran outside where some of the kids were eating. Mike chased after her. “No you don’t! Come back here!” Joe and Rob watched them run around like a couple. “Aww! Isn’t that cute.” Said Susan. “Its natural for Mike to care for his friends even Jazz. She has no family to talk to. So Mike and her are kind of like brother and sister but make a good couple. Mike is like that with all his friends.”

Great Jazz. It doesn’t matter that people are watching us chasing each other. Another rule to follow, videotapes, girl concerts, and best friends do not mix. They
Awesome add!
I love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please keep updating!
I love Jazz and Mike yet I have a feeling he's going to end up with Anna
I also greatly respect the fact that you dont base these characters on yourself
LMAO at Mike;s mum aswell